Faced a SWF as Trapper.

Faced a Swf today as Trapper. I just wait for game and play, not always look at lobby so I didnt know they were a team (and if I did, I would not know because they didnt have similar names). Explain of double Brown add-on
After get my 1st hook, I look around and see other 3 sit on Gen. Except I didnt have BBQ, then I realized they had at least 3 OoO. I hit game record button.
Epic lose, Im not salty, but wonder if they actually used the cheat that able to tell the killer they face? I mean, 3 OoO. Just happy that I wasnt brought into Micwich. I took this match as a hardcore training.
Feel free to tell what mistake I did, what could I do in certain situations? This match I didnt even patrol Gens because for me its pointless.
- Dead hard / DS / Unbreakable / OoO
- Dead hard / DS / Unbreakable / OoO
- Dead hard / DS / Unbreakable / Borrowtime
- Dead hard / DS / OoO / Borrowtime
Any Red rank Killer has tips to vs this type of SWF as Trapper?
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Any tips people can give are largely of little value, just do your best and move on.
At the highest ranks swf can dominate all but a few killers or you get lucky and they screw up pretty badly.
Keep in mind that in addition to those four perks they used they get another 4-6 intel perks for free being on comms.
Added bonus they might bring strong items with addons or pick surv favored maps. There is a lot survs can do for advantage.
i actually do have some advice, use a pink mori and tunnel out one of them as quick as you can. Usually strong swf will be over altruistic, use that to your advantage.
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You didn't apply enough pressure and that team just wanted to have fun, like most SWF /s
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@Zender Tunnel? Hardly. At least 3 of them were good runners. I ate DS on purpose. Because I smell they might have Unbreakable, which 3 of them. I noted 1 werent that good runner, I able to down the 3rd time and got DS. Then I never see that survivor again (guess focus on Gen)
And of course again, I search game then leave it there looking around the internet. I dont always look at lobby. You would not know this is a SWF.
I play for fun, not for 4K. Many times if I able to dominate Survivor (slug all 4 on the ground), showing them I won at that moment, then I leave them all escape later.
I see the bigger problem is SWF can build a powerful team like this with only perk. Doesnt requires a single BP for items & addon or even offering.
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@Rin_is_my_waifu ur waifu would be powerless in this game without Mori
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Against 3 OoO... you need to forget about setting up traps... use them only on some loops to deny them or inside of a chase.
And for gods sake... dont use nurses calling on a trapper.
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No, I don't think she would be powerless (she and Nurse can deal with these teams), but she would definitely have a hard time
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@LastShoe actually my main build is other 3 perks minus Nurse call. But can u explain further why I should not use it on Trapper?
Recently I feel traps area really easy to escape (I dont know why, mostly 5-12sec to escape), I use it to find injured survivors and pressure on them. I also use it to injure multiple survivors to feed up STBFL then find them later with Nurse.
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I don't want to ask in what kind of stuff you are, if she is your waifu...
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I have 2k hours as a killer main and even I've never seen a SWF team with a loadout this busted. I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet (I will), but you should feel no shame for losing to this team. The only way to counter OoO as Trapper is to get the object in your TR before you lay traps so he can't see it, but against 3 Objects on comms? Nah.
This is a story you can tell your grandkids when they ask you if the devs are ever going to nerf OoO.
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You could have nothing done against this team.
They were too much boosted by their microphones and the ton of second chances perks.
But imo, you should never lay a trap if someone is watching you. Especially a swf because of the microphone thing. They will just disarm it to get a few points and you get nothing out of it.
Besides that, I would just have 1 bring in the basement and then on the upper level defend the shack at all costs, because I wouldn't have known what to do besides that against survivors that are watching every step of me, while they additionally also carry so many second chances perk. Luckily I run not often in such teams.
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Yeah I would rather not talk about it š
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- Towards the beginning after you saw they were healing and coming back you got a bit greedy and went to go get more traps and lost the pressure you had.
- They showed multiple times that they were attempting to bait you away from the basement and enter chases. You should act like you are going to but then pull back and go back to check on the basement. A lot of times you catch them trying to make the save.
- As trapper there isn't really a reason to destroy the pallet in the shack, especially if you are protecting basement. Just trap it and they wont be able to use that doorway. They basically have only one door they can use and if they run in to disarm or save, you can trap them.
- Several times you ate the dead hard instead of baiting for it even after they showed they were running it.
- You also lost track of who had used DS and it cost you 2 hooks. I know you said you knew they had Unbreakable but they are stuck in the basement and there wasn't much time left on it. No reason to not wait it out, especially when you can see the other survivors are busy healing and not coming down.
Overall, just better awareness will help you out.
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Can't imagine why a swf would have 3 OoO. I could understand maybe 2 but even that seems wasteful. You sure they were swf and not just a highly coordinated solo team?
why have multiple OoO if they're on voice comms?
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@jdcabral my main objective was to brought one into basement, then setup from there to get some few hooks.
@TheWarNung I dont feel shame or salty at all. Its a bit interesting to sometime facing a team like this. Of course can quit if facing this every match.
My idea on OoO nerf is Survivors can only see Killer if Killer also look at their direction.
@robotron Im not a tunneling.camping guy but I was stupid enough that tried to play fair against 3 OoO with Unbreak/DS. That pallet shack block is also a good idea.
@SleepyWillo either they try new Op build, or because they know they're going to face Trapper. Most of the time vs Solo, if a single survivor has OoO, is already a pain for me. Since other 3 on Gen while OoO only focus on disarming traps.
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DC, negate their bps and send them back to lobby simulator
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@Nosferatu3145 No, I always play through game, even if I know they're Swf.
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Nurses calling is the best if you can close the gap between the healing survivors and you quick enough to be able to use it. It works well on any ranged killers or killers with reduced tr. Using it on a killer with 32m without m&a is worthless.
To make traps better, you need to learn better placement. Like this basement trap was terrible and trap under the pallet can be hidden slightly better.
Another thing is that in this basement escape you should hit the unhooked survivor as well, and force off bt, with stbfl you could even down them.
And i don't even know what was that on 1:00, thats why you get the trap under the window slightly further and off in such a way that the survivors can't fast vault it but you still can vault from the inside. Also if injured survivor was there, it was obvious she had dead hard. Not to mention how early it was.
1:25 if you moved the trap from the basement earlier and had it in your hand you could completely block off 2 survivors in a shack.
Not to mention that going after this meg, when she entered the trap was a bad play, considering tht everyone was near the basement.
2:35 Why are you doing this, when you know they have OoO, you should completely block off the shack, so you can arrive easily to stop save rescue or you could keep it in the hand.
3:20 You could block of the shack which would quarantee you getting the meg, with a bit of luck you could slug the nea.
Dumb thing it was to pick up the nea and when chasing her you swung too early after she dropped the pallet, same with 4:32
4:42 if you were hugging the wall, and not walking so far from it would be a certain hit and mindgame was just bad there, way too early and no moonwalk to make it effective.
And many times during this game you were undecisive on what to do.
I watched up to 5:00 timemaker
It wasn't swf with comms or OoO, you were just making way too many mistakes
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You played that game SO poorly. It was hard to watch.
Knew they had Dead Hard, swings anyways. Downs players to chase after someone else, doesn't commit to said survivor and wastes time trying to backtrack. If you are going to down someone and begin chase with another survivor, don't change your mind half way through.
You knew they had DS, but picked them up anyways allowing them to save. I didn't see you even touch a gen all game either. You just camped hooks against a well coordinated altruism built team.
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I'll start off by admitting that the circumstances are less than ideal. Facing a team like this is never easy, but unlike what some others are saying here, it's certainly not impossible.
Watching your vid, there have been multiple occasions of you not using your traps to block looping options, you desperately lunging distances you couldn't have reached, and not prioritizing the right people. To clarify:
- The trap inside the basement has been spotted and communicated. It serves no purpose anymore other than possibly biting you in the ass if you're carrying a survivor and you suddenly get pulled hard to the left.
- 1:08: You likely already knew they were running DH, and that was a prime opportunity to use it. Try to predict it, don't lunge, and bait it out before slashing. This action cost you a valuable down.
- 1:50: You decide to commit to a chase with a survivor who has a loop and DH ready, while you had someone downed on the ground. You had correctly phased one survivor away already with that injured state just before, the other meg was just off hook, the only possible option was that the remaining survivor came in to help. Forcing him to make this decision would've meant that nobody was on the gens, generating pressure. Instead you give them a window to pick up their teammate and get yourself in a situation where all of them are up and running.
- 2:34: You're putting a 'sneaky' trap against a full team of OoO's. This will do nothing for you. It would be better to block off pathways or looping positions at this stage.
- 3:23, You decide to not go after the nea here. This Nea doesn't have her DS up, is an easy down, and would've generated pressure. Instead you go into the basement facing a healthy survivor, and one that has DS and a possible BT up. The fact that the BT wasn't there and you were able to down that meg, was a lucky break for you. However, you now had nothing you could do with her, as DS was obviously up.
- 3:50: According to your own words, you decide to 'willingly' eat the DS. I cannot begin to imagine why you would do such a thing when you're next to a bunch of looping positions, 2 gens to go, and every other survivor being up. You just allowed that Meg to get up and run away without making use of her Unbreakable, or wasting the time (and possible life) of another survivor.
- 3:50+ this chase against the Meg involves some awkward mindgames and 4 (!!) desperate lunges in quick succession (4:08, 4:16, 4:29. 4:55). You also decide to not use your traps, in these looping scenario's, instead eating pallets and giving them the time and space to move on.
- 5:16: You decide to place two traps here, both being of no use to you. You're facing multiple OoO's, they know exactly where you're trapping. Again, these traps would be better placed in nearby looping options or vault locations to deny options in the inevitable upcoming chase.
- 6:00: You decide to hit the running, healthy Meg here instead of committing to the trapped survivor. This gave them the space they needed to flee. Had you taken down the trapped survivor, you'd have guaranteed a -1.
- 6:23: Another 2 'sneaky' traps that can be bypassed easily.
- 6:42: You ate another dead hard here, costing you a valuable down.
- 6:50: You're committing to a chase with a meg who still has her DH up and a loop to use while you have a survivor on the ground.
- 7:38: Although this one was more difficult to memorize, this was still a very obvious bait to DS. I don't know why you chose to eat it. Had you left her on the ground, at most she'd have used up an Unbreakable and unhooked her after a bit. But having her lay on the ground wastes more of their time and allows you to focus on other survivors who don't have DS up.
- 8:04: Another 'sneaky' trap.
- 8:10: Eating another DS here for some reason instead of committing to people who don't have DS up.
- 8:28: At this point, you've risked not having ALL of them being fully healed by Adrenaline. The fact that not a single one of them had it, is sure to be called lucky.
- 8:46: Eating another obvious DH costing you a kill. Also getting stunned in the progress. Had you been able to bait that pallet and placed a trap the second they dropped it, you'd have the loop taken care off.
- 9:10: You now decide to block off a looping position that has been used up, taking your eyes off of the meg and giving her ample running time to the exit gates. This was your last chance to get a kill.
All in all, this sounds super negative and such, I wanna emphasize again how this was a difficult match and how it's understandable you lost. But don't listen to the others here saying there's nothing you could've done; you're only gonna believe that and get into a negative mindset. There were a bunch of mistakes you made, some which I likely wasn't able to point out. Try to look back at your own gameplay as well and see if you can pick out anything you did wrong, so you can learn from it and maybe get some better results out of tryhard SWF teams like these.
Hope this helped!