Why so much PC tryhards ?

Venzhas Member Posts: 684


As a PS4 surv, since crossplay is a thing, i'm already thinking to disable it since 8 games on 10 facing a PC killer, its gonna be a guy that tunnel/camps you to death

No salt but i was wondering why PC people acts like that ? I mean PS4 players are more fun to play with / against

And to the question "YoU cANt SaY ThEyRe Pc" yes, i can actually, with the names and a little experience its pretty easy to see it...

In conclusion, it's bad that this part of the community seems like that, no offense but i dont think im the only one to feel it.

Bye crossplay


  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Because we've been trained by toxic swf pc survivors. Once ruin bit the dust, and everyone started gen rushing, the pc killer community had to start playing like this to have a chance.

    Personally, I am a reactive killer, if gens are going slow, I actively play nice, if they're flying, I crank up the sweat.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I mean... Why are console players so tryhard?

    Oh, right, because everyone is and the ecosystem doesnt really have much of an impact - aka, you are probably experiencing confirmation bias.

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347

    becuz pc players unfortunately prefer to play for win rather than fun and this is sad.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118


    WInning a game doesn't make you a Tryhard. It's the dumbest thing on the planet to say. No one goes into a game with the intentions to lose/forfeit unless you're dickin around with friends. I play on PC and as a Survivor, i hardly run into those Killers half the community talks about. And I'm a rank 1 on both sides.

    Let's be honest here, most of the Console Players I played against just aren't that great in terms of skill level. It's not their fault either, it's PC vs Console, so what did you expect in terms of hardware specs and skill rating.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    The ones that tunneled and camped us today had the little globe by their name every time. So either windows store or console. Tunneling and camping is not PC exclusive :)

  • NivlacACE
    NivlacACE Member Posts: 78

    So I guess we’re still doing these low effort “other platform bad” bait posts

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I've had the complete opposite experience since crossplay started: high-ranked PC killers play normally and the few crossplay killers I've gone against struggle so much to get hooks that they then get very defensive.

    But maybe that has nothing to do with console, maybe those killers were lower ranked. Maybe my teammates were BMing when I wasn't looking. Maybe I'm not going to judge all console players on the actions of just a few.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    You have no idea if it is a PC killer, Xbox Killer or even Switch Killer, all you know is that he isn't a PS4 killer. I really wish people would stop assuming something then making an extremely aggressive remark about something they very obviously don't understand.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,194

    yea this true you can't tell who your facing you just know they not on your platform.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I've had the opposite experience. My PC killers have been pretty chill in general, except the huntresses (I haven't gone against a good pc huntress yet, only ones who're weirdly campy and ragequit prone)

    I only started with xplay on as killer for the first time today bc despite the issues we have on console (frame rate etc) it was ps4 deathsquad hours so it couldn't exactly get any worse, and I actually started getting really good games.

    So I'm sold, xplay stays on

    I don't agree with the OP on the rest but you can usually tell based on what they're called. Nintendo and microsoft won't let you have gaps in your username or be called "hex: devour ass" etc

    Also on steam you aren't stuck with the name XxPussD3stroyerxX for the rest of your gaming days

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    Being a tryhard is pretty common across all platforms, it's not just PC.

  • stoudbaker
    stoudbaker Member Posts: 130

    I find pc players to be garbage swf's when i killer crossplay.only pc players that are good are the solo's.most swf's gen rush sweats and plunderers instinct clowns.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255

    Trust me, the tunneling and camping is a thing on every version of DBD, because BHVR seems to encourage it. The issue with PC is blatant cheaters using hack programs. I'm not gonna call them hackers, because they aren't actually doing anything other than using a program a REAL hacker created. Alternatively, console players get an inherent lag benefit against many PC players. Not all of them, since many of them appear to be playing on their mom's wifi, coupled with the data being throttled because they've reached the cap.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Aww... killers on pc can't be 360'd for days and can use ranged killers :'{

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    Eh.. i'm not sure consoler players can reliably tell who's on what platform. PC players on the other hand can have 90+% confidence since i'm not sure there's still windows store players so for PC its either globe = console or no globe = PC.

    As a PC player I have yet to meet a globe player to goof around in game. When I play killer even when I'm trying to give the hatch/exit to the console survivor they're always immediately sprinting off, whereas PC players pick up the cues fairly quickly. So my expereince does not line up with OP's.