You want nerf the killers, nerf the survivors !

Nerve all the killers, okay, now the survivors!

Decisive strike, 4 survivors with decisive strike is boring, and the perk of David (I forgot the name) and William, and many others... no! Enough, stop, the killers have become snails, too many pallets, too many windows + the distant generators stop !

What do you think about it ? Don't tell me "you don't know how to play", if you know how to play it's because you play against randoms, you'll never be able to win against the survivors who know the game and have a microphone !


  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Let's be honest Deadhard is the strongest exhaustion perk there is. Majority of high rank survivors still use it when apparently it fails 50% of the time. It's problematic perk because it allows you to undo killers mind game just by pressing a button. There is no outplaying deadhard in certain situations

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    You probably don't know how to play if you can't even name one of the most popular perks in the game.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Lol I eat Decisive Strike. It's tasty.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    > Too many pallets, too many windows

    Correct me if I'm wrong the majority of maps have very few pallets and windows, and those with lots are very unsafe pallets/windows. Coming from the dude yesterday where I had a blood lodge match with the FunBus™ into a Long Wall, Shack into Long Wall, and about 6 safe filler pallets in the middle of the map.

    There are serious issues in the game. Right now, pallet amounts aren't one.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    lets nerf cesive strike tto everyone starts tunelling

    i will be against ds nerf until they stop saying that camp and tunnel is an strategy

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510
    edited August 2020

    Nerf no mither it makes so many powers useless.

    Chainsaws are useless you already go down in one hit.

    Ghostface/michael is useless you already go down in one hit.

    Spirit it leaves you at 100% if she has stridor. (Most op change ever)

    It gives oni his power but does nothing to no mither since he can already be one hit downed.

    Trappers traps are useless because you can already be m1d.

    Doctors madness is nothing compared to broken.

    Legion/Deathslinger: Ha im already broken so shooting me with the gun and smacking me with ff helps me.

    Plague:pfft need to make me sick to make me broken? Im already broken.

    Obviously a s tier perk get on it devs.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Survivors have been given constant nerfs in the past few updates. You probably just need practice at killer

  • 999
    999 Member Posts: 36

    I agree it is the strongest, when it works. But at most it just buys you a couple extra seconds or helps you make a window or pallet for an extra loop or two, by no means would I say it needs to be nerfed or is OP in any way though

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    Killer is easy now. You have tiny loops that pretty much can't be looped more than twice on certain maps, doors in every strong loop area, breakable walls etc. You just suck if you can't catch a survivor in today's version of the game, or you suck at mind gaming. That's a big ol get gud from me, champ.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    No sprint burst is if you are good at looping you can put yourself in a favorable position. Dead hard doesnt give you that luxury only to undo a mistake you made.

  • ghostps10
    ghostps10 Member Posts: 5

    If you get hit by D strike then you was camping or tunnelling so you deserve it if you play like scum killers that leave people slugged are the worst kind of gamers scared of a 5 second Stun grow up you obviously have zero skill maybe change your tactics and you will get people when I use a killer I don’t even use perks and yet I still managed to get a least two or three so what are you complaining about

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    Maybe at the start of the game all survivors should start on hooks or maybe the dying state to make it more balanced tbh, way toooo survivor sided.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    you can bait dead hard make it useless.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
    edited August 2020

    I prefer know my periodic table of the elements ! 😀 I know the perks name IN FRENCH not english.

    If your killer is not able to go fast to the other end of the map, you're finished! If your killer is not able to counter the loops, you're finished! If you don't follow the weakest in loops from the start, you're finished! If you camp the weakest, you're finished!

    A chase = time for 3 other players to finish a generator. If the looper is strong and saves palets, your option is to chase the others weak survivors, catch and camp.

    I have known this game for more than 2 years, so I know how to play, even against tightly knit teams. I only notice that since the beginning the killers are nerve but rarely the survivors, just explain me that and then we'll talk about my abilities sir !

    Demogorgon, I cross the other end of the map but I need a recovery time, to let the survivors destroy my portal.

    For example 😛

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    I disagree. How does it buy "just" couple extra seconds. If i mind game you at shack or jungle gym for example, then you just deadhard towards the window or a pallet. Then i'm forced to break the extremely safe pallet, therefore reset the whole chase and you move to the next loop. You are now moving with borrowed time.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Azarov's is one of the more balanced maps because of the ability for the survivors to either get an easy win by splitting the map, or the killer to get an easy win by forcing a genlocke.

    I'll agree though, most Autohaven maps have a lot of safe pallets, but then have few windows. Swamp lacks both, but is large and works amazingly if you're immersive.

    Shelter Woods, I believe, is the map you're referring to there, and I agree the entire place is a dead zone.

    If I'm being completely honest, I think we need more pallets and windows, they just need to be significantly less safe (and we need to delete Midwich :D).

    Doesnt apply to you Karu tho, youre a good boy

    I mean, it is in the name :3

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Nerve all the killers? Most of them received buffs.

    And what is your problem with No Mither?

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Tbh i find midwich okay but it could use a fiew tweaks thats for sure (like making the 2 exit doors further away, other wise most of the pallets and Windows arent that safe or allows you to go to another loop)

    Swamp is annoying cause when the surv go immersive you lay never find them, especially claudette and jake lol, but when you find one there aint much he can do (except for 1 pr 2 strong places with windows)

    Cause the most annoying thing as a killer, like me, who isnt a strong rank1 killer but mostly a rand 7-5 killer, is getting looped for all the game as the surv can chain super strong pallets and windows, and that one mindgame that you fail will extend the looping for 5-20 secs. Even more when a jungles gym connects to a T/L wall.

    Another exemple, the macmilan mines where you have all these super strong windows in the middle makes the map pretty horrible to play for most killers against some one that can loop, as you usually have like 4 if not more windows connected.

    Azarrov is okayish, but damn does it have many many Z loops with pallets forcing a break

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Sprint burst is the best exhaustion perk. Its the most versatile, and it has a better effect than dh.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Bait it out early. Take advantage of survivors not watching where there going. Deadhard isn't hard to play against at all. The amount of red ranks who still deadhard into a wall during a chase is countless.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Nah that was the guy from the other day trying to get the Adept Demo achievement, he refused to delay the challenge when he saw an obvious SWF in his lobby with 4 flashlights. They all ran Tenacity, No Mither, DS, and Soul Guard and he apparently only got two hooks despite the fact that everyone on the team was constantly one hit, and then had the audacity to complain about them LMAO

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I'd say if they just adjusted DS to only function as anti tunneling perk (it doesnt only work like this) and then started buffing the weakest killer and survivor perks not necessarily up to meta standards but just semi meta. Not saying DS is the only one in need of some nerfing/changing but besides like OoO I dont really think any other perks are bad for the game...on the survivor side.

    I play mostly killer so I cant say which perks are terrible for the game for killer. I am guessing Noed? But I dont really care about that one so nerf away. Maybe Pop? But considering as you yourself said, that gen times are a problem maybe they should work on that first. Maybe give killers a base 5% gen regression or something like it on their kick. And make Pop just "add" an additional 20% so it goes up to 25%. Thats nerfing pop while dealing with gen speed, just a bit.

    Honestly beyond bad spawns/early game I dont have a big problem with most things in the game. I would wish as I said OoO and DS got changed. OoO so its not such a massive power house in the hands of a SWF and a terrible ability to go against. And DS to actually counter tunneling without also letting them do stupid ######### because they know they can get away with it. Like unhooking/working on a gen in front of the killer.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259
    edited August 2020

    I feel as though this is a bait thread, but it's hard to tell these days, so just in case you are serious...

    If you are going to complain about perks, at the very least take time to look them up. Also this game is far from being in favor of the survivors. Sure there are a couple broken combos such as Decisive and Head On or Decisive and Unbreakable but it's the perks that could use minor tweaking, not giving survivors a nerf all together. As someone who has been playing since release and plays a fair amount of both sides I have never seen the game in more favor of the killers than it is now. Nurse, Billy, Spirit and Freddy are free 3 man games as long as the player is at least mediocre, Killers consistently get hits that shouldn't connect, Killers have more perks than ever to completely bring the gen repair to a grinding halt, The number of pallets and windows were reduced significantly, Tiles were changed to make loops easier for killer, Infinites were fixed (which actually needed to happen) and to top it all off Killers still have broken add-ons that can end chases in 30 seconds as well as an offering that can immediately remove you from the game after first hook.

    And BTW I can consistently four man against SWF groups with Billy, Michael, Oni, Huntress, etc.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    You claim to know this game and yet....

    Pallets have already been nerfed.

    Mega loops were nerfed and yet bloodlust was not removed

    Healing Nerfed

    Items Nerfed

    DS was already nerfed at one point, MoM was rendered useless by all accounts (I don't use either of these so pls correct me if I'm wrong)

    Generators were nerfed, as per request, so that it made working together on a gen less profitable, now people complain that survivors split up and gens have to be slowed even more, way to move the goalpost to suit yourself there guys.

    Now, im not protesting these nerfs. I'm the type of player who has found a way to play without 'crutch perks' (christ i hate that term), and i do fairly well with whatever changes come my way. Maybe some things need looking at, but frankly you declaring that survivors haven't been nerfed is either willfully ignorant or an uninformed view.

    BALANCE, actual BALANCE, requires decisions that better the game. The whole attitude of "We got nerfed on this, so tit for tat fellas, time for the other side to get a nerf" is stupid.

    Also while again, I'm happy for balance changes for both sides, and if the devs decided to nerf things like DS or DH i wouldn't complain, I would like to point out that just because its harder to deal with survivors who know the game or have coms, doesn't mean its impossible, plenty have done it.

    There is a learning curve and everyone has to climb it, instead i see too many people hit that curve and people from both sides scream for the other side to be handicapped a little more, rather than using their time to beat that curve.

  • 999
    999 Member Posts: 36

    Because either A. The killer baits your dead hard meaning you bought yourself an extra second or two, or B. You make it to the next loop where you're one shot, and ultimately ends up being a mind game. There's occasions where you'll have great positioning and there's occasions you'll have poor positioning. And I believe if you have good positioning you should be rewarded. I say it buys you "an extra second" because after one good dead hard all the killer needs to do is get right up on you and click M1 without lunging which gives no reaction time. It's super counter-able and against good killers the perk is nearly rendered useless after they've caught on

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
    edited August 2020

    Buffs ? Ha yes Legion, Billy, Nurse, Wraith, Spirit.. I pass Bubba, the only thing where he was excellent was the camp... This character is planned for the camp but no, we take out the only thing that made him fun and useful !🤣

    I tested Bubba yesterday and it really sucks but I won, because you just have to use an obstacle to avoid your chainsaw, and as in this game it's full of obstacles so you never use your chainsaw ! You can try the chainsaw on the hook, I did it and fortunately it worked, but it's dangerous now = more frustrating (as always).

    "No mither" ?

    Do you know me, sir ? No because you would know that I'm not on PC but Xbox one, so I haven't had the pleasure to know these changes yet.. If it's also on Xbox I haven't seen any change...

    I didn't see any difference on the generators, the game always ends in 5 minutes, despite my relentlessness to chase the 4 survivors... I understood that my only chance against the teams SWT or SWAT or Micro, or what you want, is the camping ! If they don't come to rescue their friend in the basement I'm going to look for them, and so far it's working, because I have Billy and Legion's perk for the generators so I know who leaves his teammate in the basement or not. However sometimes I am too stubborn and only hunt one survivor (the toxic tbag), frustrating LOL... sometimes I never catch it because obstacles, obstacles, obstacles.. obstacles again ! If you say it's changed, well, that's just what I want ! 🤗

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    All these changes have been implemented on ALL platforms. Just because you don't see the difference or didn't bother following patch notes, does not mean that the changes have not been made. So i don't have to know you in order to point out yet again, that all the things you have complained about in your original post, have been nerfed already.

    If you are going to accuse the other side of not receiving the same treatment as killers when it comes to nerfing, you may wish to do some research.

    At the end of the day you are able to voice your opinions on here as much as anyone else, with the understanding that A) Not everyone has to agree with you and B) If you make blanket statements that are not based on any kind of fact you can find with about 5 mins research....your opinion will look to be on less stable ground than you started with.

    I'm not being mean, but i am being truthful.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    That's all I've been doing since I bought this game, following the changes and hoping that the game will become a horror game and not a rodeo game!

    I didn't notice anything because it's always loop on loop, tbag on tbag... What change ? The ones that trap you in the rocks? The bug of the sound of the suffering survivors, the birds that do not move, the teleportations, the survivors who squat an obstacle in height... these are facts...

    I've read a lot of people complaining about the generators, the distance from the generators, and the size of the map... that's a fact too! Do a search I'm not the only one!

    I'm not asking to agree, I'm asking to debate! Ignore the problem and the more you play without a killer, it's a logical fact !

    I feel you a little aggressive so..😯

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Or how about we nerf the stuff that needs to be nerfed and buff the stuff that needs to be buffed instead of boiling it down to 2 sides?

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I have actually been rather polite. Pointing out facts isn't in any way aggressive, and if i were deemed to be so, I'd have little bars on my avatar so....

    Also i don't believe i in any way denied that certain parts of the game need looking into. So not really sure why you need to underline 'facts', most of us will happily go along with changes because we love the game. Some people will yell and argue the matter but they tend to not look at things from both sides. And that in itself is also a fact.

    If you wish me to outline it again, i'll do so. If you want changes then of course, ask for changes. But try doing so without the age old us v's them argument, it does nobody any good and its never a 'balanced' argument if most of your point is "It's their turn now"

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    "Or how about we nerf the stuff that needs to be nerfed and buff the stuff that needs to be buffed instead of boiling it down to 2 sides?"

    No understand it 🤣

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Its simple. If somethings BS on the killer side, Nerf it. If something on the survivor side is BS, Nerf it. If something is too weak on the killer side, Buff it. If something is too weak on the survivor side, Buff it. Why boil it down to "This good, this bad?"

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Nerf them both in ways that improve the overall game.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Maybe in english it's simple, but when i translat..🙃

    The easiest way is to play without a perk. Dbd without perks...