Why do survivors have a 4% chance to kobe off the hook?



  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2020

    Wow, so you actually just play like a scumbag for literally the dumbest reason ever. There is just no way that in every game survivors manage to jump of the hook by themselves. I have been playing this game since 2017 and I have literally jumped only 2 TIMES of the hook without luck offerings or Deliverance. Like this is a whole new level of absolute stupidity in this forum. You play like the biggest douche because of a RNG based mechanic that 90% of the time doesn't even help. Please get off this game and never touch it again. Or maybe actually play survivor just to learn how random the Take a chance of the hook really is before dumping your ignorance among us.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    Next Up On DBD forums

    Why can survivors have teammates?

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Because they’re “Survivors,“ naturally.

    If hook escapes weren’t a possibility in DBD they’d merely be referred to as “Dyers.“

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Why cross put the last part of your name scared to get called out for insulting console players?

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited August 2020

    It seems a lot of people read the title but not the thread. When I read the comments, I feel as if they think I am referring to the ability to be rescued off the hook, which I am not. I am referring to the 4% chance to kobe off the hook. I have editted the title to address this misunderstanding.

    No. The game is over. Once I slug all 4 survivors and none of them have Unbreakable, the only thing left for me to do is camp the hook until every survivor reaches struggle phase. They have 0 chance to win in this scenario.

    Lol at the people that cannot do math. Let me make even simplier. Assume no survivors were previously hooked. Each survivor has 3 chances to kobe. There are 4 survivors, so there are 4*3= 12 chances in total. Each kobe has a 4% chance to succeed. The probablility that at least 1 kobe succeeds is 1-(1-0.04)^4*3 = 0.387 = 38.7%. Here is a video explaining this concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwjQaJ5xt1o. This is simple highschool math. If you cannot manage this, I do not want to talk to you.

    It's a constant 4% chance every time a survivor attempts to kobe assuming no luck offerrings. The first code you wrote is what I am referring to. Every time a survivor attempts a kobe, this occurs:

    num = rand(100);

    if num<5 then escape = true

    Read my previous paragraphy for an explanation of why the odds are 38.7% for at least 1 survivor successfully kobing.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    "Luck" elements in gaming do several things. They can create upsets that wouldn't otherwise happen, which shakes things up for everyone involved. Luck can also shift the blame of things going badly for someone involved in a competitive game. Luck can also serve to allow elements that otherwise would be hard to implement in a skill-based manner. In this case, I think it's the ladder. Putting in a mini-game to get off the hook might SOUND fun, but it would give everyone access to it and make things much harder on the Killer. On the other hand, yeeting off the hook is an interesting idea, and I don't think the devs wanted to just drop the idea.

    DBD is a very inconsistent game that jumps around in where it's balanced, where it's RNG, and where it's fun over competition. It's just one of those things you need to accept. Luck/RNG elements are thrown in to create uncertainty in outcomes.

  • TheFrog
    TheFrog Member Posts: 56

    Nice bait mate

  • Walex90
    Walex90 Member Posts: 52

    No, all 4 of them should immidiately run to the basement as soon as a trial begins!

  • Walex90
    Walex90 Member Posts: 52
    edited August 2020

    This only proves that you're one of the worst players in this game and should get perma banned to make the game better.

    Imagine being such a noskill to slug all 4 survivors. Imagine giving survivors no points for a trial, and getting ONLY 12-15k as a killer, because you are such a noskill, NOT TO MENTION THE BONUS 104% CAKE. What pathetic level of IQ one must have to play in such way...

    I've just created a thread about camping/tunneling etc. and look! It has been removed! They def. don't care about survs. 80-90% of ALL killers play like c**ts, and they se NOTHING wrong with that, disgusting.

    >No. The game is over. Once I slug all 4 survivors and none of them have Unbreakable, the only thing left for me to do is camp the hook until every survivor reaches struggle phase. They have 0 chance to win in this scenario.

    Then you pick one, make him/her wiggle, unhook/heal others, and continue playing. Stop being a d**k. This game is not for you.

    This, but how the heck did you only unhook yourself TWICE for 2-3 years? I unhooked myself 7 times and I'm playing for like 3 months... and I'm not even trying.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    You are aware that with the lore of the game, survivors need hope for The Entity to feed off of right?

    Furthermore earlier you mentioned about survivors killing themselves; what if that's what they're trying? They'll try and escape the hook but got lucky- or depending on how you look at it, unlucky- and actually got off instead of speeding up their timer and then killing themselves and moving on.

    Also this seems like a pretty boring way to play nurse ngl. Try having some fun builds, like Devour and MYC, that the other team can have fun with too. Everyone wants to play a game not sit on the floor (or have gens go in 3 minutes).

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    just PSA, many consider Orion to be the forum's math wizard, so given the choice between the two of you for math, I'd choose Orion if only because of fame.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Lol at the people that cannot do math. Let me make even simplier. Assume no survivors were previously hooked. Each survivor has 3 chances to kobe. There are 4 survivors, so there are 4*3= 12 chances in total. Each kobe has a 4% chance to succeed. The probablility that at least 1 kobe succeeds is 1-(1-0.04)^4*3 = 0.387 = 38.7%. Here is a video explaining this concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwjQaJ5xt1o. This is simple highschool math. If you cannot manage this, I do not want to talk to you.

    How can the last survivor attempt to escape from the hook?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • Han
    Han Member Posts: 196

    Because the devs love giving survivors multiple second chances, or how they call it "an element of surprise". Is it fair for killers? No, but it's fun for survivors, so it has to be in the game.

  • RNG is never in my favor I guess and I only ever try to jump off if my team is not coming for me, everyone else got screwed or if I want to die on first hook for ######### teammates or douchy killer. Plus I do play killer a lot more than survivor.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,100

    That's incorrect. A survivor can kobe as long as any other survivor is alive, even if they are all on the hook. I saw it myself. I believe it is when 3 survivors are dead that you can no longer kobe.