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Decisive Strike + Unbreakable = toxic?
Hey all
I am a 50/50 killer/survivor player and recently made Decisive Strike teachable. When I saw Unbreakable I was like "hey this is a good combo". But when I looked it up online, it seemed many people see it as a "toxic sweaty tryhard" build on survivors.
Is it really considered toxic or sweaty? I can't even loop properly lol.
At higher ranks, slugging is the strategy to run because usually all survivors run that combo, but to be perfectly opinionated here, it doesn't matter what you run. If it works, then use it.
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It's all in how you use it. A "lot" of people these days use DS as an immunity perk to allow them to do brazen stuff in the killer's face then use Unbreakable to get around the inevitable slugging.
If you genuinely use them as an anti-tunnelling and anti-slugging perks, as intended, then there shouldn't be a problem.
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Its not toxic, its just incredibly annoying.
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Lately I was tunneled very hard and often. So I decided to buy Laurie because I think she's a nice character and DS could help against the issue of tunneling killers. I didn't even know the combo was used so much at higher ranks. I'm just rank 15 but sometimes I play with a friend who is rank 1. So offcourse when we're playing together we are against higher rank killers that down me in 30 sec max lol.
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Should be fine then. When I'm playing with my mates who rarely play, I have an alternate account to play with them so they don't go up against reds. Might want to get your friend to do the same.
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Its toxic because you cant use good perks combo when you are an survival because survival is op and because of that its toxic you use perks
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OP maybe, toxic no. Using good strats isn’t toxic wether it’s killer tunneling when it’s advantageous or a survivor doing gens in the killers face with DS active
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no Decisive Strike+head on =toxic.
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It's not toxic, but it is a really not fun combination. Similar to an Irihead Huntress, SprintBurst Bubba, or any version of Spirit.
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If people say it's toxic then that's their opinion and nothing more. If it's a build and a strategy that works for you then go for it. Worst case scenario, they call you toxic in post game chat, you ignore it and move onto your next game :)
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It's not the perk. It's the player's attitude.
Same can be said for ...
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Toxicity is from the player. Builds itself doesn't make you toxic.
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perks cant and will never be toxic. Those who try to abuse them in unintended ways however...
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Use whatever the heck you like. Because 90% of the time the people complaining about those perks will then go onto a killer thread and answer a similar question from the other side with:
"Play the game however you like, its not up to the survivors how you play and you aren't responsible for their fun"
Which, is true. But doesn't seem to apply to the other side. Not that survivors don't do this too. There will always be double standards and there will ALWAYS be excuses as to why what applies to one side, 'shouldn't' apply to the other.
So play what you like, and enjoy the game your way, because everyone else will.
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It is only toxic if you force it by running at the killer or something if you are say just got off hook killer chases you down immediately after and down you and you use them that’s not toxic that is you using counterplay it also not toxic on the killer though because it is just them playing killer the word toxic, camper, tunneler, slugger, and gen rusher are over used terms
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Just ignore the word "toxic" whenever you come across it. Ignore the person spewing it. The word is meaningless now, and almost as unimportant as the people who toss it around so cavalier. You do you. You take and try out the Perks you want to try. You play hard. I play both Killer and Survivor, but I'm not going to begrudge you the combo as a Killer. If there is a problem with it, the DEV will get around to making modifications. If someone gives you grief, just say "YES... let me taste the salty goodness of your tears."
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Some people might say stuff like that, but they're just the same kinda scrub babies as the people saying stuff like "tryhard sweaty killers".
Ignore them. If they can't seperate their dislike of perks from players using them they can keep screeching into the void for all eternity for all I care.
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Thank you all for the helpful comments!
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Didn't you do that on the vod the one huntress girl provided.
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Nah I was rushing her to suicide out big difference even if I hit ds would have clicked at her again to pick me back up cuz as I said doing challenge it was impossible to complete in that game mostly because of map but also because sweat exploit huntress wanted to move on to the next one so I could complete it doesn’t matter the case 4min slug is too much ds was gone in 40 seconds or less
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Alright fair enough.
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Why exactly do you care what others think?
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Depends on how you use it. If you use it in a way to just have invincibility and do crazy stuff and brag about it then yes it's considered "small pp" but even then its ultimately your choice. Even I say ur small pp if u use it as a combo but deep down i dont care.
But seeing how you just got ds and said you don't know how to loop i wouldn't consider it toxic or anything. If you're genuinely using it the way it's supposed to then fine.
Even i have to admit i am experienced as survivor and i did use the Small pp build
Unbreakable DS adrenaline and borrowed time. I recently stopped using it because it wasn't a fun build for me and the killer.
So at the end of the day, who cares, you do you. Yes killers will complain even i will but those who actually are serious are snowflakes. A lot of people complain about things and relate it to players but some dont. Dont hate the player hate the game
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Correction, I'm really 90% killer 10 survivor, I just dont want to be called a salty killer so I lie.
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I don't mind it in general but when a full swf use it plus iron will and sprint burst it can be quite draining, same with Adrenaline having 3 or 4 Adrenalins pop at the same time is a big punch to the gut.
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I roll my eyes when I see it but it's really the fault of the devs, not the players. If you put cheesey stuff in PvP games it's obviously going to get used
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Imagine needing this many second chances in order to escape. If someone needs this kind of combo perhaps they should consider deranking to their appropriate rank, like green or yellow. Real men run the vault build, little boys run the small PP build.
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I just don't want to come over as toxic and want the game to be fun for both sides.
I actually am yellow rank.