My Idea For A Pig Buff

ThatPigMain Member Posts: 8
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Power Change: Make the pig's Addon Rules Set No.2 Permanently part of the power and remove it as an Add-on. This will make the RBT's somewhat possible to get kills with.

Addon Change: To Replace Rules Set No.2 Make a new ultra-rare Addon Called Iridescent Ambush. Also remove the Razor Wires and Workshop Grease Addons as they actually work against her.

New Addons: Iridescent Ambush

Ambush attacks now inflict the dying state

Available Reverse Bear-Traps are reduced by 4

Available Jigsaw Boxes are reduced by 4

New Addon: Weighted Combat Straps

Moderately reduces crouch activation time (0.9 seconds)

New Addon: Adjusted Timer

slightly reduces Reverse Bear Trap Death Timer (-10 seconds)

Conclusion: I really want something close to this as a pig main because I only get 1 Head Pop every 7-10 rounds maybe 2 without running Tampered Timer and Rules Set No.2. Iridescent Ambush would be a little OP but would remove the RBT's that round. Most Importantly in this buff is the Permanent Addition of Rules Set No.2. Iridescent Ambush was just for fun as an Addon but The Devs should remove Razor Wires and Workshop Grease because they work against her.(Also I know the picture for Iridescent Ambush is bad but I just didn't want this post to be plain and boring with only words)

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    The traps don't exist to give head pops. They exist for map pressure and to get survivors off gens. If you are using them to get kills you are doing it wrong. You should trap someone and then ignore them (unless they walk by you or you see them trying to remove it. But then you just slug them and move on. Playing this way, pig can often get rid of any gen stalling perks and use the traps only and have the middle game slow down immensely.

    With only one person trapped you have 1 person not on gens, then the person you are chasing which is 2 on gens. When you get that down and hook now you have 1 person on traps, 1 person on hook, 1 person going for the save/healing and 1 person on gens. You basically give a survivor a timeout that lasts at least 30 seconds but on average lasts a little over a minute.

  • ThatPigMain
    ThatPigMain Member Posts: 8

    Even when using the traps for pressure they never do ######### every survivor just gets there trap off at the first box and it doesn't take long to search a box. then you have another going for gens and they get it off when your in a chase with the person you said would be hooked so then I have 1 person hooked,2 on gens, and 1 going for the unhook and healing if they even decide to go for it because they think the other survivor might go for it. If the survivor doesn't get it on the first box they almost always get it on the second.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Rules set should definietly be base kit, but I really don't like Iridescent ambush - it would be an even better version of iri hatchets, because you can use your ambush attack whenever you want. Way too overpowered, even with removed beartraps.

    My idea for an iri addon is to give pig a way to replenish traps, or just make them unlimited.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    That's the RNG nature of the RBT's

    It takes the same amount of time as mending and snapping out of it... unless you use the bag or crate of gears addon

    If you want to buff Pig by making Ruleset No. 2 basekit just making it work the same way with Freddie's alarm clocks... once an RBT is put on the survivor can only see the farthest one (which may or may not have the key) but the survivor can see all of them once the RBT becomes active

    Also I'd add another box by default

    I question the Iri ambush addon... making an instantdown addon isn't really a buff... it's a copout "sorry Pig mains we couldn't think of anything else to change... so have an instantdown"... good survivors already run to the next loop when they see a crouched pig at their loop so it wouldn't make sense for the ambush to have that effect

    The adjusted timer is another "sorry Pig mains... we can't think of anything else to change... so have another addon to reduce the death timer" plus having both timers at the same time would be (bad word) for survivors... a total of 110 seconds to search boxes

    I like the Weighted Straps addon though

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited August 2020

    And now i know i can ignore you. RNG is RNG, it's not going to happen every time, but even if it did it still puts them in timeout for 30 seconds. If you aren't able to find another survivor and start a chase in 30 seconds you are doing it wrong. A chase (including finding the survivor) should last no more than 1 minute. As pig you can crouch and hide and get the first hit most of the time. Also remember though RNG works in your favor sometimes and it takes the survivor to the 4th box to remove it.

    If ruleset 2 was base, then a survivor would just immediately hop on a gen after trapped. Ruleset 2 is actually bad. If i'm a survivor with a trap and i don't see the boxes, i'm just doing a gen, which means the traps become really bad for slowdown, sure you might get a headpop more often if you tunnel people with a trap, but you are going to lose more often.

    Pig is a chasing killer, your dash allows you to end chases super fast most of the time, you shouldn't be using the traps for kills, but for slowdown. Pig is like clown where she can down super fast, but she also has slowdown unlike clown whose only pressure is getting downs fast.

  • Demo_main
    Demo_main Member Posts: 13

    Making rule set no.2 base I think would be a horrible idea. It forces the survivor to do generators instead of wasting time getting the trap off I think the add on should just be removed and reworked

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Iridescent ambush seems feels underpowered if your removing all the traps for an instafldown than at least give less charge time, faster mobility, faster crouch, and shorter missed attack cooldown.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I personally think she needs Pyramid Head’s cage. When she puts a reverse bear trap on someone they teleport somewhere in the map. When a survivor goes to unhook them, a skillcheck will pop off, if failed, the trap timer activates.

    Saves time and also fits the John Kramer theme.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    "This instadown isn't strong enough, give it 5 more positives"

    Forums are an adventure sometimes.

  • ThatPigMain
    ThatPigMain Member Posts: 8

    yah if it was for traps it should make all traps keys the 3rd or 4th box

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    How about it makes all survivors go into dying state when you look at them? And make it so gens take 120 secs do to with it. That would be balanced

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    I feel like the only pig main that just wants her to be left alone?

    Some add on tweeks would be nice but out of fear of some god awful slow down cool down token based change because yeah that's what happens now.

    I'd just rather her stay untouched out of fear that they would really make her worse somehow.


  • ThatPigMain
    ThatPigMain Member Posts: 8

    yah your right I just want Rules set No.2 basekit and razorwires and workshop grease replaced or removed as they work against her.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    "I read the part where it takes out half of their power, the only thing keeping her from being an M1 killer."

    The forums are an adventure sometimes. At least it's not Iri head.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Don't make RS2 base. I've said it so many times that it's almosr a greeting to other Pig players on here.

    The point of the RBT is to force survivors AWAY from generators, and good survivors don't fear the threat of death from the trap.

    Not a fan of the Iri Ambush because I'm not only against a large portion of instant downs, especially ones like Iri head, but you are also trading Pig's STALL which while there is less, it is the stronger part of her kit. Yes, I try to use Ambush more, but if you get survivors having to search at least two boxes, that is a lot of time wasted that people don't realise and could chain into another hook or two.