Dead by spirit

This game should be rename because daylight doesnt kill but spirits yea. I mean what is wrong with this game i play 30 matches, 20 are with tryhards spirits.
Don't blame the killers. Every time they try and play a different killer to not make it annoying for the survivors, they get t-bagged and pointed at and bullied and BM'd. It's the survivor's own doing.
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I wouldn't say it's caused by survivors per se, but rather the other killers being too weak
survivors t-bagging, BM'ing, etc etc is just an after-effect or a symptom of this
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I don't but OK. You're acting like she's the only remotely viable killer.
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"Dead by SWF"
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Dead by Laglight
Dead by Buglight
Dead by Ignoringallchasemechanicsnurse (my first main and i hate her because of how easy is to kill everyone with her)
Dead by serverlag
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I play at rank 1 and had 7 Spirit games in the span of about 3 hours. We escaped every single one of them except one person died ONCE. And yes all but one were using Stridor and all of them red ranks (most rank 1, well rank 2 after the match.)
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I didn't say that...
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The worst part is the survivors just giving up. Almost every Spirit I go against is absolutely AWFUL. They use their power all at once, they just go for stand-still mindgames, and the last one even had Spirit Fury/Enduring. ON A SPIRIT.
Come on. Just play the game. Whatever happened to not judging books by their covers?
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If you only have 2 or 3 killer that are viable against experienced survivors and/or swf, its obvious you see these same killers again and again.
Why should a killer play a char he knows hes going to lose with?
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Me using enduring spirit fury on a nurse for memes.
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Huntress is really good too, but map dependant AND mechanically difficult, two things spirit don't got.
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Lol fair 'nuff
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6 games in a row against tryhards spirit, i give up.
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I wouldn't say it's caused by survivors per se, but rather because the other killers are too weak
survivors being toxic towards the killers are a symptom of this, because they can get away with it
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Hmm yeah, the Killers can never be blamed, to be honest... They're immortal, untouchable. You cannot disrespect the High Council of Killers.
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She over-performing a bit, but there are also many Killers under-performing as well.
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Woah there, son. That sounds like something only a flashlight clicking, tea bagging, DS using survivor main would say! You can't possibly view things from both sides! /s
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Woah there, buddy, partner, friend, pal. Don't go around assuming things and being on a high horse! Where's your video proof that I am THAT kind of a Survivor main? Do you have video proof? Evidence, pal, evidence. Evidence is key.
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If you think shes easy..go play her yourself
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Well... it was my first main.
Also... didn't say that playing her is easy... its extremally easy to score 4k when you already know how to play her...
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After a ton of practice and with non existant matchmaking any killer can do that..but it's the good teams you should focus on
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Still, you just blink and they die, the only real counter is deadhard, which works once per match as a surprise, after tht you just bait it.
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On the subject of Nurse. I see people who play this game as an actual job like Otz and Zubat with 6000 hours who all agree that Nurse played at her highest level by a human player Is absolutely busted and gamebreaking. But there are very, very few top level nurses so its not really an issue. And with the recent change to her blinks its harder to learn her than ever.
Like Deathslinger, the reason they aren't more complained about is that very few players reach that very high skill ceiling.
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Nurse can't bait dead hard very well , more up to luck than anything..and it's not nearly as black and white as " you blink and they die,, that's just silly
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You blink at their butt, you swing slightly later, so you hit them at the end of deadhard. Unless they are weak, then you swing instantly and they won't have time to react, especially with these servers.
And yes... its a slight overexaggeration... but still... if you blink well there is no counterplay.
Another issue with nurse and why there are not so many people playing as her is that her bugs make her so frustrating.
And deathslinger... i can only imagine what top ds players could do with small cracks in the walls that you can shoot througth... Jesus Christ it scares me.
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Not if your out in the open no
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I reached a point where I was doing pretty okay with Nurse in low ranks. No where near high tier, not even remotely but I was having fun. But the constant indoors maps with invisible areas I couldn't blink through and blinking underground on a two story map just because I was 1 degree to low to go forward instead of down is what made me stop playing her.
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Basically this.
I remembered when i just unlocked clown, and i'm just learning him for the first time. Know what survivors did? T-bag, flashlight clicking, etc.
Obviously i don't get any kill. Got called a baby killer in the end. That's why i never touch clown again.
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Ah yes... verticallity on a nurse is frustrating, especially on the temple map, where its often just a bullshit and trust me, the moment when you learn to track survivors behind a wall, based on their previous movement pattern (to even recognize, how they will try to mindgame you) you start getting unstopable... but i quess there was a long way before you, to reach this point.
If you want to train the nurse with less frustration, try her with addon that removes 1 blink but increases movement speed. It will force you to learn how to blink directly at the survivors with one blink, you will get used to blinking only once and you will be more often able to see where survivors are, after time you won't even need it.
This addon with the charge speed addon is probably the only build that i have fun with on her... i miss heavy smoker nurse so badly D:
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She is ok. Killers need a killer, if you know what I mean.. :^)
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Since enabling cross-play I rarely face Spirit. I’d say that I see Pyramid Head and Nurse the most.
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You really should try him some more, he is very fun to play... and if you corner a dumb survivor in such a way that he gets stuck, you can throw spamming bottles at him (which is clown own t-bag)
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I would like to... when killers have different skill rating...
But right now, playing as clown is like wanting to lose the game and be bullied to oblivion (i'm in red rank so..)
I wouldn't mind if i lose the game. But i can't stand being bullied by survivors that i am sure i can defeat with other killers. I can't stand when i can't punish their arrogant ego.
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I understand you, especially when said survivors are doing so dumb mistakes, that you really wonder how little life they have to reach the red ranks.
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Just play killer yourself and see if you don't gravitate towards the easy to learn high power killers like spirit and freddy
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dead by glitched rocklight
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Plot twist, this rock is gonna be a new killer XD
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Not "judging a book by its cover" has rarely been a human reality. 🤣
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Op killer
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Well yeah. She's easy to use and gives no input to survivors when she's in her power. Therefore, ez hits/downs. Just guess better forehead.
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Maybe if solo was fun or wasnt infested with bad teammates nobody would try and play swf all the time. Also it's better with friends.
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Trapper, wraith, plague, legion, clown, demogorgon, ghostface, pig, meyers, are all useless at red ranks.
Deathslinger, huntress, leatherface, pyramid head, and doc can compete, but are very vulnerable to the gen rush.
Nurse and billy can win, but take incredible amounts of skill.
That leaves spirit, oni, and freddy as the only killers that can compete at the top, and dont require a masters degree worth of time to do well with.
That answer your question?
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Understable, but don't complain about spirit again
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Nah I'll complain about ms blueberry until shes reworked to actually take skill.
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Firstly, she is a waifu, not a blueberry
Secondly, she is balanced and takes skill unlike SWF, more like cheat with friends
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Everyone will complain about spirit until she doesn't make people feel like dumb-aces for failing a rigged coin toss, deal with that.
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And everyone will keep complaining about SWF until BHVR balances them, because now it is a free escape
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Nothing to do with gambling against one of the easiest killers in the game.
Otherwise I would like to know how without previous experience with her gameplay I've got the easiest 4ks ever and the survivors weren't even half bad, she requires absolutely no skill and only a decent headset, everyone will tell you that, because it is like it is.
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Right now, she and Nurse are the only ones who can deal with genrushing teams
When they finally nerf SWF we can talk about spirit
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Uh, one thing does not remove the other, and just so you are aware, Nurse does actually require skill, nothing to do with Spirit which is on beginner levels.