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DS isn't even a Top 5 Survivor Perk

RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

I'll address the DS + Unbreakable towards the end of the thread because I know that's what all the angry people are going to come in here ready to yell about.

edit: tl'dr I can think of multiple perks that I gain a lot from and I control when I use them versus a perk that depends on the killer tunneling me. (I know some people don't read long posts)

I'm starting by addressing the perk itself. We all know what it does because there's endless threads about it. From the time you're unhooked, if the killer picks you up again within 60 seconds, you get a chance to hit a skill check and stun the killer. Cool.

There are many perks I would and DO run over that for a number of reasons. DS depends on the playstyle of the killer and only works if they choose to tunnel you instead of going after the 3 other people on the map. And I don't want to hear about "Well, they're just trying to be efficient and tunneling is a good strategy" because I'm not arguing against that. They're fine strategies (despite being boring for the survivor), but I'm just stating facts. I play killer and I know exactly who was just pulled off a hook recently, how many times each person has been hooked, who is on death hook, who I've never seen. Every killer knows that so when someone chooses to go after the same person again, they know what they're doing and we're just going to call it what it is.

Now that being said, here's perks that are better (imo) that DS because YOU control when you use them.

Borrowed Time - BT has its own set of weaknesses but it can get people out of a LOT of bad situations if you play it correctly. You control when it gets used, not the killer.

Kindred - Damn near indispensable in solo Q. Anytime someone gets hooked, you have knowledge of where your team is and what they are doing, and possibly where the killer is located based on hook is running. If you are on the hook, your team gets that knowledge

We'll Make It - Quick heals off of the hook. Both players are back to what they need to do in what... 8 seconds? Idk the exact time but I know it's short.

Inner Strength - Encourages players to take care of totems which helps prevent NOED and works as a pocket save

For the People - A pretty good anti tunnel perk when you pull someone off a hook and instantly use it. The killer either has to make the choice of commiting to the tunnel which would take 2 hits and possibly a long chase, or going after a fresh target. And most people don't expect it so they usually commit to who freshly unhooked person expecting an easy kill.

Saboteur - Map wide hook knowledge, lets you see where hook deadzones are so you can make sabo plays. My SWF friends consistently see me pull these off at least once or twice every game.

Lithe - If window hitboxes ever get fixed, this allows for a pretty good extended chase that a killer might not be expecting and can extend loops

Hell as much as I think it's trash, I might even run Dead Hard for the same reason as Lithe. Only reason I don't use it is because it fails more often than it works



  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    Oh sorry, I forgot to address DS + Unbreakable

    Sure these two perks have great synergy, but only against people who intend to tunnel and/or slug.

    When I play killer, I don't so these 2 perks hardly ever get used with a few exceptions of matches where I was trying to complete a challenge and didn't want the last person to get hatch.

    If you go after the other 3 people in the match, they don't get to use either perk and that's 2 slots wasted.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    Idk people keep running with that argument that you have to feed into what the survivor is planning. If a survivor is following me and I know they were just unhooked, I still go after my target and hook them first. Then I give the other survivor my attention and I'll either eat their DS so that it's gone, or I'll slug them and go after person C or D and make them waste their unbreakable.

    I absolutely love when survivors who are injured stick close to me. I hope that's not your definition of a good team because I consistently get 3ks and 4ks against people like that.

    And before you asked, yes I've played in red ranks before and have reached rank 1.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    If they have 4 minutes of invicibility you are tunneling and campiing HARD

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    And I should just copy and paste my response to the other guy because I'm tired of this same argument to. No, the killer is not FORCED to respect any perk. I play killer and have played killer in red ranks all the way up to rank 1. I don't have to tunnel to win. Getting a 3k isn't even hard against the majority of teams. Killers who can't disperse pressure and bounce back and forth between survivors just aren't that good, bottom line.

    I play primarily Huntress, Myers, Wraith and Doctor and do fine with all of them. This idea that you HAVE to play a certain way because DS and Unbreakable exist is ridiculous and simply untrue. If it were true and I had to, I would never have reached rank 1. It's a choice, not a requirement to play around DS and Unbreakable

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    While yes are right

    but why run sabbo if it get you injured or down

    bt can be waited out sometimes

    Kindred is meaningless is swf its fair for solo

    Well make it is ok

    For the people hurts you and ends your chase faster

    Innerstrength is fine

    why run lithe if you could run deadhard or sprint burst sometimes you cant make it to a window or pallet

    Ds gives you 180s of basically invincibility and extends a chase of a minimal of 20s with nothing at all giveing all surivor to do gens

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    THIS, Also I'm tired of people claiming DS is invincibility, clearly not understanding what the word means. Invincibility would be if you went to swing at the survivor and the entity formed a shield around them to prevent them from taking damage.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    You sabo when it's safe to do so and again, it gives you pretty good hook knowledge around the whole map.

    I agree Kindred is pointless in a SWF which is why I only mentioned it in terms of solo Q. A perk should be strong on it's own, not because you're on a team and Kindred is strong on it's own.

    For the People definitely has a huge down side, I'll give you that. It's a perk you should only run if you're good at looping. But my point was it prevents or at least discourages tunneling and it's instant. You combine it with Inner Strength and you have yourself a pocket heal for when the broken status timer is over.

    I prefer Lithe over both Dead Hard and Sprint Burst as far as exhaustion perks are concerned, but all of them are probably better than DS.

    DS is only for 60 seconds because it can only be used once a match, not after every hook. Also after the 3rd hook, you'd be dead anyway XD

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    I want to comment that personally I use "For the People" to instant runby pickup someone in a dying state. Using it against an injured person seems like a waste unless I know for a fact the killer would hit them and not me.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    Killer make good combo because his is good

    Survival do a good combo SmAlL Pp BuIlD

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Tbh it's so tiring to see people saying it gives you InVincIBiliITy, as if you cannot get downed even if you're hit or something.

    Just make people use it early it's not that complicated.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    DS and Unbreakable are quite uncommon at mid ranks I find. Most if not all use self care, adrenaline, sprint boost and dead hard.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2020

    Speaking for myself, I use DS because being tunneled is the one thing I hate running into as Survivor. Way I look at it, if the Killer isn't a tunneler, then the worst that happens is I'm at least one perk down for the game, and I'm okay with that. Worst case, the Killer is a tunneler and I can make them pay for it in some small way. For the same reason I run Borrowed Time, and sometimes even Babysitter, to give anyone I rescue the best chance possible.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    So first of, DS is top 3. Anyone who plays the game knows that. It also IS invincibility but im not even sure i want to explain why and how since maybe you people just really havent figured out it's true value and i don't want to be the one to tell you lol

    Second of all though I think back to the Ruin nerf which didn't happen because it was OP, it happened because it was so widely used and unfun to play against. Just food for thought since im assuming "Don't nerf DS" is the point of most people defending it.


    She's right, tunnel. Ds actually makes tunneling more effective because if you don't tunnel them they can become invincible. once the doors are open. It gives everyone an extra life and chase meaning gens can be rushed more effectively but if its a 4man SWF this is really your only option for counterplay since they probably all have it. And about it not being top 5, sweaty 4man SWF don't run non meta perks lol. Again if you play with the perk you should understand its value, value that no other perk can offer you

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    So basically from what I got skimming through this... DS isn't a Top 5 Survivor perk... not based on statistics or any factual supporting evidence.. But because YOU consider other perks to be better than DS? I thought you were going to whip out like a chart or something displaying the amount of Survivors you played with/against using DS with X number of matches you participated in to show that it's a hardly used perk.

    No. DS is a highly used Meta perk. I myself don't use it, because I run other Metas like Bond / SC / IW / and an optional 4th perk like PTS or something. *Granted, ever since crossplay came out, I noticed console players don't use DS AS much. But I can't tell if it's because I'm playing with more low levels than usual as well since I'm Rank 1.

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227

    I personally don't use DS. Many killers at higher ranks are too scared to try picking you up if they know they hooked you recently anyway. Feels like a wasted perk slot for me personally, especially since I'm somewhat inconsistent at actually hitting the skill check.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    No Killer is scared once they see that no one is the obsession. Typically the ones I meet, the minute they see there's no obsession, they have no problem picking you up immediately after your first hook to get you on your second/last.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    It isn't top 5 because its power is immeasurable.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    you left out calm spirit hope iron will selfcare and tec sure SC got a time nurf bit it helps in solo to look after yourself i alway run that calm and iron in my build tec because it takes 8m off a gen meaning you can stealth do a gen with the killer in a nearby chase calm is gonna be used more as it not only counters the docs power to a degree but all screaming no more IF oni slams the new killers perk for the gens anything that makes you scream is counterd meaning you got stealth combine with iron and you can loop or escape a chase even protect a wounded teamate

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I would bet my right arm that no perk on either side comes close to the frequency of use of BBQ. The aura read while seems minuscule to most people is huge amount of information for killers. Map awareness is key to guaranteeing a victory. Killer mains have no grounds to discuss why survivors pick the perks they do when they are stuck in a rut picking the same perks every match.

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76

    I mean you dont need unbreakable to make Dstrike valid. As long as you pay attention to lockers when being hooked and for general map awareness, you can rush to a locker after being unhooked and sit in it forcing the killer to either camp you, or leave you. Not to mention if the killer camps you, you can further mindgame by exitting the locker early to get them to pick you up assuming your Dstrike is gone.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    We don't blame the survivors for using it. We complain that the perk is broken and too powerful.

    I don't understand where you got that killers blame survivors for using perks.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    Honestly DS is just annoying.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That is subjective. Survivors can say BBQ is broken and too powerful as well. Double BP for doing objective and free aura reads, why would you not? Then, put BBQ on a high mobility killer and you are instantly a much better killer. DS doesn't instantly make you a better survivor, it just defends against a certain unfun playstyle. No comparison.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Never said survivors can't say BBQ is too powerful as long as they give valid reasons. I personally don't think it's OP and ive never seen anyone give valid reasons towards it.

    Ive given plenty of reasons towards why I think DS busted.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    It's the only perk that doubles killer BP. If WGLF had a decent in-game effect I guarantee you nearly every survivor would be using it.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    Iron Will is pretty amazing although I just rather run a perk to heal myself and not be injured at all but I'd choose that over DS.

    And I forgot Spine Chill which is very useful against stealth killers

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    BBQ isn't that great of a perk outside of the bonus bloodpoints, why would I see far away survivors for a short period of time only after a hook when I could run perks that:

    - Passively block off the 3 furthest generators, forcing survivors to converge on the killer's location and preserving a 3-gen for later

    - Reveal nearby survivors after every single down, making snowballs consistent and maintaining pressure

    - Track healing survivors, allowing the killer to capitalize on abandoned chases and Borrowed Time gamers

    Dropping all your pressure to go after a BBQ'd survivor is a terrible idea on most killers and is just begging good survivors to yoink your 3-gen from under you

  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    This response just kind of proves to me that you're not as good as you think.

    Even a decent survivor can confidentlt stay injured.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    It's not that I can't play injured. it's just that I prefer not to. I mean, I run for the people and purposefully give my health state to help others. I'm no looping god, but i'm decent

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    you dont even understand the gameplay. What are you rank 10?

    Before creating topic i advice you to learn it. First of all, game is not always in a stage where 5 gens are unrepaired and survs are spreaded all over map so you can calmy choose any survivior and take any chase, this stage lasts only for 1-3 min at the beggining.

    in actual game you hook survivior A and survivior B having desicive strike/borrow time unhooks survivior A while you not even 16 meters away, 1-2 remaining gens are on 30-60% progress any bad chase means losing a gen. You cant punish unhooked survs because of DC, so you have to make an entire chase without getting any profit of it, (cant hook, cant get pope goes weasel) .

    Time is crucial in this game and proper use of DC gives you minutes.

    1) A surv is unhooked, then he agressivly runs to unhook teammate and simply jumps in to a locker. (most killers do not tunnel , so checkmate).

    2) A surv is unhooked, then he runs to repair a critical gen that at 90% of progress if you come closer he simply jumps in to a locker You have a choice between wating about 20-50 seconds or losing a gen. Even if there was no locker and you put him in to a dying state he can simply crawl away.

    3) A surv is unhooked, then he start repairing a nearest gen without trying to hide/leave a place he was hooked . 80 sec takes repairing of one gen, DS has duaration of 60 sec. Most likely there are 2 survs on the gen.

    4) A surv is unhooked, he gets heal, he starts playing agressive and risky , he baits you, bodyblock you, he helps his teammates in recovery from dying state etc, you hit him once and he goes in to a locker or he lures you away in to an empty corner. You cant pick him up and you wasted time chasing him.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020


  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    I'm actually rank 1. I just played against someone in the forums who can confirm so I totally understand how the game works.

    1. If that's how your games go and you're taking 3 minutes to chase someone, I got some bad news for you. You might want to worry about your own lack of skill instead of worry about mine.
    2. The problem is that people think ALL survivors play like that, and they don't. Yall create scenarios of the most try hard thing you've seen and pretend all survivors play that way. They don't.
    3. Even when they do and they make a play like that, someone is going on a hook. I know how to spread out pressure and make sure I'm not recycling the same 2 people on and off hook.
    4. I'm just going to go back to point one and say learn how to end chases quicker. Then everything else you mentioned becomes irrelevant because the survivors won't be on the last 2 gens when you've only hooked one or two people
  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2020

    you dont understand the gameplay i advice you to reread my post for several times then perhaps you will cease describing your veiw of gameplay where everything is simple and "i just go for another person i dont understhad how DS is strong perk"

    >f that's how your games go and you're taking 3 minutes to chase someone, 

    you keep proving that you dont understand the gameplay, first of all it depends on map and perks , you might get red forest you are slow m1 killer so it might take 1min to only find someone+ 1-2 min to catch them because all palets are still there,

    Post edited by vector on
  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Overlooked above is the original poster saying “Dead Hard is trash.”

    I’m a killer main so maybe I’m way off here, but my impression is that Dead Hard is extremely popular specifically because it gets the survivor just that little bit of extra distance they need in a loop sometimes to just barely get to a pallet drop or vault before the killer can hit them. Not every loop falls in that category obviously but it probably happens in about 1/3 or 1/4 chases which is once a game that if a survivor can time a Dead Hard right it gets them to that pallet/vault and avoids the hit had they not had the perk.

    Does the original poster think Dead Hard is trash because it’s hard to make a killer swing through you with it? If that’s all they’re trying to do with it then yeah, the perk is bad at directly dodging a basic attack. But, correct me if I’m wrong, the good survivors who use it use it to gain a bit of distance at a key moment, that’s it’s strength.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    I understand both uses of Dead Hard. It does it's job when you're trying to get extra distance.

    But when you're in a dead zone and you use a perk that's supposed to let you slide through an attack and either A, it never goes off when you press the button or B, it activates, makes you exhausted and you still get hit, it becomes trash.

    I completely understand that the primary use of the perk should be for distance to a window or pallet, but that doesn't negate the fact that it's trash at doing something else it should do effectively

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,985

    LOL clearly you don't understand gameplay either because a gen can't be done in 20-30 seconds. MAYBE if all 4 survivors spawn on top of it with brand new parts and speed add ons on the best toolbox. But if that happens and you aren't finding anybody, then again..... your skill and game sense need to be checked. Run Whispers. I'm always in a chase within the first 20 seconds of the match (assuming i'm not running Trapper/Hag or someone that needs a set up).

    You keep proving that you lack skill.