Rift progress 'nerfed' again?



  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    @kamisen thanks for telling me this because I just thought it was just me going crazy but this is scummy as hell. Thx for telling me this

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I am somehow not surprised at all that the developers would pull this.

    They have done far too many intentially shady things in the past to give them the credit of the doubt that this isn't intentional.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    intentional or not they haven't said a word now we know really scummy

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    BHVR logic:

    On one hand: We look scummy.

    On the other: Money.


  • manicmonday
    manicmonday Member Posts: 12

    I just unlocked the Tier 70 tiki cup charm.

    It doesn't glow like in the preview. I was expecting a loud, bright charm to proudly wear on my butt. Nope. It looks like crap.

    Im disappointed to say the least.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Anyone else notice how survivors tend to get more missions than killers on the tome? Now that's what I call biased.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446


    You need four survivors to start a game and one killer. If you balance the amount of challenges between roles you end up with too many killer players and queues will take forever.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    They do this all the time.

    When the 4 Year Anniversary event was happening, and they changed the spawn rarity of items and offerings, i took to the forums about leaving things out of patch notes and not informing the player base of the changes, because it wasn't mentioned anywhere.

    I guarantee there are a lot of changes we don't see or aren't informed on, and they should not and never been hidden from the player base. I really disapprove of leaving things out of patch notes, purposely or accidentally.

    Every change made should be given to the player base. Period.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    It doesn't glow? Really?

    I bought the rift pass because of that cup, #########, BHVR?

    I guess I'll just skip the remaining grind and go for the archive charm.

    Won't buy next rift pass until I'll see things Im interested in on streams.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Same here. I bought the pass because I thought the cup looked pretty cool. That is very disappointing to say the least. I'm still going to level up the pass to get my Auric Cells back. Won't be buying the next one, tho.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I wish I continued playing free to play games, because dbd is no different from them. xD Maybe only more grindy than other free to play games.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    Doesn’t matter for me as i already completed the rift. Get rekt nerds

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    I noticed after level 1 of this tome it felt like I didn't progress as far as usual, same with level 2.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    yea I noice this too this band ade fix for how daily are mostly killer ones?

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Interesting how Tome IV is only worth about as much as Tome I in Rift progress. Though it has also been a very easy set of challenges thus far (like Tome I was).

    Tome III, worth the most Rift progress, had all the controversial challenges like Dwight the Brave, Seizing Discord (two grabs in one trial), and all the "Hit X amount of survivors with a single use of Feral Frenzy" nonsense. IMO, it was the hardest challenge set we've faced by a large margin compared to other Tomes.

    Tome IV also has far fewer Collection entries than Tome III did (34 vs 43, respectively). Fewer Master Challenges definitely helps to make it an easier Tome once again, but also means fewer Rift Shards and lower bonus BP. Tome II also had 43 entries, whereas Tome I only had 33.

    Basically, Tomes I and IV are just inherently smaller than Tomes II and III due to fewer lore entries and, by extension, less Master Challenges.

    Though I'd be fine with these smaller Tomes if we could just nerf the Rift itself. I would much rather ditch all the re-skinned charms and shorten the Rift to only be 50 levels instead of 70 (and get a nice parallel to the Bloodweb system). The Free Rift would then have fewer "dead levels" between rewards, and the Premium Rift would lead to desirable cosmetics much faster (and likely be more enticing for it). It would be a tale of Quality over Quantity.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @VSLl Thanks again!

    @Dabihwow No problem at all <3 thanks for the appreciation.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @neko @Warcrafter4 @kaeru Yah, this reeks. I was hoping they'd take the high road, but it seems unlikely.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    No problem for a while I thought it was me goign crazy but now that someone else is telling the same story I actually rejoice but also hate that fact, its just terrible.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @manicmonday Okay, now that's a whole new level of dissapointment though! I thought it looked really neat. T-T

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794
  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Definitely good to know I wasn't imagining things. 😂 My brother plays too and he was like "you're just not playing as much" and I was like no I'm playing same amount - I played and beat Maneater and played through Until Dawn once during the last rift and was further ahead than I am now.

  • manicmonday
    manicmonday Member Posts: 12

    Sorry for bad quality pics, but hopefully yall can notice the complete lack of bubbly, bright goodness that the tiki cup should have.

    I was expecting a literal witchs cauldron of brew, instead its basically another shot glass charm. I even gave the game the benefit of the doubt and thought "Maybe it only glows when the match starts, and it looks lame in lobby?" Nope.

    I will say I absolutely love my dumb pizza Dwight jacket. Its loud and in your face, exactly what I hoped.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @manicmonday there is literally no steam, bubbly, witch-cauldron stuff! Even the rift preview is a scam? lmao

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Pizza jacket and the wraith and ace cosmetics are the only good things from the paid track imo, most the good stuff I find is on the free track this time. which is lucky I guess since it means I dont gotta pay to get the good stuff.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    Exactly. Many of us struggled with completing the rift because the progress was so sluggish. They addressed it and 'atoned' their mistake. They basically said they hadn't accounted for time spent in lobbies and thus needed to up the amount of fragments to make the rift attainable for a bigger audience. The challenges may be easier but they have increased the grind with 70 games worth of playtime (if you compare it with Tome III). That doesn't feel very honest to me.

    I wouldn't mind a smaller rift either to be honest. I already have a ton of charms that I won't use.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    The grind is way too much

  • manicmonday
    manicmonday Member Posts: 12

    See that ball of yellow light when I'm sacrificed? Is that the tiki cup fog stuck inside my Dwights body?

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It's a real shame when the only item I want is on Tier 63.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Yeah, I thought I just wasn't playing as much as I did during the previous rift... They should've announced the changes.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    It seems that there are more survivor challenges than killer, and this makes sense for an assymetrical game. If you don't want everyone fighting over the killer role to complete challenges, there needs to be more survivor challenges.

    The problem now is that if you only play the killer role then you are only getting 20% of the challenge rewards, not 50%. To fix this, the killer challenges need to be worth more.

    4x more survivor challenges? 4x the rewards for killer challenges. Balanced assymetry.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @IronKnight55 Agreed. Honesty would have been the path with least resistance.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    @manicmonday report it as a bug, maybe?

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794
    edited August 2020

    I'm gonna go ahead and bump this thread so as many players as possible has the chance to see it.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Atm i am seriously thinking to go afk killer and to farm rift points with that. Since i can't get more free time to play nearly two hours for one rift lvl... I am currently 10 lvls behind with 2 chalenges not finished. I have other things to do and to learn for univ instead of siting whole day and playing dbd... this is the first time i noticed how much i felt the pressure of force playing the game to finish the rift...

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    The whole aspect of forcing the rift onto players, no matter how new they may be, through the obnoxious pop ups that appear constantly, adds to how predatory this whole thing is.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    I'm fine with changing the rift. I'm not fine with them not telling anyone about it. I have 7 levels left of the rift. Thankfully I didn't buy it preemptively this time.