Wraith in its current state

So I main Huntress/Oni on ps4 and have been playing DBD for around 2.5 years now. I can basically play all killers pretty well except billy/nurse/hag.

I recently dumped 2mil bloodpoints into wraith(0 to all perks) because i wanted to play something new. From my 50-60 games I've played with him he feels not on the level of Oni/Huntress or even remotely close(which is okay but the difference is quite massive). I think he's maybe the 4rd or 5th worst killer imo(def. better than legion-clown tho). Imo a killer can be average and still be fun to play(especially his power). With Wraith i feel like your power doesn't really do much other than supress your TR. He's barely faster and you barely even feel the difference.

I'd say yellow windstorm should be base at least. I dont think they should make him perform actions faster tho as that might be a little too strong. I find myself always wanting to use green/yellow windstorm almost every game.

Given that I'm not an "experienced" wraith player I'd like others opinions on it especially if you do play/go against wraith a lot.



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    oi @Boss we need your experience.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Well for a start I would say his bone clapper addon and yellow windstorm should be basekit.

  • Jessbydaylight
    Jessbydaylight Member Posts: 34

    I feel like devs would never make a significant buff to an original killer like that ever(trapper could've used more than just resetting traps). Bone clapper is one of his best addons I'll agree to that but without windstorm he feels almost unplayable. Yes bone clapper and windstorm base would make him much better BUT I'd say windstorm base is probably a safer place to buff him.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    This is just 1 of many games with him.

    Maybe even my worst tho.

    I play all killers as wel and wraith the most and do very well with him.

    For me he's stronger than oni and huntress, but that is my experience.

    Check this out and if you have any questions just ask and I will see if I can answer them

  • Jessbydaylight
    Jessbydaylight Member Posts: 34

    Base Oni/Huntress are much stronger than him. Without windstorm he feels so terrible to play as while you could have no addons on huntress/Oni and still feel pretty good when using their power. I do pretty well with wraith my only problem is that i have to burn yellow/green addons almost every game.

    This is my normal wraith build

    Bbq, Pop,Corrupt and Nurses Yellow/green windstorm with Blind warrior.

    Whenever i go addonless i feel like i am barely able to pressure anything and end up with 0 or 1 kill(barely safety pip).

    Is there any better combo/build that you recommend?

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I agree he needs (depanding on how good the survivors are ofcourse) add ons.

    I actually don't use winstalker or blind warrior.

    My add ons are swift hunt with all 's - blood--(ideal vs blendettes)

    Or bone clapper with the 8 ball (it's a gray add on but don't know its real name)

    Coxcombed clapper (silent bells) with the 8 ball or with the all seeing - blood -

    Imo your perks aren't bad tbh, personally I'd swap corrupt with sloppy.

    The perks are the same as mine.

    It takes them more time healing and thus easier catching them off guard.

    What I try to do as much as possible is to injure as many survivors as possible.

    After that I start catching them of guard while they heal.

    Unless they are at a weak loop or just simply out positioned i continue the chase and down them.

    When i approache a gen I start using the environment to cover me as much as possible.

    Not when I'm nearly there but I try to plan my routing far before that.

    Otherwise they can see me coming from miles away.

    And the basics which some killers but also survivors forget a lot.

    If they are in a corner, like a 2 man gen, block them.

    So you can easily uncloack and get a free hit.

    Same with pallets, if you see them going for 1 (which makes wind storm good) try cutting them off and stand between the pallet so they can't drop it.

    A lot are confused and takes them a few sec to realise it's not working and move away.

    Careful not to stand to far back, but just at the beginning of the pallet.

    Otherwise the can drop it.

    That's my playstyle in a nutshell with my perks and the add ons I use.

    Btw a nice surprise, I sometimes switch sloppy or nurses for franklins.

    Especially when the all bring items.

    And they want them back sooner than later, especially with the new update.

    So another way to catch them of guard.

    Sometimes you can just stand still clocked at the item and they're back in no time.

    They don't see you when clocked and standing still, no effect seen from your cloack like when your moving 😬

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited August 2020

    Wraith has a pretty low skill ceiling. Which is fine. Not every killer needs to be nurse or huntress level. I do think he can be quite a threat with good perks but if you get too many safe loops than your uncloak speed boost is pretty pointless to use in a chase.

    A big problem a lot of Wraiths have is that because they're invisible they think they can just beeline to a gen in the open and get a quick first hit. Which is a silly mistake.

    I like to use end/fury on him and maybe a slowdown+location perk. Pretty standard. I think pop is a pretty bad perk for him considering he can't get fast, reliable downs. Sloppy butcher is good if there are no medkits. You WANT survivors to think they're safe if they don't heal and try to rush gens.

    A big problem a lot of Wraiths have is that because they're invisible they think they can just beeline to a gen in the open and get a

    Wraiths the killer I play if I just want to chill after playing a couple of games of a higher excecution killer.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    Hit and run seems to work best with him.

    Obviously if someone is in a dead zone, down them. But just a simple hit and recloak and find someone else does wonders for his map pressure.

    Plus always recloak after every hit and chase while invisible to bodyblock pallets and vaults and the like.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    I enjoy playing Wraith, but he can get some Tweaks. He is not bad at all, I thought he was the worst Killer in the game, but after playing him a while, he is somewhere around the middle.

    What should be done:

    Faster while cloaked-->As you said, his speed is too slow. Yellow or even Green Windstorm base, adjusting the values of the Windstorm Add Ons.

    Less noise while cloaked-->His breathing and his Footsteps should be well less audible.

    Completely invisible while cloaked from a distance-->Seeing his Outline when he is close is fine, but when he is far away, he should be completely invisible. This would help him on open Maps, you are not stealthy when everyone can see you from miles away on Blood Lodge.

    Lightburn needs to be removed-->Should be obvious.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2020

    It doesn't really work best though, because no one is afraid of a Wraith, a killer most easily looped to oblivion. Why would I heal against a killer I can so easily just loop? Even if he does catch me, he'll never be able to apply enough pressure or hook enough people faster than we can do generators.

    Wraith should have a green windstorm for map pressure by default, just like trapper should have, at the very least, a brown bag by default. These killers are no where near strong enough to not justify such minor buffs. Maybe we would see more less common killers if we made changes like that.

  • Jessbydaylight
    Jessbydaylight Member Posts: 34

    I'd be okay with lightburn personally as long as they make him invisible at a later distance and a yellow windstorm base. It's fair to have some counter to a killer imo.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Well I kinda disagree on you with that.

    BUT... that is a wraith in good hands.

    Ias I said I play wraith a lot and there is rarely a game where I depip on, most games I get at least a 3, but that's because I don't always slug for the fourth..

    What I do have to say is, after a hit don't let them see you when you move away from them.

    It keeps them on edge for a while.

    At loops when you see them waiting, just pretend to fully uncloack and they drop the pallet.

    His main weakness is the same with every other killer and that is a well coordinated swf on comms.

    No matter how good you are with him, 9 out of 10 times they get the better of you.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    @GoodBoyKaru 'Kay.

    @Jessbydaylight You're not in the wrong to really like "Windstorms", they're arguably his best Add-ons, or at least the best Add-on series he has.

    I wouldn't say he's impossible without Add-ons, but you're gonna feel an uphill battle if you play without.

    From my experience, there's really only 2 things i want changed on his Killer Power.

    1. Not my idea, but: Completely invisible to Survivors as long as you're far away enough. Being able to spot this almost-completely stealth-dependant Killer across the map with base Survivor abilities can just kill his play.
    2. More cloaked-speed, NOT "Windstorm"-base, that'll just give him a sucky super-lunge. Give him more speed while cloaked, then change the "Windstorm" Add-ons accordingly. Not only would i like this change cause more speed, but by also changing "Windstorm", it would make other Add-ons more appealing to a certain degree. I mean, you got Hillbilly here, Chainsawing all over the map, faster than Wraith, carrying a standard 1-hit, Wraith can still potentially be seen...Yeah, he can at least use some more speed.

    As for his Add-ons, the "Blinks" need an overhaul, they're near useless.

    The best they can do is support your other Add-on, like cloaking faster to get "Windstorm" or "Shadow Dance" faster.

    "The Serpent" is weird, it's really just a gimmick, but i can't find a good use for it, i'd rather just see it be something else, like increasing your super-lunge distance. (Which would fit the Add-on name, like how snakes practically launch at you to bite you.)

    Lastly, i don't like "Blind Warrior" - Mud, but that's of course only because of Blindness. It doesn't need a change, but as long as Blindness is what it is, i won't care for it. It can be a nice passive to block some Auras, but ehh.

    His Teachables are overall quite bad.

    I like his Shadowborn the most just to feel faster, but for functionality, Wraith doesn't really need it.

    I have no idea what to change about this Perk, best i can think of is to make the game be brighter for you only, but they removed the brightness Offerings for a reason.

    Bloodhound is okay i guess, i just never lose their trail.

    Idk, maybe leave this one as it is.

    And Predator even moreso not losing their trail, at least blood pools could be hard to see on some floors or in corn, but Scratchmarks glow.

    I've had the idea that Predator could reveal the Aura of the Survivor who made those Scratchmarks as long as you're within 1/2/3 meters of those Scratchmarks.

    This could be incredibly useful in loops, to see what they're doing, and it really fits his hunter style.

    It's gonna look weird to end this comment just like this, but this is my take on changes to him.

    2 things on him really just work for me: Successfully getting close enough to land that first hit without needing to chase (especially awesome with Exposed), and his super-lunge, especially when successfully pulled off at a vault or Pallet, or against Sprint Burst users.

    I don't want his base Power to change, and i definitely do NOT want him to have a cooldown Power, no matter how balanced it is. (Nothing wrong with it really, i just dislike being on cooldown.)

  • Jessbydaylight
    Jessbydaylight Member Posts: 34

    That's Basically what i meant to say, the windstorm move speed and the invisibility at long range

    Completely agreed on the blink addons, they're completely useless to me. Blink rework idea - The duration of the speed boost u get can be increased or your speed while uncloaking isn't reduced as much.

    Serpent is just like the meme addon a few killers have like speed limiter so i guess its okay

    For predator i feel like if you can reveal auras of survivors if you're on their fresh scratches for 2 seconds every 10/8/6seconds would be pretty balanced and fun imo.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Wraith's meme Add-on that counts like Speed Limiter is "The Beast".

    "The Beast" also grants faster BP gain, unlike "The Serpent".

    I personally don't care that it exists, but i never go for it on Bloodwebs unless it's the cheapest thing and want nothing else on that specific Bloodweb.

  • Jessbydaylight
    Jessbydaylight Member Posts: 34

    I don't remember the name honestly because i personally never use or get it either.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Well they're 2 of the 4 Common ones.

    So at least they're cheap if you have to buy them. 😋

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    thank you for your help lol; i might be a partial wraith main but i dont feel qualified to comment on him completely yet

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I mean, I would support a base power change if the only change was:

    The Wraith does not suffer from a movement speed penalty when uncloaking within 12 meters of a sprinting survivor.

    seems like a pretty solid change.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    future patch....

    Wraith gets cooldown bar rework

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    I think that if they made him harder to detect, they'd have to make him decloak even slower in order to balance it.