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KriSs_ Member Posts: 2

Hey everyone!I am very new to Dead By Daylight, but im less new to concept designing and or graphics designing. Thought it would be a good place here to share some of the ideas I came up with. There are probably alot of things incorrect in the ways of how the game works, but later on I thought, "What if when choosing one of the Killers I came up with, that is just how the game then works." Which might sound kinda lazy and stupid, but as I already mentioned, I am very very new to the game, and do not know everything yet and how some elements work.

I thought it would be cool to create a chapter based on a game that was very hyped for in 2016 / 2017, and now with Little Nightmares II coming in 2021, I thought it would be decent timing. I liked the idea alot, so I decided to cut and paste a few soundtracks together, and make a fun little extra "menu / terror radius theme".

The Idea for the map, would be just normal survivors, with ofcourse a new survivor that looks like The Runaway Kid, but everything in "The Maw's Residence", is weirdly tall, or big. Not too big, but some pieces of furniture or ornaments look out of proportion. To give it that Little Nightmares feel. The Overseer, (The Lady) is 1,5x the size of a survivor.

Let me know what you guys think!

~ KriSs_


  • KriSs_
    KriSs_ Member Posts: 2

    Oh yeah, I kinda failed to notice in time, but in the Concept Board, it states "Shards left behind from a broken window after walked into,"

    "Window" should obviously say, "Mirror". Sorry guys, im still a newbie at this!

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832


  • Bo405
    Bo405 Member Posts: 4

    I think your concept is pretty good. I am a big fan of little nightmares and would love to see a crossover with dbd.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    edited April 2021

    The power sounds almost as, if not more oppressive than Spirit and Deathslinger combined, and just results in the Overseer being a better Doctor without built in game slowdown. Also, the second part made next to know sense to me, could you explain it more?

    Eyes on Everything is cool. The perk's tie to missing a skillcheck gives it good synergy with Oppression and similar perks, which is interesting. Also, it gets worse as you get higher perk tiers for some reason?

    Reality Reflect is cool, but sounds much more like an addon for the Overseer rather than a perk. Maybe instead, if a Survivor does the same action twice in a row while in a chase (i.e. vault the same pallet twice), they have their aura revealed for 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds? Not the most original idea, but I don't know what you could do with this perk concept without having something directly related to the Overseer's power.

    Hex: Hidden Identity also seems to get worse as you level it up, the same as Eyes on Everything. It also doesn't seem too powerful all things considered. Instead, maybe if it gave the Killer the Undetectable status effect for some amount of time at the start of the match, and until the totem is destroyed, their terror radius is reduced by 12 meters?

    All in all, the idea is interesting, albeit at least for the Overseer's power painfully unfun to play against if it were to be in the game.

    Side note, however, the second paragraphs in each power are incredibly vague without even a hint of an ingame value being a part of it, besides the "1 minute" in Eyes on Everything. On top of that they seem almost pointless or just unfun, in the case of Hex: Hidden Identity. Imo I'd just say remove them, or implement them into the power itself, such as with the 1 minute in Eyes on Everything. On that note, to fix Eyes on Everything getting worse as you get higher tiers, the cooldown should be what changes, with the aura reading being fixed at 36 meters or something. The cooldown itself would be 60/50/40 seconds.