Survivor playstyle?..

Tjiani Member Posts: 78

I constantly see purple and red rank survivors make so many mistakes that are newbie Common knowledge... and I really don’t understand why?? Nobody is doing totems despite the fact that NOED is so Common... if they then knew how to loop the killer and not get hit... but no... the second the doors activate BOOM... 1 goes Down... there goes the other one trying to save the first... and there goes nr 3....

I can’t count the times i have been the only one doing gens, while the other 2 were crouching around the camped teammate... unhooking right in front of the killer time after time, not being able to loop more than 5 seconds.. running over hag traps, right into Bear-traps, healing under hooks ect.... are people really just this bad, or is it just a trolling Way of having “fun”? It’s completely ruining the solo survivor experience, losing time and again because your teammates are a bunch of potatoes... there is only so much one Can do, but when all 3 teammates are slugged before the first gen goes off, you know you are screwed... how on Earth Can people reach purple and red Ranks not knowing how to play properly? SMH please enlighten me?


  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Thing is, a lot of purple and red ranks seem so obsessed with playing dbd competitive. Like '*win*as many matches per day as possible' seems to be the main mentality, which leads to the approach of 'go in, rush gens, go out, rinse and repeat'...

    we can be glad that the game's mechanics not actually lend to that (even though we still have ranks) or it would be much much worse.

    but yeah, it's a nonsensical mentality, and they are were much playing the wrong game if that is their approach. and they are usually those loudest to cry how this and that killer needs a nerf because... they can't do their shallow routine playstyle.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Lol! And killers just play to have fun right? Your argument doesnt make any sense. Survivors have their objektives, killers have theirs... and no i dont consider a match where I don’t get to do ######### fun, just as much as killers don’t consider it fun being renrushed within the first minute of the game.. as killer you have a saying in how the match turn out, as survivor you are completely relying on your teammates, if they want to bodyblock you, unhook you in front of the killer, point the killer towards you... Well just too bad.. I Think most people play to win, so most people are playing the wrong game i suppose for wanting to do their objectives....

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    While, sure, what I described is the survivors objective, it's the how.

    When you look at how many of exactly that kind of survivor complain that, basically, the existence of killers ruins their fun, then you have to admit something went sideways.

    And that is what this is about: not that survivors do gens, but that they seem out to break some record or something without any hindrance.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    Why do you take this as an attack on killers? Nowhere have I mentioned that killers are the ones ruining my fun.. Do you consider it a fun match hanging on the hook watching your 3 teammates crouching around the hook, reaching second stage, getting unhooked right in front of the killer just to be hooked again and die??

    This post is NOT about killers, it's about being a good teammate, which this game is about if you are a survivor. So stop being so entitled thinking every post on this forum is an attack on killers existense. It's not.. But something has to chance for solo survivor, unless all you want to face is SWF in the future.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Boosted rank player's your getting heck I'm in green and I play better then half my teammates because I've played it for 2yrs 8months both sides so I know how to avoid getting killed most of the time and how to get kills I've been red ranks as both if a killer has noed or 3toeken DH nope nada zilch the big goose egg I am not saving your butt goodbye cya imma gone lol but so many times I see my teammates suicidng on saves because there dumb

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It happens in all ranks... which is saying something

    I have been on a survivor kick for a couple days... (not a good survivor BTW)

    The habits gained when starting to learn this game carry over to how they play when they've invested more time into this game

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It's way too easy to reach red rank. But that might not be a bad thing. Imagine if all the red rank games were filled with 4 great survivors and there were no weak links. The games would be rough for killers. Especially when green rank killers now are still getting Red Rank Survivors. (I'm a Rank 9 killer right now, and I get Red Ranks in my matches way too often.)

    I mean I'm proof that it doesn't take much to reach them. I'm rank 4 and I'm not particularly good. I can't loop for anything. I do gens and totems, and I try to make smart saves (sometimes it doesn't pay off if the killer is particularly tunnely) Rank really is just a matter of play time, especially on the survivor side.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    My playstyle is get chased.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    As a rank 1 killer I would be pretty okay with this. It can be frustrating to lose to good teams, but it's not as frustrating as easily crushing team after team of lower ranked survivors. I actually like playing sweaty and busting my butt to get the win - when I'm playing against skilled opponents. this is why we need a working MMR.

    You want to see a truly braindead EZ killer? It's not me playing Spirit against rank 1 SWF sweaty sweatmeisters. It's me playing Wraith against purple rank solo-q's.