some red rank survivors are such terrible people

Firstly, sorry for the bad quality, i was like a 1 wifi bar playing on geforce now lol

So to give a quick run down, the red rank wanted to talk sht after escaping, a sore winner as i like to call them. I'm not even a killer main, i mostly play survivor but i wanted to learn killer so i tried spirit.

so i get 2 kills not bad but this Karen called me a proxxy camper and told me how she wanted to pull her cord, too bad i didn't make her pull her life support 🥰.

First of all when endgame arrives, anything goes, and that is coming from a survivor main, the dirty tactics come out for the desperate fight to win the trial. Secondly, if the hooked person is in between 2 exit gates, dont automatically assume the killer is being a punk and face camping if they are in the vicinity, like they're obviously trying to prevent the opening of the gates, idiot.

Recently as survivor too i've seen people behave like complete a-holes and teabag for no reason. This red rank right here fell for so many fake phases, and never looked behind her in chase, she got out because of luck.

if you behave like this in any game, you ARE a disgusting person. people who talk down to other people and try to make them feel bad for being inexperienced, give me the feeling that they probably tell people to kill themselves.

It's not that hard to just play the game say gg and move on 🙄


  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    This will always be a problem in a game like this. It's 4 vs 1, even in cases where it isn't swf a survivor feels they are entitled to something and they are surrounded by allies. With swf it gets worse, they will feed on each other and it's the killer who is ultimately to blame no matter what.

    This seems to be just one toxic guy at least so just move on.

  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    Don't sweat it I'm a survivor main but I just want to say some red rank survivors will just stay in their world of delusion acting like DBD some sort of tournament when it's really a case of if you survive or not just as killers only have to kill as many survivors not get a 4k every match. I can be ruthless on post game chat (sometimes in game) when I get tunneled/camped on hook I'll admit but in the end it's just best not to dwell on a match that's just a game and nothing more.

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    Reds have an ego problem and somehow feel the need to rub it in everyone's face to stroke their e-peen. Just in another thread today someone accused me of being inexperienced to have a valid point in the thread, and I explained I'm rank 5 and have 400 hrs in the game. His retort that he's a top 30 rank 1 and that he knows people who's rank 1 at 50 hrs so i must suck and therefore my opinion is still invalid.

    Sometimes I wish Reds get auto muted from forums and post chat.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    To answer your questions. 1 no I get bored and upset but I don't want to die over a game. 2 imagine if that person really did pull the plug, can you imagine the everlasting guilt the OP would have? It would be horrible. And that's why I say that was a dick move. Expressing discomfort with how someone plays is fine. Telling them their playstyle makes you wanna end your life isn't. For example I hate forever freddy, does that mean I'll go to a forever freddy player and tell them that they make me wanna go kill myself? No because that's just wrong. If you get that upset over a game you need a break from the game or video games in general.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266
    edited August 2020

    The red rank most likely had a bad time cause their teammates were lower than their skill level so I dont know why they would insult you like this and instead understand that they were playing with low rank teammates which led to a lost. Good job on your match though.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815
    edited August 2020

    I think you're overreacting a bit. "This game is so boring I want to die" is a common enough Phrase that most people should know how it's meant. Yeah it's insenstive, but nowhere close to death threads imo. Annoying, but I would assume, that most people would react to that with something like: "Not my job to make sure you have fun."

    Also, to be a bit morbid: If someone really kills themself over a match that they played against you, you would most likely never find out about it because of the anonymity.

    Post edited by SunaIIanu on
    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    by the looks of the scores you played terribly, sad thing about this game is when the killer plays bad it punishes the survs, no saves, no heals, not enough chases = depip

    how did you do so badly with the strongest, easiest killer tho lol

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    cause I don't play killer like at all, I'm a newbie killer I mainly play survivor. I dont have the fundamentals down yet.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    You play enough killer to have a full perk loadout with two tier 3 teachables from different killers. This story doesn't check out.

    Also if you think that chat was someone being terrible you have really thin skin.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Dude, what? Nobody is condoning telling people to kill themselves, I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that that's totally unacceptable. But "the way you play makes me want to die" is not the same, it's obvious hyperbole and while it's not a nice thing to say it really isn't worth getting upset over.

    I had a killer tell me to slit my own throat, and a killer call me a noob gen rusher who's bad at the game. One of those is an awful thing to say and I reported it accordingly and the other is just stupid trash talk that shouldn't be taken seriously.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Goes both ways. People are under the impression that a killer is supposed to make the survivor experience fun, and when they have the audacity to not play in that manner, we must berate them until they change or quit the game.

    If it's a toxic swf that's bullying, then it's all in the name of fun or content, doesn't matter if its miserable for killer.

    Just gg and move on, like every other game.

  • mayhare97
    mayhare97 Member Posts: 28

    I honestly recommend just muting post-game chat. I understand that toxicity is awful, and some things people say should absolutely not be condoned and should be reported immediately, but a lot of the times the trash talking comes from people who are just tilted and don't really mean it. I've had a guy angrily message me before (I play on PS4) after a match I played as a Killer, and he ended up apologizing for his behavior after he saw I was being chill about it.

    What I'm trying to say is, don't let it get to you. This game will create anger because of its very nature (one person whose sole objective is hunting down and killing four other people) and people will often lash out at each other because of it. If it does bother you, which is completely understandable, I think muting the chat is the best option.

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    Ever heard of the shrine?

    And besides, I never said i never played killer, i never played consistently, I mainly play survivor. Have you never poured points into a character you've never played?

    And yes, you are terrible if you had to take time out of your day to attempt to make someone feel bad when they probably already know they played bad, I was over the situation within minutes.

  • stoudbaker
    stoudbaker Member Posts: 130

    Gotta let it go and move on,gonna have a million matchs ans 100j are sweats

  • CantDeadHarder
    CantDeadHarder Member Posts: 188

    Already over it, making it a habit to just say "gg gl in your future games" then just leave.

    I could drop a smiley face for good measure too :)

  • stoudbaker
    stoudbaker Member Posts: 130

    Im on ps4,i just leave.i wouldnt type anything unless something funny happened

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    I understand you and that's why I've also become disgusting in this game. Ohhh, sometimes I'm the same person as in real life, sensitive with heart... if I put down a tbag it's possible that sometimes I feel sorry for myself, I let the person go but thinking that he or she is not worthy...

    With all the nerve killers, they know perfectly well that an inexperienced killer will never be able to get them (I'm thinking of the Nurse and his last Nerf). I tried all the killers but I never have time to chase the second survivor since the game is over... The Trapper in the basement is very dangerous, but still it is necessary to have them, and I don't like to cross the whole map for a trap ! The Hag is the only killer that makes me want to continue, and that prevents loops and speed gen, and makes the survivors think (paranoiac).

    Try the Hag, even without the many good perks it can become ultra dangerous (but it must be mastered).