What would be the most OP Survivor perk for the Killer to use?

My money is on Fixated btw. Killers never sprint (unless you are Legion ect) so it's just permanent haste.
Honorable mentions are Kindred, Bond and Buckle Up.
Kindred. Went against a Hillbilly who had Kindred a few months ago. For tracking, its way better than BBQ, lol.
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Wait What!?
Also. I'd have to say Bond. Meet Mirror Myers but passive.
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Information perks.
Kindred? Once you hook someone, it's ######### game over man.
Bond? Best tracking perk for finding that first survivor.
Left Behind? Find that hatch easy if there's one person left.
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Old Freddy had bond lol. Outside his terror radius, you had wall hacks.
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Yep, that guy was a Hacker. And according to his Profile, he was also using Spirit with Bond.
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My money would be empathy on plague/Legion sense they both can keep survivors injured and having a permanent reveal on all injured survivors is game breaking.
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You mean like that one Plague addon?
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Visionary: Instead of seeing gen auras, you see gen auras BUT WITH A COOLDOWN!!!!
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Dead Hard, Imagine a killer dead harding through a pallet and just not getting stunned and being next to you
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...is how they would expect it to play out, but instead somehow the pallet downs them and uses up the exhaustion anyway
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Good one bro xD
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As mentioned with fixated. Killers don't sprint, so I don't think you could use this.
And even if you could sprint you can't get injured.
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I agree, 20% haste for the entire trial is the most broken perk to have.
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No, you're right, it's Fixated. The killer would be walking faster than cloaked wraith with windstorm.
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Jokes on you months ago me and my friends faced a hacker nurse using empathy and bond, then confirming she did, then called the devs trash coders
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Deja Vu on Trapper for those good 3gen traps.
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DS so i can DS myself after hooking 2 survivor because i was snowballing too hard
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That's funny.
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heh, a survivor perk that would be broken on killer?
Imma be unique with this one, Adrenaline would be pretty strong
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Besides the obvious Bond/Empathy/Kindred for Wallhacks.
IF Urban Evasion worked on Killers then slap that baby on Pig and Ghostface and begin crouch walking at 180% movement speed. (3.6 m/s + 100% = 7.2 m/s)
Balanced Landing might be fun for a surprise speed boost during a chase.
Hope for 7% movement speed (pair with NOED for 11%) during the end game.
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Instantly heals your self esteem
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Yeah, that would be pretty OP
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I don't get it...
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Urban Evasion on Pig and Ghostface. Keep in mind that Urban Evasion actually increases crouched speed by DOUBLING IT, not increasing it TO 100%. Because 100% would be running speed of survivors, and it doesn't do that.
Meaning that Pig and Ghostface could crouch around the map at 7.36 m/s. (7.2 for ghostface)
So while all the other killers walk around at 5.52 meters per second (Very fast), Pig and Ghostface can move around the map even faster, and Pig can do it without a terror radius. And in fact would be faster than her dash attack.
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Poor Trapper would finally be able to dead hard over his own traps.
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Any Means Necessary.
Pick up a pallet and allow it to be used again.
It's a joke.
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Rather than a perk, I’d think it’d be hilarious if I could pallet stun Survivors. They should allow it on April Fools or something.
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Oh ok