Franklin's Demise VS White Ward

How fair is it that killers have a perk that can be used to knock a survivors item out their hand and we have no perk that do the same to their add ons?
There's no point to use the White Ward offering if they are just going to hit it out your hand and doesn't save it if the item isn't in your hand when you die.
It needs to be a change that disables Franklin's Demise for the survivor that uses the White Ward offering.
I would be fine by dropping my Item. Because in the end, an Offering should not completely negate a Perk.
But when using a White Ward, the Survivor should keep the Item at the end of the Trial.
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You don't need a perk to make the killer lose their add-ons, the game does that already.
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Moris completely negate DS
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This discussion again..... must be a fairly new player........ "heavy sigh"
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They do and most people are in agreement that Moris need to go
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That Moris are Bullshit does not need to be stated once again.
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Franklin's Demise is already complete trash and never worth using
It was also confirmed in a dev stream (a while ago) that the interaction between Franklin's Demise and White Ward is intentional
Deal with it
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Weird, i mainly play as a survivor but i don't mind moris at all. If killers want to mori me i'll just eat it and look for a new match.
Both sides got strong addons/offerings, and if we nerf one side we'll need to nerf the other side too, resulting in boring and predictable matches.
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Good on you that you don't take Moris too hard, really. I mostly play killer and avoid using Moris unless I encounter a toxic player or group I've faced before because I find it really breaks the pace of the game. The advantage they give for effectively no downside is significantly too high for an offering imo. Stuff like Devour Hope or the Cypress Mori are fine cause you've put in the work but being able to effectively eliminate 2/3rds of the survivors health states is a huge amount of leverage. But this isn't a Mori debate so I won't go on.
As for Franklin's, personally I think it's bogus that survivors get to keep their items after winning a match when killers always lose them so I can't say I feel particularly bad about that.
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I hate Franklin's. Not using an item limits a survivor. I've never been upset because of a Mori and never got hate for using them but damn do I feel heartbroken when I lose my purple flashlight. Maybe a nerf wouldn't hurt. Maybe if they made it so you only drop the item. Having the killer be able to see the aura and having it be eaten by the entity is kinda harsh. Maybe I am speaking as a newer player I am only rank 8 but it seems like a pretty mean perk man. My flashlights are precious ha
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Imagine complaining about franklins...
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Hop in a locker if you want to keep your stuff lol
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That would ruin secure item trading.
One of the good things about how the white Ward works me and said if you get your friend to give you when item for example a rare event item like any of the 4th year dear if you have a white Ward whether or not you die you can guarantee that you could save it.
If it were to save your loadout this would ruin the possibility of this happening
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Killers have a higher bp average. Bbq has a secondary effect wglf does not. We don't want infinite iri head. Survivor economy is trash and blood webs are polluted with bad items. I'm lucky to have the items I want over 100 flashlights and probably 50-100+ of my other items.
The sad part is that's after spending millions of bp on one character. They should of reverted the addon change alot of killer maijs ik think tis straight dumb.
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The whole reason the perk got the buff in the first place was because the perk wasn't good without it.
So we have hard evidence that such a nerf would be a bad idea.
The impact the perk has on the grind is irrelevant for balance.
Balance exists only in the scope of a trial. The progression system is on a different scope and thus can be ignored when evaluating the strength of a perk/item/offering ect, and it's that evaluation that determines if something needs a buff or a nerf. Anything else should be solved with either sidegrades or QoL.
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If I get hit, pick it up right away, then get hit again do I drop it again or is there a cool down?
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There are lots of perks that completely negate add ons, they don't make them lose them but the game eats them after the match anyway, they aren't permanent. You can't get new ones for free from boxes as killer.
One of the mistakes people make in this game is directly comparing killer perks and add ons to survivor ones. It's not a fair comparison, they have different rules and needs. Killers have stronger tools, they generally need them to counter the 3 person deficit they have, because teamwork is better than any item in the game. Good comms is the best tracking perk, an observant survivor will save you hits and block for you.
Also, just pick your item back up. You have time!
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No need, this guy make it real.
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*killer hits you while u enter in a locker*
-#########, my item is in a locker!
For sure thats what will happen hahhaha
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1v4 game. The solo players perks, add-ons, offerings, etc should be more powerful in general. The best exampel of this is if you look at the Oak offerings. They increase or decrease the distance between hooks, depending on if its the killer or survivor making the offering. The survivors increase the distance by 1m so up to 4 meters if 4 of them are used. And the killers decreases the distance by 3.5m. So one offering almost counters 4 offerings. And thats in a direct comparison.
My point is basically. The killer should have the advantage when it comes in things that do similar things "White ward lets you keep the items when you die" (strictly speaking it lets you keep the item in your hand that you die with) "Whereas Franklins Demise removes the item from your hand"
Same as Lightborne making Flashlights useless, or Plague vomit making Medkits useless. The killer should in general have the advantage i a 1v1 scenario or more. But its up to the entire team to counter to the killer. Again, in general.
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I have a screenshot of a time when he hit me as I was throwing a pallet down. I lost him but he was the real winner because there was my flashlight stuck under the damn pallet.
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You drop it again, but the timer on the item deletion is reset. And picking it up also has no cooldown too of course.
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I don't agree with that philosophy (first point) mainly because offerings are one-use and perks have unlimited uses. I realize that currently add-on and offering acquisition can be pretty broken, but that's moreso for killers than survivors. I spent 500k bloodpoints on Claudette recently so that I could get more Wire Spools, but I only got one out the the many bloodwebs through which I went, and that was a sad feeling. Additionally, I got two White Wards. It's not a good feeling in the slightest to see something immediately become worthless when the killer brings one perk he/she just has sitting in his/her inventory for essentially the rest of time.
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I thought survivors wanted more counterplay. Isn't this what that looks like?
Killer addons and survivor items aren't really comparable, to be honest. And even if the killer uses Franklin's to steal your lunchbox you still have 90 seconds to get back to it before the entity eats your lunch. And even if you do lose your item... maybe it's not that big a deal? Items come and go. You're not supposed to be treating them like a hoarder.
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Bro I haven't played this for years so I don't have items stacked and I have prestiged my Steve three times because of the event cakes they had and I am at level 50 but those purple flashlights are still rare as hell. Items make it more fun.
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Quickly pick it up, run to a locker, DC
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You prestigin'? That's a lot of effort just to get your clothes dirty. I respect it.
Playing with items may be fun for you, but what's fun for killer players? For me, the only time I equip Franklins is if I see 3 or more lunchboxes (medkits) in the lobby. I just want to steal and eat people's lunches. That's fun for me. I eat your lunch!
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Na I prestiged because I heard you get better items. I'm still scoops ahoy Steve with sun glasses. There's so many super powerful killer perks that using Franklin's just seems mean. It doesn't even seem good. Just annoying to Survivors that's why I never use it.
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Franklin's is definitely not a "super powerful" perk. It's just funny to mess with survivors.
And I've found that survivors get annoyed by pretty much anything the killer does, so I just try to be nice and have fun and hope they can too.
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Yeah I've had survivors well actually only one get really salty, sometimes it doesn't matter what you do but damn as a survivor the only thing that annoys me is Franklin's demise. And somethimes that damn doctor gets to me. Zappy bastard ha
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i mori for challenges nuff said
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Y'all need to stop necroing posts just let this one drop its from July of last year.
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Just spend some bloodpoints on your bloodweb for the add on again, easy solution
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Ya no its the toxic survivor friends that ######### about moris like whiny brats lmao