I'm Sick of SWF

My highest rank killer is 30 (Pig) and I don't have any teachables except for Monitor and Abuse and Nurses Calling. Do you know how hard it is to beat a 4 man SWF team with ######### perks with all of them maxed out? Honestly when I get hate messages from survivors I'm just going to block them on PS4...
Sorry for the rant but I've had non stop SWF today and I hate having such a rank difference when I'm playing...
I know the feeling. I really like being a killer. Not just one, but several, but when i see multiple people, especially 3 or 4 at the same time, I'm tempted to leave.
Swf is basically driving me away from enjoying being a killer.
There's not much point in going in to what's likely a coordinated gen rush, and a carousel of rescues towards the end. Maybe one dedicated decoy that i sometimes remember to ignore because hy the time i catch them, the gens are almost done, and maybe one sacrifice because i camp the hell out of the hook for killing my fun of a longer match, several chases, a few hooks, win some lose some.
I'm just tired of almost non stop swf matches. I really am. I want to go after uncoordinated groups regardless of how good they are. I hVe a fighting chance, then.
Hell i even got a chat request when i played survivor. If my connection hadn't dropped me I was tempted to tell the guy to sod off.
I wish the survivors I team up with were more common prey.
2 generators, either open the gate. I save a survivor and it's just the 2 of us.
I slowly creep my butt the long way around. Look behind me, he's not there.
I get almost to my destination, then CAW! He's behind me. Zero stealth, apparently didn't go after a generator.
I get busted, run, get hooked in the dungeon, camped. He gets hit coming in after me. No apparent borrowed time, and a huntress guarding the door. Game over, man, game over.3 -
When I get chat invites I just straight up ignore them. Tempted to try and see if I can communicate with the Killer just to be like "Hey, these guys trying to SWF. Want help killing them?" Really ruins the game for me on both sides. Really wish the devs would just build seperate servers so that SWF can only go against Killers who want to go against such a group.
Wait? Very few if any Killers would? Huh, wonder why...
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@TatsuiChiyo said:
When I get chat invites I just straight up ignore them. Tempted to try and see if I can communicate with the Killer just to be like "Hey, these guys trying to SWF. Want help killing them?" Really ruins the game for me on both sides. Really wish the devs would just build seperate servers so that SWF can only go against Killers who want to go against such a group.Wait? Very few if any Killers would? Huh, wonder why...
Enjoy your hour long lobbies then since you'll face what happened before swf was introduced.
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@powerbats said:
@TatsuiChiyo said:
When I get chat invites I just straight up ignore them. Tempted to try and see if I can communicate with the Killer just to be like "Hey, these guys trying to SWF. Want help killing them?" Really ruins the game for me on both sides. Really wish the devs would just build seperate servers so that SWF can only go against Killers who want to go against such a group.Wait? Very few if any Killers would? Huh, wonder why...
Enjoy your hour long lobbies then since you'll face what happened before swf was introduced.
Already do since Killers constantly disconnect if two or more Survivors show up at the same time.
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Swf is killing my desire to be a killer. It really is. I really like being a killer, too.
It's almost constant swfs.
I barely play killer outside of rituals these days. It's about the only time i put up with swf. I'm playing way too much survivor, and not liking why, though i do enjoy it, too.
I will lobby dodge 3 or 4 swf.
There is zero incentive to put up with that headache. None. Nadda.
Overly coordinated try hards destroy the thrill of the hunt, getting a hook and being able to leave it without being swarmed, find someone else, wash rinse repeat.
They gen rush the hell out of the map like they know where all of them are.
If you chase the apparent decoy they're done with 4 or 5 gens by the time you catch them. If you ignore the decoy you might get lucky and disrupt their plans, but it's not likely.
When they do finish gen rushing, it's usually a carosel of hookings as they frantically try to rescue until they're hooked too many times then leave because I camped the hell out of the hook.
Like i was supposed to leave and let them escape?
It's a bitter sweet sacrifice, but i no longer care about the cries of an swf group, and will give them as much a chance as they'll give me.
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In the survey for the Shattered Bloodlines there was a question asking about what gameplay mechanic creates the most toxicity and the only good answer I could think of was SWF.
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Getting the toxic swf is what's killing the game. But not all swf do this some just wanna play with out friend's3
Im sick rank 1s in low rank games. 2 rank 20s but oh noes they have rank 1s in there group because it's SWF... have to balance the match making the 2 rank 20s and rank 1 just go against a low rank.
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I get playing with your friends.
Fair option would be to allow the killer to hear their voice chat.
Just seems like the only way to keep q times low and keep killer on level ground.
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Don't feel bad, most killers dislike SWF.
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dodged SWF? If I see one flashy boi I'm outta there!
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The devs are supposedly going to buff solo survivors to be on the level of SWF and then buff killers to be even stronger.. so far though I only know 1 change they made for this and that's letting all survivors see who the obsession is.0
Just dooge the looby.
I love making him wait in the looby, while I see how they put on their best equipment. After a while I go out.3 -
@jmaximo93 said:
This is just another rant by why the hell am I (rank 10 now) playing against a rank 2 and 6??? I hate SWF so much that I'm thinking of quitting until reset. I know the typical git gud attitude but I mean holy hell! I don't think I would hate it as much but the survivors constantly tbag and wait by the exit gate instead of leaving. I'm sick of it. I don't even want to know how it feels when you're a rank 5-1 killer...
My highest rank killer is 30 (Pig) and I don't have any teachables except for Monitor and Abuse and Nurses Calling. Do you know how hard it is to beat a 4 man SWF team with ######### perks with all of them maxed out? Honestly when I get hate messages from survivors I'm just going to block them on PS4...
Sorry for the rant but I've had non stop SWF today and I hate having such a rank difference when I'm playing...LObby dodging is the only thing yuo can do.
The only ranks that are safe from this red rank queueing up with low rank are ranks 20-18, you cant derank that far though
In case you forgot to lobby dodge and end in sucha situation again, identify the worst survivor and tunnel him to death. Maybe you can even catch the red rank mate trying to save his buddy and take advantage of that
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Attackfrog said:
I get playing with your friends.
Fair option would be to allow the killer to hear their voice chat.
Just seems like the only way to keep q times low and keep killer on level ground.
A killer will probably never hear a survivor's discord channel.
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Lobby dodging is the worst though! It punishes solo players too who have no choice if paired with SWF.
I dig a separate server for SWF than with solo players. That would fix a lot of issues I have with lobby dodgers
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I agree 100%, xmenfanatic. Problem is, lobby dodging is all we can do at the moment to avoid getting motorboated by SWF. I play solo survivor when I bounce over and play survivor, never once in my entire time playing have I been in a SWF, and I truly feel your pain... I do. This morning as killer, I had to dodge 11 in a row because they were 3-4 SWF. I gave up and started playing solo survivor, and watched the poor killer take it in action, knowing I was bait. Swarmed like flies when he downed somebody. Body blocking en masse. The same ol', same ol' coordinated BS. For the good of everybody, SWF needs to go or have separate servers... that's all there is to it.
Hopefully everybody did the DBD questionnaire and were truthful with what's fueling the toxicity in the community... and hopefully the developers will listen to the massive outcry.
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Dbd questionnaire, where?0
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the game
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@xmenfanatic said:
Lobby dodging is the worst though! It punishes solo players too who have no choice if paired with SWF.I dig a separate server for SWF than with solo players. That would fix a lot of issues I have with lobby dodgers
This will never happen because who would play with the SWFs then? Ofc noone because it is unbalanced
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@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameWhen I take a break from DBD and play racing games for example, I can always go back a few moments before I smashed into the wall/tree and analyze what I ahve done wrong. I identify my mistake and can work around the next time.
In DBD thats not possible. You will have matches where you simply dont know what to do different because basically you have to pray that the survivors play bad.
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@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.2 -
Survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8Q5TQ2L
Say's it's for the Shattered Bloodline launch feedback, but after the initial few questions it gets into wanting to know what you think is wrong with the game at the moment. And it gives you plenty of space to let 'em know.
Have at 'er, and give 'er truthful hell!
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@Keene_Kills said:
I agree 100%, xmenfanatic. Problem is, lobby dodging is all we can do at the moment to avoid getting motorboated by SWF. I play solo survivor when I bounce over and play survivor, never once in my entire time playing have I been in a SWF, and I truly feel your pain... I do. This morning as killer, I had to dodge 11 in a row because they were 3-4 SWF. I gave up and started playing solo survivor, and watched the poor killer take it in action, knowing I was bait. Swarmed like flies when he downed somebody. Body blocking en masse. The same ol', same ol' coordinated BS. For the good of everybody, SWF needs to go or have separate servers... that's all there is to it.Hopefully everybody did the DBD questionnaire and were truthful with what's fueling the toxicity in the community... and hopefully the developers will listen to the massive outcry.
SWF Isn't toxic by itself, it's the jerks in the group. Sort of like any potential weapon. A lead pipe by itself isn't very dangerous. It's the lunatic swinging it around that'll hurt people.
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameWhen I take a break from DBD and play racing games for example, I can always go back a few moments before I smashed into the wall/tree and analyze what I ahve done wrong. I identify my mistake and can work around the next time.
In DBD thats not possible. You will have matches where you simply dont know what to do different because basically you have to pray that the survivors play bad.
Yes that is true, but those are specific matches you are pointing out. Most matches you can actually learn from mistakes that you personally misplayed. If you don't misplay than the game mechanics just screw you over
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@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.Just because a group is swf doesn't mean they are good. You will run into matches were they are playing for fun and don't care about strategy. The opposite can happen where they are so coordinated and optimized even as the killer you don't make a mistake you can lose for it. Do I think that is fun, I mean people usually remember the worst situations. It is a game and you can't get every kill.
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
@xmenfanatic said:
Lobby dodging is the worst though! It punishes solo players too who have no choice if paired with SWF.I dig a separate server for SWF than with solo players. That would fix a lot of issues I have with lobby dodgers
This will never happen because who would play with the SWFs then? Ofc noone because it is unbalanced
I would! Doesn’t bother me to play against a SWF* group
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@Zanfer said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.Just because a group is swf doesn't mean they are good. You will run into matches were they are playing for fun and don't care about strategy. The opposite can happen where they are so coordinated and optimized even as the killer you don't make a mistake you can lose for it. Do I think that is fun, I mean people usually remember the worst situations. It is a game and you can't get every kill.
Ofc there are bad SWF, hell there are survivors out there that play 4 man SWF in their first hour, but does that mean that the opposite never happened and thus doesnt need to be respected when it comes to balance?
When you dont even have the possibility to get every kill, then theres sth wrong if you ask me
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@Zanfer said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.Just because a group is swf doesn't mean they are good. You will run into matches were they are playing for fun and don't care about strategy. The opposite can happen where they are so coordinated and optimized even as the killer you don't make a mistake you can lose for it. Do I think that is fun, I mean people usually remember the worst situations. It is a game and you can't get every kill.
Well, it should entirely be possible to get every kill. Full stop. At least as far as a trial goes. If someone will always escape, something is screwed up.
Over the entire time playing the game, I agree. No one is perfect. Not sure I want to run into the person that can quad every match. lolLike I said, I don't expect to get every kill. I honestly don't! Not even in a trial to trial basis.
I won't let people go unless they're at the gate or hatch (then I want them to frikking leave so I can move on to the next game! lol), and if I can get them all dead I will, but you apparently missed the part where I mentioned the 4:07 trial long, spawn to out the gate video where coordinated survivors not only got all the generators, but all 4 escaped. This, and really close to this is painfully common.https://youtu.be/rJqFxk8U0OY
No, not all SWFs are that optimized, but way too many are too close to that.
I remember the bad because that's basically all I get.
At best I get a carousel hook save kill because they hammered out all the generators within a few minutes. It's not worth it.I recognize an SWF group has odds of being people playing more in the spirit of the original game instead of just looking for a quick win, but I run in to them all too rarely.
Edit: all 4 didn't escape, but you still get the picture, yeah?
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
@Zanfer said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.Just because a group is swf doesn't mean they are good. You will run into matches were they are playing for fun and don't care about strategy. The opposite can happen where they are so coordinated and optimized even as the killer you don't make a mistake you can lose for it. Do I think that is fun, I mean people usually remember the worst situations. It is a game and you can't get every kill.
Ofc there are bad SWF, hell there are survivors out there that play 4 man SWF in their first hour, but does that mean that the opposite never happened and thus doesnt need to be respected when it comes to balance?
When you dont even have the possibility to get every kill, then theres sth wrong if you ask me
I agree, game mechanics and maps make that possible
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@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.Just because a group is swf doesn't mean they are good. You will run into matches were they are playing for fun and don't care about strategy. The opposite can happen where they are so coordinated and optimized even as the killer you don't make a mistake you can lose for it. Do I think that is fun, I mean people usually remember the worst situations. It is a game and you can't get every kill.
Well, it should entirely be possible to get every kill. Full stop. At least as far as a trial goes. If someone will always escape, something is screwed up.
Over the entire time playing the game, I agree. No one is perfect. Not sure I want to run into the person that can quad every match. lolLike I said, I don't expect to get every kill. I honestly don't! Not even in a trial to trial basis.
I won't let people go unless they're at the gate or hatch (then I want them to frikking leave so I can move on to the next game! lol), and if I can get them all dead I will, but you apparently missed the part where I mentioned the 4:07 trial long, spawn to out the gate video where coordinated survivors not only got all the generators, but all 4 escaped. This, and really close to this is painfully common.https://youtu.be/rJqFxk8U0OY
No, not all SWFs are that optimized, but way too many are too close to that.
I remember the bad because that's basically all I get.
At best I get a carousel hook save kill because they hammered out all the generators within a few minutes. It's not worth it.I recognize an SWF group has odds of being people playing more in the spirit of the original game instead of just looking for a quick win, but I run in to them all too rarely.
Edit: all 4 didn't escape, but you still get the picture, yeah?
My question to you is why do people still play this game when they are being screwed by the game mechanics heavily against them??
How much of "Well, it should entirely be possible to get every kill" really applies. Survivors can be stealthy never be seen, play tactically hide in lockers not show scratches. You might never see that survivor and they can escape. So should you be able to kill someone who plays on point stealth? The player should be rewarded for playing well, not that you should get the kill in every trail. The 4 minute game thing is just game design issue which we all agree sucks.
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Zanfer said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
@Zanfer said:
You can't win every game you play even if they were not swf. Take the loss and learn from what you did wrong in the gameI don't believe for a second that these complaints all stem from wanting to win all the time.
There's a youtube video that shows a coordinated team opening all 5 gens in -3- minutes! 3 MINUTES!
And escaping by the 4th minute! Because the video is not even 5 minutes long!
That's just absurd!
Pretty sure it was linked to in this thread, but deleted.That's largely the sort of insanity we're complaining about. It's just not worth the time, headache, or gamble when an swf is more than 2 people with me. That may not all be that good, but I don't like my odds.
Me? I don't mind people escaping so long as I maybe get -1- person, and the entity isn't displeased. I'd like the trial to last more than 6 minutes. I'd like some chases, some hits, a hooking or 3. It's rare I get a 4 kill game, and I'm okay with that. I may never see rank 13, and I'm ok with that.
Getting curb stomped by an swf just is -not- fun.Just because a group is swf doesn't mean they are good. You will run into matches were they are playing for fun and don't care about strategy. The opposite can happen where they are so coordinated and optimized even as the killer you don't make a mistake you can lose for it. Do I think that is fun, I mean people usually remember the worst situations. It is a game and you can't get every kill.
Well, it should entirely be possible to get every kill. Full stop. At least as far as a trial goes. If someone will always escape, something is screwed up.
Over the entire time playing the game, I agree. No one is perfect. Not sure I want to run into the person that can quad every match. lolLike I said, I don't expect to get every kill. I honestly don't! Not even in a trial to trial basis.
I won't let people go unless they're at the gate or hatch (then I want them to frikking leave so I can move on to the next game! lol), and if I can get them all dead I will, but you apparently missed the part where I mentioned the 4:07 trial long, spawn to out the gate video where coordinated survivors not only got all the generators, but all 4 escaped. This, and really close to this is painfully common.No, not all SWFs are that optimized, but way too many are too close to that.
I remember the bad because that's basically all I get.
At best I get a carousel hook save kill because they hammered out all the generators within a few minutes. It's not worth it.I recognize an SWF group has odds of being people playing more in the spirit of the original game instead of just looking for a quick win, but I run in to them all too rarely.
Edit: all 4 didn't escape, but you still get the picture, yeah?
My question to you is why do people still play this game when they are being screwed by the game mechanics heavily against them??
How much of "Well, it should entirely be possible to get every kill" really applies. Survivors can be stealthy never be seen, play tactically hide in lockers not show scratches. You might never see that survivor and they can escape. So should you be able to kill someone who plays on point stealth? The player should be rewarded for playing well, not that you should get the kill in every trail. The 4 minute game thing is just game design issue which we all agree sucks.
Going free, sales, etc. Don't hurt either.
It should be possible to kill everyone in a match unless they dc, or the killer does.
Possible is in no way a guarentee that it will happen. That's the important thing.
There shouldn't be a formula that guarentees a survivor escape with no chance of failure as much as there shouldn't be a guarenteed kill.
An on point stealth game still has the chance to fail, especially with numerous aura reading abilities, luck, and the hunting skill of the killer among other things.
Maybe another survivor will kite the killer that way? Who knows how Murphys law will happen, but it can.
The chances maybe close to nil, but the chance is still there. There's likely zero possibility that a person can never ever ever be seen at all by the killer over hundreds of games.
You're talking to a stealth heavy, objective minded styled survivor player here. Not bragging because i don't often make it, just saying that's usually how I try to win.
I have gone through games and have never been touched, or maybe not even seen.
As a killer, I played games where I have never see some players and they eacape. I'm fine with that.
Yeah, I'd like to see some tangible rewards for going stealthy on a sode note.
That 4 minute game is a good indication of how my games usually go when i play an swf. It's why I'm sick of swf. The design flaw is not that hard to reproduce, sadly. It may not go exactly that way, but it is too close too often.
Post edited by Rebel_Raven on1