Do not worry about the new graphics ruining performance console players

I tweeted at Dead by Daylight and they responded with this about the new graphics possibly ruining the performance.
I am cautiously optimistic and await it actually going live and see how it does...
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How are they more active on Twitter instead of their own community website?
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Pffft idek know man I think it might be cos there are more discussions on here than replies on twitter so it is easier to respond.
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It won't affect framerate because a new bug will make logging in impossible.
It won't affect framerate because DBD is now a png.
It won't affect framerate because they finally managed to nerf pig.
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*Laughs in PS4 Pro and XBOX ONE X*
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The frame rate was improving for a while then they forgot and the frame rate got worse don't worry they will continue to disappoint.
I'd be more optimistic but after this many years of consoles being in such a bad state performance wise i won't hold my breath.
Bloodborne is alot fun, I can't believe people are still playing online on that game.
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I also have a pro an although the game certainly can run more than 30 FPS it is still not 60 which it definitely should be. Especially since I can run modern warfare pretty well.
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Do you have the "Boost Mode" enabled, because my frames usually sit between 50-60 and I rarely get drops. BUT I often face the "memory leak" issue after 5-6 games, so I have to restart the console in order to get the framerate back to normal
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I'm worried about framerate on PC because the maps with changed graphics tanked my framerate by half, which really wasn't fun.
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Because most casual folks will tend to look somewhere like twitter or Facebook rather than these forums. After 2 years waiting for console optimization I don’t believe a word of it. 30 pages about console FPS gets nothing from them on these forums
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Yes I do have boost mode on
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60 FPS my ass
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Literally says 30 - 60 not just 60, lol.
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Yeah but it still says 60 and when do you ever see 60?
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Knowing how their previous messages about optimization, I'll wait until the patch before I trust what they say.
They promised 60fps on consoles in March 2019, so we are still waiting.
I just want a solid framerate so I can keep up with survivors as killer.
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Do you get 50-60 FPS playing killer?
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Ok I did some tests with boost mode on and off and I can definitely see a difference but I dont think boost mode is a solid 60fps (which it should be) my hope is that the optimisation patch will at least make boost mode a solid 60 FPS and non boost mode might just be able to reach 60 fps
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Sometimes it reaches 60 fps, but at least it offers a smooth experience compared to the standard mode. Or I'm just lucky xD
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I'm keeping my expectations low because so far their actions have spoken much louder than their words when it comes to the attention they actually put towards console. Rather be proven wrong with low expectations than get my hopes up and be disappointed.