Can DC penalties come back?

This shouldn't be a thing. Got a SWF who all DC'd at the start except for one, and they found hatch with a map.
I get punished with a depip for something 100% out of my control.
Fix the hacker situation with DC penalties so this can't be abused by twelve year olds. Please.
Honestly I think the 'time out' does very little for trolls or people who just get upset because they got caught. I suggested they replace it with a tag or badge with their name that indicates if they have DC'd recently and how often they have done so. That way, people can choose whether or not they want to play with that person.
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True. Still, both, or either of those would be great to make sure people can't abuse systems, and pick on others because they have nothing better to do. It sucks people have to find every possible way to pick on others to get a sense of happiness.
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DC penalties didn't just hurt because of hackers. People would get banned for losing connection, or be trapped in a game getting held hostage, or just get trapped in the side of a hill. And guess what? Suicides still happened.
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What blows my mind is the fact that they still haven't introduced either a husk or bot system to replace disconnected characters. It's been years. DbD Mobile managed to pull that much off in the short amount of time they've been out. Yet our main development team is somehow unable to implement code that is ALREADY AVAILABLE!
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True. Still, I remember the DC penalties being removed nearly a day after a Twitch streamer got banned for an absurd amount of time after a normal match, which he then contacted Behavior about the problem. I assumed that was the main reason.
There are reasons to DC, and sometimes people shouldn't be banned for a faulty connection.
But, my argument is that people shouldn't get mad when they know their connection is bad, and they get punished for leaving a game.
Bugs are another can of worms. That's completely understandable, because there is nothing left to do. It's not a reason to remove a penalty, I think it's more of a push to fix said bugs...whenever that happens.
Suicides at least gave killers points for their sacrifices, and allowed them to at least get a chance at having fun. With DCs, they only lose 10k BP's and the killer gets to lose a pip or two, maybe even going as far as to not even get 20k BPs at the end. Aside from BPs, it's just torture for a killer to go through a chase, win said chase, and get punished by the loser with a simple leave, and the survivor doesn't even get a slap on the wrist. Either side can get into scenarios, but killer DCs don't effect survivors as much as the other way around.
Point being, there needs to be something in place to prevent others from getting other's experiences down with leaving the match. Slap on the wrist, or a can of whoop-badword, something. Anything. People can just abuse the system as shown above as of right now, and there is nothing the player can do about such a thing, which will discourage them from even trying.
Obviously, not every player will do this, but there has to be something to at least slim down the numbers.
TLDR: While there are genuine reasons to DC, bugs should be fixed whenever possible, and faulty connections are a player's own fault. A penalty should be required for a ranked multiplayer game where one DC can ruin the experience for everyone.
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Good point. I just want something to prevent survivors from being screwed over (unless it's a manipulated SWF move like I encountered,) and killers to be able to enjoy their won chases. At the very least let matches with DCs be unable to affect rank in terms of things like sacrifices and saves. Meanwhile, leave things like Gatekeeper, which the player is in control of, alone and ready to bring down someone playing poorly.
There's no set in stone solution, but a solution is better than no solution.
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Did it DC them all at once? I was thinking that if it did it could have been that just one of them had a bad connection and it ended up DC'ing all of them because they were in a party? But you are right, nobody should de-pip when there are DCs, period. You should at least safety pip.
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Faulty connextions are not the players own problem. That is a rather arrogant outlook. Even assuming their house had a download/upload of 100kbps... That's still not their fault, as people always get the best internet access they can, with consideration to financial and living situation. That argument has merit in the competitive scene, sure, but that's not DbD. They most certainly shouldn't get punished for it.
And I wasn't even talking about that - the game itself is incredibly faulty and unstable. The servers regularly drop people for no apparent reason, despite their personal internet connection. I have friends that with an average of 20 ping (which means they are almost on top of the servers) and absolutely ridiculous internet speeds, and they still get dropped on occasion even despite being the most privaleged of the privaleged in terms of "controllable" connections.
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So they removed the DC penalties for a third time? Good riddance. Well sucks when an entire game DCs but when you get bad scenarios like:
Getting 4 man slugged and never hooked just to be trolled by the killer
When someone takes the game hostage
Killer DC but you still get penalty for no reason
You DC and get punished for others crappy behaviour or stay for god knows how long, wasting your time. How is that fair?
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Yeah, all three at once with no reasoning. Not even a minute into the match, one of them spammed a flashlight. I'm positive it was on purpose.
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Fair enough, that's just how I see it is all. In my personal experience, along with everyone else I've played with, it was their WiFi that messed up. I shouldn't have assumed.
Still, I doubt a server will mess up more than once, maybe twice. Penalties shouldn't be stacking too high for those who get messed up by the server. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't been disconnected from a server unless maintenance was being done.
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Since i have no experience with DbD mobile; how does it work? If in the case above all 3 others disconnect, how good are the bots? can they run a killer for 2 gens, so the rest finishes the game? Do they finish gens, or do they bones? Only hex ones?
How about rescues?
And finally what about the hatch? Does it still spawn if 3 ppl disconnected, or only when their bots die?
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I played as killer in the mobile version’s Training Mode and the survivor bots loop, do bones, they go for rescues, they do gens. For bots they play really well. Plus, it’s better than nothing. I wish they would hurry up and add bots to replace players who DC and also a Training Mode for PC and consoles.
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It's not really related to your question, but how did you only get 3k BP while the escaped survivor got 13k?
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If my game is ruined because of the tbag as a killer, or tunnel as a survivor ... if I want to leave I leave, penalty or not. It's a good thing that I don't have to wait 1 hour to play anymore !🤭
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Because all I got to do was find a survivor, hit them, and break a pallet. Then a couple of BP's for the DC's. Survivor gets thousands for their teammates DCing, then finds the hatch.
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first off these squads are so rare,
second dc penalty did nothing as you could bypass it via suicide or afking the match out so it did nothing to solve the issue
and there is no fix to the issue no matter what happens you cant force people to play the game it would be better if they added another playlist with a dc penalty on or smth idk
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Didn’t F13 come up with a purgatory kind of system. If you team killed repeatedly, you were only matched with other ######### heads. Why not do that in DBD?
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They can't bring DC penalties back fast enough, nobody likes playing with ragequitters. They can all go play other games for all I care.
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Everyone gets 600 per dc i believe, but its like 4k for surviving alone.
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First, they shouldn't exist to begin with. I'm not saying it's common, I'm saying there should be at least a band aid penalty to keep them from doing it rapidly with little to no punishment.
Second, AFKing and suiciding at least gives the killer some points. DCing makes sure a killer can't even safety pip at times. It did plenty, at least allowing people who raged to have to take a time out and think about not doing it anymore.
I never said people need to play the game, suiciding and AFKing is available as you just said. The penalty prevented people from playing if they raged, so that last point isn't all that valid.
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My bad, I'll admit I got that wrong.