Noed nerf

I think a simple but fair nerf would be when the last gen pops, you can instadown for sixty second just like haunted grounds. It would no longer be a Hex.
Inb4 "jUsT dO bOnES"
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I mean...if it wasn't the correct answer, people would stop saying it
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but... but that's literally what NOED was before but people said it was too strong so they made it a hex.
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So why you making a post about needing to nerf noed then pimp? Just do bones.
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Coming from a survivor main: Do bones, NOED is fair and balanced
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...what? I have no idea what "then pimp" means. Is this one of those hot new slangs all the youths are saying nowadays?
Also, I didn't make the post about nerfing NOED. NOED is perfectly fine the way it is. No nerf is required, hence my answer was "Do Bones". You have the power to nerf NOED yourself when you do bones.
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Actually that seems like a nice sort of rework! NOED is so controversial. I admit that I more often than not run it as killer but when I'm playing survivor with a friend, we both hate NOED.
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what you mean pimp
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I personally think NOED is a bigger problem when it's against random survivors. There's no way of telling how many totems your teammates have done. But against SWF it's more easily countered.
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Just do bones.
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He mixed you up with OP since you both have the same avatar.
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I really hate to be that guy but bones. If I've been in 2+ trials where the killer has NOED, I run small game and go totem hunting. It's a win for you because you get points, AND no one has to deal with NOED.
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Or Detective's Hunch if the 3 randoms decide that totems simply don't exist and latch onto gens.