The unfair standard survivor mains set for us killers



  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Fine is a relative term. I'm not sure a top nurse can beat a top swf any more. I know a top billy or freddy can't.

    Fixed and buffed are semantics, it's still a huge advantage for survivors. They mention in those notes that they cant list every change, but those maps that got tile tweaks are the ones that love to spawn long walls now.

    They made a couple of maps smaller, crap like mothers dwelling, ormond, azarovs, and rotten fields are still massive.

    God forbid a killer can cross a map in time to pressure a gen. What would the survivors do if they couldn't wrap up a match in 4 minutes? Oh, maybe use the insanely overpowered meta and 15 safe pallets per map to actually engage with the killer

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    A top nurse can still beat top swf. A freddy can too actually. A too swf always had the advantage and billy while being good in the right hands falls short.

    Even with these so called "buffed" vault I still take steps and get hit. Hit validation did nothing neither did fixing momentum. The maps they listed sure they spawned long walls but most maps only have like 1-2 jungle gyms at max only one I see have more than 4 is blood lodge.

    The maps still can not be too small any experienced killer knows a gen protector build would become metanand too easy to use and win.

    I never said I want the killer not to he able to pressure gens maps still shouldn't be extremely small.

    You should put your killer agenda aside nobody wants 4 minute say on average you get 10-11 pallet spawns per game. I actually had a 6 pallet game on azarovs resting place it was so bad a double pallet spawned.

    The mwtq isnt "op" it discourages too ways to play. Even then you can still do both of them as they are 1 time uses.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    And I can swing with the survivor still in the vault animation and hit wall. If it takes half of a solo gen just to cross the map, the map is too big.

    Do you want to know how many 4-6 minute games I've had this week alone? 4, and I only play about 4 games a day, so about 1/3rd of my games are gen rushers. So yeah, quite a few people want 4 minute games.

    I broke 13 pallets on lerys and saw at least 3 more. There's usually 4 per corner on a coldwin map, usually jungle gym into cow tree, into shack, into jungle gym.

    The meta is absolutely overpowered. Dead hard for distance saves 4 downs per match in average in my games. Ds and unbreakable deny 2 downs for each player. I need to start filming these matches for you people, see what you have to say with actual video evidence of how broken this game is.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Pump gen times up to 120 seconds and you could do actually more. Pressing M1 is really hard stuff.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Nowhere do I see that they made tiles stronger. The point of that patch was to make them weaker and more fair. You can ask a dev if you still want to believe the stuff you're saying.

    I never got a sabo squad that's fast on gens. It means that 1 person is looping and 1-2 people are trying to sabo for the save. That's not 3 people on gens all the time. Here's a recent game of mine to prove that I'm not talking out of my ass. They got a few saves with sabo but it wasn't worth it when they all died with 2 gens left.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    That's an exaggeration heavy exaggeration. I want video proof. If you are gonna record your game you better be good or I'm gonna call put mistakes you make. You should not be able to cross the whole map in 15-20 seconds that's unrealistic and shouldn't be the standard. It would make getting pressure too easy.

    If you only play 4 games a day then I cant help you play more and you would see. If you are having consistent short games it's you. You have to pressure get downs. You dont consistently get gen rushed. Did you consider you were the problem?

    Lerys has a bunch of pallets alot of which you can side step for easy downs. 16 is also the max pallet spawn if you didnt know. 4 per corner seems exaggerated especially with how pallet spacing works.

    The meta is stale not op. Dead Harding for distance is optimal play it extends the loop an extra 10 seconds. If you ar being denied downs by DS and unbreakable that means you are tunneling and slugging for no reason.

    Once again please record your games and show us.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I've been playing 4 games lately, because I got burned out. I'm currently rank 2, so not some green rank chucklehead that's complaining.

    There was one game where the genrush was my fault. The others... well, I am constantly in chase, downing survivors in under a minute, breaking off to pressure gens, and they're still done in 5 minutes, it's a problem.

    Yeah, I will clear some room on my ssd and start recording. Cant wait to hear the "bruh, you're playing wraith/clown/deathslinger/bubba, i cant believe you have the audacity to expect the game to last for than 6 minutes, git gud and learn to pressure 4 head:.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I never thought you were bad at the game or an inexperienced player I did however not want you to be inexperienced and make anton of mistakes and blame survivors.

    Alright I do agree sometimes gens go fast I actually seen a tru3 video where he had short chases and had lost many gens. For this I can say tun corrupt it's a good perk. That's why I'm excited for start game collapse you have time for early gen pressure and that's really good.

    Bubba is really good now you can 4k with him you might want to improve but the others get gen rushed heavily so corrupt ok them would not be a problem. But I'll wait to see your gameplay before making any big assumptions.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332
    edited August 2020

    It's true that that survivors will nit pick top tier streamer players making one slight mistake by colliding for the most minimal 0.1 seconds against a hidden bush object or something and then declare that's why the killer deserved to get gen rushed and should play better.

    But the dev have been working on all the issues you bought up.

    Maps have been made smaller. Loops reduced. More windows boarded up to stop infinites or easy looping. Killers with anti-looping potential such as Death Slinger and PH are also examples of the reaction to this. The devs are listening.

    The major problem is that SWF is busted and can't be balanced around and the idea of making the average solo also SWF tier is not fun. No one finds swf fun. They need to go, not rise everyone else to the absolute horrible experience that it is playing with them. The second problem is that the maps are empty and the game becomes very monotonous very fast if you don't have half of the major cast strongest perks unlocked. This is also true for survivors, looping shouldn't of ever become meta. There should of been other stuff on the map that made them have better choices and interesting chases such as more stuff for them to hide in or interact with, but because vaults and pallets are both their bread adn well as all they got. It would be insane for them to not build their entire game around time wasting with them.

    The EGC does nothing. It's just a T-bag timer really.

    And the offerings are virtually worthless for killer while survivors can get some uses out of offerings. A killer wants control over the flow of the game more-which is why egc was so loved when it was announced. It was potentially a period in the game where time cuold be on their side but then the 99% issue rose up and now survivor control that too- almost all killer offerings don't do anything to give them control of the match in anyway. If anything some of them are detrimental....split up survivors so they can hammer 4 gens are once....why...get rid of a chest...what they have more reason to do nothing but gen rush?

    This is also true for survivor. Most offerings aren't good unless they stack them as swf but at leat some of them can sort of make sense-like mist increase so they can hide better-

    The game got issues, sure, the map sizes and time wasting were actually being tackled. Killer is probably the best it's ever been besides from some lack luster, severely underpowered perks for the last few killers and a criminally underpowered hex system-although in this upcoming chapter it looks like they might be finally putting some decent hexes in the pool.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    My personal contention with this game is that when a killer is beat by quick gens, all survivors needed to do was hold M1. Sure you can point at the killer and say they made a mistake here or there, but ultimately it boils down to survivors held 1 button while the killer made mistakes actually trying to outplay an opponent with a fairly substantial amount of resources to stop the killer.

    When I win as survivor it barely feels like I outplay the killer and when I play killer in a match where gens fly even though I have fast chases, it doesn't feel like the survivors outplayed me. And it's very frustrating to feel you have to outplay people consistently so quickly over and over again, when the other side is sitting there holding a button and sometimes getting "are you awake" checks. SWF just exacerbates the problem because killers owe a lot of their momentum and pressure to lack of coordination between survivors.

    I don't even know if the speed at which things can go down is even the real problem...In Overwatch rounds can sometimes be finished in like 2 minutes or less if a team just wipes the other... but the winning team needed to majorly outplay the other. I believe this is actually the reason why you see less posts about killers wiping the floor with survivors in 3 minutes. The killer needed to individually outplay every survivor in the match while managing them all in order to achieve this. Even so, I wouldn't be opposed to a killer's ability to down a team quickly to be toned down if the survivor's objective is made slower.

    However, I would much prefer the survivor's objective to be made less safe (meaning they are more likely to interact with the killer), and more difficult (meaning they'd need to put in more effort for their win instead of just holding M1), instead of just making their objective take longer.

    It would be a massively different experience if the survivor's objective required them to do something more demanding under pressure. Right now the only thing that is demanding in any way is chases, and even then survivors want killers that give them harder chases to be nerfed...cuz having the easier main objective isn't enough, they need the easier chases too...

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    Your logic make no sense when the majority of players are “casual”. There very well may be a competitive side to DBD but it will never match up against the casual player base.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    That’s ridiculous and you know it. In purple and red ranks your ass better know how to loop or you are dead. If going by your logic the same can be said for killer, hold W and push M1 to kill a survivor. EZ. I don’t think so. Take that low quality bait somewhere else.

  • ghostps10
    ghostps10 Member Posts: 5

    I don’t even care any more about the DC Penalty I keep getting slugged just had a game with a Michael one Gen is been done pops off he’s evil within one person goes down I pop of my Gen he comes straight to me i’m across the map by the way leaving the person slugged hits me and picks me up I’m like hell no you don’t leave one person across the map then come to me And think you’re going to hook me I will DC in every single game and I don’t care there is no excuse for leaving someone slugged People moaning about unbreakable shouldn’t even be a perk if the killer leaves you should be able to just get up

  • LunaWater
    LunaWater Member Posts: 42

    I think the biggest crutch we deal with on both sides is like, instead of changing the base game or reworking the bases we get patched with perks to solve core problems. I don't think it's a healthy philosophy for the game nor does it consider the fun factor of the players in mind.

    A game should be fun and of course a PvP game such as this one is going to be frustrating sometimes but, there should be more room for fun times than there currently is.

  • mostlyghostly
    mostlyghostly Member Posts: 135

    You don't like slugging? I can see that you must be new to DBD. Always remember: the killer's job is to kill, not to be nice and let you escape