Dead by spirit
Firstly, she is not your waifu she is a blueberry, ms blueberry. Is it's a baby ms blueberry it's an exception it's a fun game always.
Secondly, she doesnt take much skill I'll say she has a skill cap not high at all. I watched dowsey face a tournament team as ms blueberry and they got slaughtered stridor takes away the "counterplay." It just boils down to guesses. Swf is only strong when it's a optimal team. It's not cheating when the devs allow it.
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Just because he is good with spirit, it doesn't mean that he is uncounterable. I can be a godly Billy and destroy a team in a matter of minutes. Does that mean that Billy needs another nerf? NO. For 1 good spirit there are 40 bad ones.
If you think spirit doesn't require skill, then you haven't played against a red rank genrushing SWF
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Yeah good Billy's arent uncounterable when you verse then. Billy is balanced. The player who is better wins. Spirit gives you no tells or information your input is meaningless.
Sure there are bad spirits that dont show spirits flaws but that doesnt mean they aren't there.