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General Discussions

High rank killers using NOED means they have to NOSKILL

Member Posts: 272
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

Change my mind.

Lol but seriously. It's always the red rank killers who can't catch survivors during the actual game that have NOED as a safety net. Wonder how they'll manage get their kills if NOED gets nerfed.

I do love cleansing their Hex totems though.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 272
  • Member Posts: 5,612

    It is weird when im facing a good spirit and barely get the gens done and then get hit with noed im just thinking..."why use that dumb perk instead of sloppy or something".

  • Member Posts: 1,261


  • Member Posts: 1,811

    BS man. Using a perk doesn´t translate to not having skill.

    Would you argue that survivors using (insert x/y perk) in red ranks dont have skill either?

    I wonder if the average player will eventually reach a skill level where they won´t complain about NOED anymore. It isn´t even a good perk imo.

  • Member Posts: 272

    Nom nom so many angry NOED users.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    NOED is basically just a late game version of Haunted Grounds, it will get you one or maybe two downs if it works. Since about 60% of games end with 0-2 kills that means the gens are done in most games and NOED has a chance to activate, meaning that it’s not a sign of a “bad killer” as much as an acknowledgment that even good killers often go to this endgame stage when they play against good survivors. The main difference is just one gives the downs midgame, the other endgame.

    And using an endgame focussed perk in general isn’t much different than using, say, Corrupt Intervention or Whispers to help you in the first minute or two of play. NOED simply helps in the last minute or two instead of the first. It’s really just a matter of personal preference when you’d like a perk to help out.

    What’s funny to me though is that I get more downs and snowballing off Haunted Grounds than I do NOED, but I’ve never gotten a sore losing survivor complaining about Haunted Ground. Yet if I bring NOED they will trash talk it even if I won the game before the gens were done. It’s such a salt mine! 😄

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Someday I want to play Spooky Myers with Haunted Ground AND NOED just the laughs to get a middle game auto-down and end game auto down. :)

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, I kind of agree. It's not a very fair perk - it's "counterplay" is stronger than the perk itself, and it's mostly just a perk to secure a single kill. And even if it's not, even if the killer manages to turn multiple escapes into multiple kills... What did they do to earn that? Play with 3 perks? That's not "earning" anything, or WGLF would just be a flat 100% bonus BP's.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    they play with 3 perk all game and it can be easily taken out before hitting anyone with it.

    not what the killer do to earn it it what the survivor didn't do that got it earn for the killer.

    like ds is a anti tunneling perk(which it isn't) noed is like anti genrushing perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Arguably the person complaining has no skill if they can't find 5 totems to make it unusable

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    First point is a lie. Or at least, it only applies to full SWF parties. Even running Detectives Hunch or Small game you will waste too much time an probably not finish the gens, and that's assuming the killer actually HAS noed. If they don't... You are throwing the game for nothing. There is nothing "easy" about denying NOED, which is why the only real counter is to just leave the poor teammate to die. Short form: cleansing totems will kill your team more than save that 1 person.

    Second point... Still isn't fair. You shouldn't ever be able to equip a perk that forces your opponents to complete a second objective, much less one that is as brokenly stupid as totems AND that doesn't even give a notification as to whether or not you have the perk.

    Third: Genrushing isn't a thing, or at least it's not a thing the absolute significant majority of the time. How many teams have you gone against in the last week with multiple Prove Thyself, Resiliance, BNP and who left their teammates to die in order to finish gens?

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    That's true. Scratch Mirror Myers needs all the speed help he can get.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Using NOED at all usually means you have a difficult time downing survivors.

    It works in a similar manner to Unrelenting which is used if you tend to get spun a lot.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Well to quote Ash, "Buckle up." Because after the new Killer is released and those Perks start to circulate, doing Bones is pretty much going to be mandatory. The game designers always assumed people WOULD be doing Bones. The unintended consequence of the Gen-Rush, i.e. the Totems were not consequential enough, probably caught them by surprise. So they are making sure you understand it is important now.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    I've always held the opinion that if your team gets completely wiped by a killer using no one escapes death when that killer couldn't even get a single down before your team is probably not as good as you think it is.

    Even with that boost there is no way a killer that bad should get an entire team wipe

  • Member Posts: 327

    I honestly dislike noed, except on wraith, trapper, and clown those guys just need it as a helping hand

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    dude I don't use either of tho perks I take out 3 to 4 totems and I play solo and the last game I was in I know I took out 4 totems it not hard at all.

    I love how you say(you will waste too much time an probably not finish the gens) gens are not your only objective stop gen rushing you wont get hit with noed,survivors need a 2nd objective we been asking for survivor to have one but they already have a 2nd objective totems

    why is it that survivors want to get the gens done so dam fast? I mean really.......

    also survivor don't need Prove Thyself, Resiliance, BNP for gen to go fast all they need to do be on they own gens,4 survivors on 4 gen before killer can find one survivor by the time the killer finds one survivors starts a chase there still 3 survivors on 3 gen and by the time killer down the first survivor 3 gens are done and the last two gen become done in no time so don't give me that gen rushing not a thing because it is.

  • Member Posts: 828

    high rank survivors that crutch with dead hard are bad

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    So monto and zubat are garbage killers? Some people use noed as a means to explore new builds that usually end up using a lot of useless perks on killers cough(bloodwarden) that are in many ways garbage vs competent survivors. Ya if the killer is running either ruin or pop etc. It feels a bit frustrating to push through all the killers crushing powerful perks only to be met at noed. But that's kinda the nature of multiplayer games no honor code no rules (minus what behavior stipulates of course). Is noed good for the game no its not. Is ds and unbreakable good no but if you want a balanced game I hate to break it to ya but that's not going to happen the foundation of dbd is built on exploiting the games imbalances to find new ways to do silly crap. The best you can hope for is an annoying perk or element to get nerfed or reworked. Which will only be replaced by something that will potentially be even more broken. Honestly this seems like a post for someone who wants to vent if your opinion was worth a damn you'd actually contribute on potential changes or come up with new ways to make noed feel reasonable.

    You could have noed be earned by hooking survivor's and building token's throughout the game reduce the ms bonus granted any number of changes. Maybe add power to the perk in exchange for fufilling difficult tasks like getting 5 to 6 hooks and now you can mori. Sure what I'm putting forward might be too strong but again if your going to rant about something please strive to be constructive nothing gets done when its us vs them. Noed exists because there are a lot of extremely weak killers who have absolutely abysmal endgame. Wraith, pig, clown etc.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    If the Killer wipes an entire team during the End Game Collapse... those Survivors stink.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Think of NOED as more of an insurance policy.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Nord on deathslinger is pretty funny thoughto catch people hanging out at the gate

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I mainly laugh when Billy mains use it. Like damn, you can't chainsaw correctly or something???

  • Member Posts: 391

    I think NOED should act in a similar way to the Hatch: it still activates only if all generators are done, but the Hex Totem activates depending on the number of survivors left and generators done (4 survivors, 1 generator left; 3 survivors, 2 generators left.... ).

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm gonna leave this right here 😂😂😂

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I'd tend to agree about a few things. I feel like NOED and DS are popular examples.

    Though, what I've been told is "the perks are meant to be used" or whatever. Guess people aren't going to mind when they get mori'd off 1st hook because it's "in the game" and therefore "should be used."

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    High rank survivors that use multiple second chance perks show they have no skill in a chase.

    See how it works?

    Personally, I know survivors don't do bones. So, why not bring NOED? I love it on Plague. If they manage to get all five gens, then they're going to cleanse. NOED says hi.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Survivors who use ds and dead hard have no skill

  • Member Posts: 170

    You're right though. Killers who rely on noed are just gonna stay bad at the game and never improve so just throw on detectives hunch and watch them seethe when they can't get their free kills with no effort

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2020

    While I realize this is a bait, Just gonna drop a fun build here: Noed/Bloodwarden/PWYF/BBQ, its especially fun on trapper due to how traps interact with PWYF and the obsession. Or the meme version NOED/Devour/PWYF/BloodWarden. (24% Bonus speed if you hook someone during NOED at 3 stacks of PWYF and 2 stacks of Devour. Got a Need for Speed?)

    But as a general tip for using NOED, the salt has a grain of truth in it, if you dont apply correct gen pressure the survivors will have plenty of time to do bones and then NOED is gone, to use it correctly you still need to apply gen pressure. If the survivors still stop doing gens at 1/2 gens remaining to get all of the totems cause they know, take advantage of the extra time you have to finish off the survivors, if you run NOED never count on it actually arriving. And remember NOED or not they cant cleanse your Bloodwarden.

    If your using NOED correctly while applying gen pressure its a fairly powerful perk, but otherwise against any competent survivor set it will never even pop at red ranks, unlike our friend who started this post implies. I repeat, you wont even get NOED unless you have the most boosted red ranks ever if you can't apply proper gen pressure for the entire game.

  • Member Posts: 957
    • A rock cannot use noed to get a hook during egc because it literally lacks the skill required to do so.
    • A player can use noed to get a hook during egc because it has more skill than a rock meeting the requirements to do so.

    I thereby conclude with this infallible logic that relative 'skill' is in fact required to use noed to get an undeserved hook during egc

    Also, Slinger is the only killer that noed is ok to loadout with purely for the comedic value of denying exit gate butt-dancers of an escape.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    So using 4 secpnd chance perk does? Atm the closer to second chance perk are NOED and spirit fury +enduring.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Had a Spirit game with my buddies earlier today and she had strider, bbq, pop and noed and all 4 of us still escaped, he was a rank 1 btw. No need to do bones, just use dead hard :)

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