7 - Fairly happy to see
But how would it work?
Also I don't know what their basic attack would be. Would he swing his head at survivors like a drunken sailor?
0 -
3 - Not mad just disappointed
I just REALLY don't like Pennywise. It's mostly his design, but I don't like any of his media either.
2 -
8 - Pretty excited
He would make a pretty cool addition. Hopefully he gets added someday.
0 -
9 - Absolutely ecstatic
It would be pretty wonderful to see IT in the game one day, but I wonder if it would work since DBD already has a killer clown of their own.
0 -
4 - Eh
I don't care much for him. But I don't hate him, I don't hate any option tbh.
1 -
10 - My screams of hype have broken the sound barrior
What about the Nun.
0 -
5 - Okay I guess
As long as it's the 1990 version.
2 -
3 - Not mad just disappointed
The Nun is a great shout. Surprised nobody has mentioned before (at least not that I have seen).
I think is could allow for a really nice map too.
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10 - My screams of hype have broken the sound barrior
He'd be an incredible and terrifying stealth killer, I don't like when people say 'oh we already have a clown in the game' because Pennywise is a shapeshifter. I'd love if he could gradually build up his power and then become the huge spider, similar to oni or michael.
0 -
7 - Fairly happy to see
I'm not going to deny it, it would be amazing, but I think pennywise would work better as a paragraph.
(If only Stephen King were more open to lending his licenses 😞)
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8 - Pretty excited
it would actually be really interesting to see. people saying we already have a clown don't make much sense since 1. we also have two killers with chainsaws and no one's complaining about that and 2. pennywise's a shapeshifter, who perhaps could change his appearence/form like the oni or something.
0 -
2 - Not happy at all
It wouldn't work, he shapeshifts to play on people's fears.
0 -
5 - Okay I guess
Pennywise is iconic and all, and he'd be nice to see for that reason, but he's an extradimensional being that feeds on fear and took a group of people who got somewhat lucky to kill. You can't show that kind of power without being WAY to powerful for DBD, but if you don't give him his full strength, he'll be another easily loopable Killer that people seem to hate.
0 -
6 - I'm fine with this
not the biggest fan of nickel-smart but I wouldn't be upset.
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6 - I'm fine with this
He'd be a welcome addition! Maybe his morphing skills could be a camoflage tactic, or something to do with balloons? Not sure, but it could work!
0 -
5 - Okay I guess
If they were to put him in I would be interested for sure. But at this point it would be hard to see him pull off something new or unique that hasn't been seen before.
Same for his survivors but It would be cool if they added kid Georgie and grown up Bill. Or maybe Bill and Richie...or Beverly by herself. Idk I'm just spit ballin here.
0 -
6 - I'm fine with this
Its not that I wouldn't mind him in DBD its just how could he be their lore and logic wise because Pennywise is on a godlike level of power. He does not show this in the movies or in the books however as much but by golly he does have neough power to tacle one. The entity will have a lot of trouble having Pennywise kill for it, because we know hes not some who wouldn't be bound to serve another being he serves only himself.