You ever just?.......

Stack thanat and those 2 freddy add ons? Then proceed to nod your head because you think you're good?
I got rid of the name so now you can all ######### off
No, cause I try to make the game enjoyable for everyone.
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While those are annoying as #########, at least it isnt the chains add-on. And he is using BBQ and Tinkere when he could make do with 1 one of them. But I would say all that would still be fine (not really, but it would be better) if he werent also using pop. Pop is insane on Freddy.
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No because when I play Freddy I like having fun.
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and pop... yikes!
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Be careful of showing names, mods won't appreciate that.
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I like that you make fun of that Freddy but you didn't show us your build
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At least it's not NOED
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Ds, kindred, empathy and lithe
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Oops how do i block th name?
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Not everyone is good at the game. Stacking Slowdown Perks (and Add Ons) is a good indication of that. Sadly it works really good on one of the easiest Killers in the game, which makes it even worse.
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You ever run double No Mither and then realize the Killer is an Oni? wasn't pretty. Especially since they all spawned together and I found them almost instantly. Was a nice refresher after getting dunked on several games in a row since I'm still new to Oni! And my perks are what they are because that's pretty much all I got worth using at this point.
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You'll have to edit the picture or remove it altogether.
Or you can ignore it and take a risk.
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I'm not seeing anything wrong here. Just stay awake like you should of been in the first place?
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Naming and shaming is pretty pathetic, you got something in common with the killer as you both seem like petty children.
Gratz on getting the name off, I wasn't looking for an argument just stating how ######### it is to throw a name out on a public forum for people to do what they want with.
Post edited by TKTK on3 -
Bruh i didnt ask anybody to spread hate damn yall love arguing...smh
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Not to argue, but what was the point of this post then? If not to spread hate towards this perticular combination of perks
Sounds to me that you lost a game and instead of looking at yourself on how to improve decided to blame it on the loadout of the killer and show of to everybody how "lame" he was
No offence but between someone picking a unpopular perk/addon combination and someone who reacts to losses by trying to mock and shame the person they lost too i know who i would call most petty
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I mean freddy is an easy killer I admit he has a skill cap but it's not very big same goes to ms blueberry :)
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I meant dont go msg the person (I originally had his name on there by mistake) also im not mad I lost but it seems like every game I must have to either hide in a bush like a pussy or run meta perks instead of trying to have fun
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No because I dont play Freddy anymore.