I cant reveal or stalk as Ghostface or Myers

Kalamari Member Posts: 2

I tried reinstalling the game and verifying the game files but neither of those fixed it. Not sure how or when it started but now it wont go away and it makes playing against Ghostface a real pain and I cant even play Myers if its not scratch mirror. I recorded this on the ptb but it happens on both ptb and live version.

(I wasn't sure where to put this so I put it here)


  • krizzi20067
    krizzi20067 Member Posts: 3

    I have the same problem , I just cannot stalk or reveal pretty often and it's VERY annoying to play as / against. I remember the same stalking problem like 1 year ago, it was fixed but now apparently it's back.

  • Kalamari
    Kalamari Member Posts: 2

    Yea I heard something like this happened in the past but with those I heard that it was an on and off kind of thing whereas this happens literally every match so it kinda sucks sometimes.

  • Mystaria13
    Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

    I can’t reveal ghostface and idk why but it’s very annoying. I’m a rank 1 survivor and the reveal sound starts to play but never finishes and I’m marked. If I’m looking directly at ghostface and see 100% of him and he’s in the middle of my screen, why does it not reveal him? I can stalk as Myers at least! lol #fixorremoveghostface!¡ 😂