General Discussions

General Discussions

Broken and Awful Killers. Devs don't give 2 s**ts.

Spirit. No counter. IW is countered by Stridor. Every game is the same. Hook. BBQ to closest target and/or proxy camp hook. You can't evade an invisible killer coming at twice your speed. Totally broken. Devs don't give a #########.

Pyramid Head. Broken AF. The ranged attack is too fng strong. tight spaces, through walls, corners... just pull out the ranged attack. Camp hooks and get 2 for 1. Nurses on Pyramid Head and increased range addons may be the strongest combo in the game. Broken af. Devs don't give a #########.

Doctor. In this case, just retire the fng doctor. It's not that he's too strong. It's that he is hands down the most annoying, unfun killer in the game. Look at your data. I guarantee more quits against doctor in early game than any other killer. You just scream all game because of static blast. Any sort of stealth is worthless. And good docs also ruin the only counterplay we have by shocking you so you cant throw pallets or vault or heal others. Half the time you face the meme build of an indoor map with distressing / huntress / overcharge / unnerving presence. How is this in any way fun for survivors? WORST KILLER IN THE GAME. RETIRE HIM.

I personally think that the devs are seeing how far they can go in screwing survivors since they want to push people to play killer. Soloing is a garbage experience since matchmaking will forever suck and you have at least a 50% chance of getting bad or quitting teammates. Solo against one of the killers above and how much fng fun do you think that is? The only reason survivors are tolerating this situation is because DBD is the only serious asymmetrical game in town. But I, and many many others will jump ship SO FAST when there is a decent alternative that doesn't have 1000 glitches, favor one side, and charge $10 for a gd skin.

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  • Member Posts: 4,458

    You never got taught the maxim, "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?" If you wanted the DEV to pay attention to our comments, you shouldn't not have written your essay or title in that way. I would 't listen to you either if you insulted me.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    I agree with alot of your points but attempt to portray them better people wont listen nor comment also this forum is killer sided you will be swarmed.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2020

    I get the feeling you will never find a alternative, even if dbd clones would pop out daily like battle royal clones today.

    You seem to be very biased and as a result, the games that would catch you, would either never be released or just die a month later.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    What rank do you play at?

    Doc excels at dominating lower ranked players and Pyramid Head does as well, to a degree.

    Spirit isn't easy to counter, but you can outplay her, she is just as susceptible to mindgames while phasing as you. Stridor doesn't counter Iron Will, they cancel eachother out, so you just sound normal. Most good Spirit's don't use Stridor anyway.

  • Member Posts: 963

    Who hurt you?

  • Member Posts: 682

    Some of your post suggests you're trying to play Hide and Seek when the game is Freeze Tag

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    I maintain the view that the main issue lies in how easily some powers are exploitable. but to fix that proper it'd need a complete overhaul of maps and mechanics, not just buffs and nerfs. and that will take a while, especially if the community doesn't provide good input.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Pyramid Head and Doctor are broken? How? Because they can force M1 hits which is totally meaningless as long as everyone pushes gens as quickly as possible?

  • Member Posts: 3,142
  • Member Posts: 13,036

    *stands up*

    His ranged add-ons barely affect it....

    Literally Wax Doll does 1 more meter and Burning man painting is 1.5 more meters

    So that is 10.5 meters of a ranged attack... you would be better off using his other add-ons as they increase the torment on the ground by 20 SECONDS, YOU CAN GET ALMOST 2 MINUTES OF HAVING TRAILS ON THE GROUND AND HAVING 2.5 MORE METERS OF RANGE IS "OP" WITH let me shatter your other excuse of him being OP

    Tight corners Huntress and Deathslinger also benefit at, so are they OP too?

    Pyramid Head hitting you through walls its literally a coin flip as you can see the marker that an attack is coming below your feet

    Corners I am pretty sure every killer benefits from

    Let me shatter some more shall I?

    Doctor is b tier at best, he may have gotten reworked but Calm Spirit, pre-throwing pallets, entering a locker, etc etc all counter him

    Spirit I don't have an opinion on as I could care less about her, other killers are quite strong as well (Oni has the strongest power in the game, being able to end a match in one blood fury, not saying he is OP but he can be so much stronger than all 3 of your choices)

    And before someone sends me a "killer main" comment

    That's not gonna work when I usually play dbd with friends and killer about 2-3 times a day

  • Member Posts: 262

    lol git gud

  • Member Posts: 542

    Do bones

  • Member Posts: 785
  • Member Posts: 5,270

    apply pressure

  • Member Posts: 990
    edited August 2020

    This forum is not killer sided, ever thought its you with the wrong mind set?

  • Member Posts: 794

    Calling the Doctor annoying and unfun isn't an argument - it's an opinion. All of us have killers we dislike going against, but most of us don't rage around in all caps when we play against them.

    And... oh look! Another 'Spirit has no counter-play' argument. Rather than re-litigate this AGAIN I'll just ask you this simple question: Is it possible that the reason you think Spirit is so OP is that you've never actually played as her before and don't understand how her power works or what its limitations are? Because the Devs keep stats on games, and if Spirit had a kill rate substantially higher than normal they would've addressed that.

    This is a game. If you're not having fun, why are you here?

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Green rank survivors, gotta love them lol

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I play the doc a lot. I don’t recall having many players drop against him. I’ve certainly had a lot with other killers though like LF or Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Spirit is counterable with clever play, understanding how scratch marks work, and listening for that noise she makes whilst phasing. Be inventive and unpredictable when you know she's chasing you. I've countered her ability many times.

    Pyramid Head's shot is powerful, but again you have a moment of the line of fire starting up, giving you time to move. You can hear him setting up, and a good dodge drastically gains good ground for you. His power can be countered by crouching, and all in all he has a huge pyramid head, so not exactly subtle.

    Use the lockers for doc, especially when his power up sound starts. Do this, and that ability is easily nulled.

    Basically, every killer can be learnt to face against, and you're not entitled to win every time neither.

  • Member Posts: 833

    so basically, i cant bully a wraith and a pig, clown everygame, i dont like this game plz BHVR fix your game and make it fun for us survivors, right?. 0 empathy.

  • Member Posts: 48

    I appreciate the folks trying to be helpful with tips. I'm an unboosted solo Rank 1 Devotion 25 and I know all this stuff. A spirit that can read scratch marks well and uses stridor is un-counterable. And even games where my dodges and clever maneuvers work, bear in mind I have 3 random teammates who most definitely don't even know these counters. P Head is a guessing game which way he's going to go with the ranged attack and it's quite wide. God forbid you end up on Haddonfield or Midwich running any of those long halls.

    Look, I'm not saying anything everybody in this game doesn't already know. I don't need to be 'nice' about it. The devs know this stuff is true. If any of you are seriously suggesting that these 2 are not broken and that Doc is not the most annoying killer in the game then I am suggesting you are being disingenuous. If I cannot claim these as facts they are at the very least very, very popular, and widespread opinions.

    I have zero expectations the devs are going to do anything about this because everything in this game is being massaged for the benefit of killers. Data released like 9 months ago showed over 75% kill rates but was then downplayed as out of context. I watch streamers make up challenges for themselves like getting 50 4ks in a row with multiple killers. How would that be even close to possible if they were playing evenly matched games? No, I'm not making a request of the devs here. I'm angrily stating that I'm sick and tired of it and I know many other long time players are too.

    They teased us with hit registration. Me and my friends actually thought we'd finally have an end to getting hit across a pallet stun or 6 feet past a vault or while in midair falling out a haddonfield window. Nope. Only for high latency killers. I'm tired tired tired of it. Lighten the heck up on survivors and let killers actually have to try for a 4k. This game is not balanced. The only way you ever have a chance in this game is 1) when the bad matchmaking works out in your favor 2) you luck into 3 teammates who are actually as good as you or 3) you SWF. Otherwise you're playing imbalanced and frustrating games. And frankly I can tolerate a lot, but making us also have to deal with OP and ridiculously annoying killers like Spirit, P Head and Doc... those push me over the edge.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Look at this posts comments hes clearly frustrated but tell me those are survivor mains right now . All dbd social media is infested with killer mains reddit especially.

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited August 2020

    If a survivor is not having a good time they're CLEARLY only complaining because the killer is good, and if you don't think they have counterplay then you're just a bad survivor xDDDD.

    Even though I'd argue that the person who says something like this is a bad killer, because if you think Spirit and Pyramid head have any decent way to counter them then you're either really bad at these killers, or never play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    No maybe a survivor got tunneled off hook or farmed in solo queue you sound condescending you arent helping the co NBC ersatioj at all.

    Spirit and ph have no real counterplay I just went against a good spirit stridor and had a good headset. There was no way I was winning I didnt have iron will she was a pc spirit too. A good spirit has no counterplay and it's a fact so does a PH.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I seriously hope you reread my comment to find out that I'm actually on your side with this, and I was making an exaggerated statement. I'm also referring to the people who say these killers have counterplay to be bad killers and/or survivors, because they're the ones that believe they can be countered properly when they can't.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah I see that now I have alot on my mind currently so excuse my obliviousness.

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