Why are PC players so sweaty?

Why are PC players on dbd so sweaty? Like, I thought us console players were bad but after playing against all these tryhard spirits, nurses and the race car bubbas I'm rethinking that. And jesus the amount of face camping and tunneling is actually UNREAL. And is it just me or do hitboxes just die between PC and console? Like, there are times when there is a whole wall between us or the killer just hits a wall yet it still downs me. And there have been other times that things should have hit but it didn't. Does anyone else care to share their crossplay experience?
Edit: I need to clarify a few things because some people are putting words in my mouth. #1, I never said playing to win was a bad thing but being "that" spirit that spends $100 on headphones and turns the volume up to the max just so you don't need to waste a perk slot on stridor or being "that" survivor who plays blendette with the small pp build and flashlight clicks and teabaggs the whole game is a bit much. #2 I never said being better than me meant you were sweaty. I usually play Claudette with the roving healer outfit and large walnut glasses Claudette the brightest outfits ever and usually bring a bunch of altruistic perks and balanced and can easily be mindgamed so I'm not exactly the best or most meta player. #3 I also never said I had to be handed free wins. I'm not the best but I'm not complete garbage either. #4 I know the globe doesn't just mean PC but with names like Hex: Devour Ass or Quentin the Crackhead I can safely assume that it's a PC player. and to my 5th thing, I never said all PC players are like this but i have come to find that a good point of the PC players I go against ARE like this.
When I see this icon my hands start twitching. Adrenaline starts pumping. Eagles cry and waves crash upon the shores. A globe? In my crossplay!? Knowing my opponent is shivering in fear, clutching his joycon controllers hones my skills. Sharpens my resolve.
I clutch my mouse gently, but firmly. Ready to left click at any moment and when the moment comes, I press the space bar. (that's to pick up survivors, for all those uninitiated folk) The globes begin to crack. The globes begin to fall.
At the end of the day, I know I caused it all.
gg I type. To no one that can see it. For all they know is the soft glow of the television set, where I once appeared. Where I ruled.
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Btw the globe icon doesn't mean PC it just means its someone on a different version of the game.
If your on Xbox the globe could be Playstation Switch Or PC so you might not have even run into a single PC player.
Also killers do have to sweat right now due to archives such as "Item of obsession" or whatever its called that asks survivors to escape with a purple tier item or better so killers are being swamped by SWF going all out.
So in order to win killers have been going all out in response atm.
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Yeah it’s honestly annoying. It took me a long time to rank up to rank 1 as survivor on pc compared to xbox and that’s because a lot of pc killers become sweats in the green ranks, I’m talking about infectious fright nurses slugging all 4 survivors they find the last survivor, Stridor spirits, and more.
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PC players sweaty? Please. I've encountered so many console players sneaking and healing each other within the first 5 seconds of an unhook and camping hatches. Trust me, it's on both sides.
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Because it's easier to play killer in PC?
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Because we've been trained by toxic pc swf. When I play against console guys, I play very relaxed, but not everyone has my sense of honor and sportsmanship.
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Also this. I'm used to very tight precise loops from survivors and everything nasty you can think of. A lot of console players panic and don't do loops efficiently. Some do, but not a lot.
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is actually hilarious because you say PC killers are sweaty but PC survivors dont love to rush gens as fast as console survivors do tho. they are less skilled with the looping part but damn they love to hold on m1 way more than pc survivors do who do prefer getting chased most of them...im an exception becasue i dont mind at all doing gens in fact i usually do get like 2 to 3 gens per match becasue i know my teamamtes hate doing gens and if i dont do at least 2 per match we usually lose.
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I dont know maybe their just really hot.
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So that's why I been getting sweaty matches all the time
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I remember when I spun a myers and vault a T and L and I was hit from the other side. I was streaming too and chat was like what was that
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1. As Killer we were trained by toxic 4man swf, Object of Obsession, BNP, the old Insta Heal
2. As Survivor we were trained by God Nurse, Crack Billy and Stridor Spirtit.
I always try to be fair but it is not always possible. I will do my best. If that means slugging for the 4k, then slugging it is. But I won't camp or tunnel if it is not necessary.
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You say that but I've gotten the most mori's and bming from console killers. In addition, console survivors like to bring their map offerings and keys when I play killer. We all have different experiences and btw, I actually know that I play against console players b/c I'm pc. Noone plays on freakin windows store.
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Why is playing to win a bad thing?
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Most of the people I know on PC play for win not for fun. I've always saw PC players as hardcore players, because why invest so much more money on a computer if you can just buy a console. PC players want to win, want to have every competitive advantage possible, which translates on DbD through better framerates, Nvidia game filters, and M&K.This also translates on a gameplay and gameplan involving doing whatever it's necessary to win faster as possible.
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So the short answer is, because PC is home to the most hardcore players.
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I just don't like to play on console. I only have a small room and a small TV, so PC it is. And even while I'm on PC, that thing is 5 years old and wasn't the best when I got it. All the graphical and engine updates payed their tolls. From 60fps on high 2 years ago I now play on low with everything between 10-60fps. Lèry's is the worst. Sometimes I have 20fps during the chase on some maps. So playing PC does not always come with an advantage.
I first and foremost do what my role wants me to do. Survive as Survivor and kill as Killer. But I can also have fun. When I play killer it is mostly because the Survivors do something funny,as Survivor it is mostly me or others who do funny things.
But you are right on one point: more PC players play more competitive than console players.
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Killers are sweaty for actually trying to win?
Does this mean that survivor gameplay is so casual and easy that there is no need to "sweat" to win?
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Doesn't the word "sweaty" apply to anyone who wants to play well? I don't get that word. When Man Utd dominated football, did other teams claim they were sweaty? When Eastenders won soap of the year, did Coronation Street actors claim it was because they're sweaty? When acts like Meatloaf, Bryan Adams or Drake stayed at no.1 in the charts, did acts like Pantera, Everything Everything, Radiohead, etc. call them sweaty?
I just don't get the word at all. Other than an excuse for another player to feel better about themself, it's completely nonsensical to me. Unless it turns into a mutual meme game it is always competitive in nature.
Admittedly, I don't play crossplay because of the advantages a PC has over console, which makes it unbalanced. However, just because PC players may win more as a result, it's ludicrus to label them sweaty.
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Barely noticed a difference. Everyone plays how they want to play, and the typical PC killer is no different to console killers.
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Loved your comment. Came from the heart. 💛
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Someone is more skillful than you immediately makes them a sweaty tryhard? 🤔
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Sometimes I feel like the farmers insurance commercials.
Toxic 4 man head on squad, seen it, beat it.
Dead hard hook bomb, into down, into adrenaline, into hook grab, into ds, into hook save, into borrowed time. Seen it, beat it.
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The question is, why are you not sweaty? And why are you guilt others for playing "sweaty"?
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I usually know it's pc due to the fact hitboxes go to ######### and their name is hex: devour ass or something along those lines
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Yeah but the difference is that's every game with PC players
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That's true but I'm more talking about things like "this person had for the people? Time to tunnel!" "Playing Laurie? Time to camp AND tunnel!"
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Imagine being called Sweaty because you didn't lose. Are people just supposed to hand free Wins to you because you're a console player?
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I would honestly not want to play PC with crossplay off if we gen rush in comparison
Post edited by MargretAtWalmart on0 -
I hear a lot about Object of Obsession sweaty swf groups but is that really common? I play survivor more than killer but even when I play killer I don't ever experience that. Can anyone tell me about the rarity of this occurrence?
Post edited by MargretAtWalmart on0 -
We've beat a thing or two, because we've seen a thing or two.
We are killers, bum-bum-bum-bumbumbum
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That's going to be my new end game chat response.
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Yeah, but now the Farmers Insurance song is stuck in my damned head. 🤣
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jesus who cares opt out if you cant handle pc players its so simple
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It's not. Everyone does and I'm really no exception but do you really need to sweat your balls off?
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What exactly do you define as "sweaty", then? Because it's really just playing to win.
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Instead of calling players sweaty you should use that same energy to try and get better at the game. Stop trying to find an excuse when you run into a player that is better than you. Reflect on what you could have did differently and learn from it.
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Not to mention the "odd" hitboxes.....
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Define "sweaty"
If you have no problem with "playing to win" then why do you have a problem with how someone chooses to do that? If i use all of my resources available to me, i am in fact playing to win. You can't say you like one but not t he other.
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Playing the game isn't sweating but playing like your actual life depends on it is a bit much
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Honestly, same dude
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and im the guy who teabags you at the gate and laughs as you never lnce hooked me or slugged me
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And how can you tell the difference?
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I'm asking why though. Like, doesn't it get tiring being "that guy" who uses DS, unbreakable, adrenaline, deadhard? Like, sure perks like for the people, autodidact and solidarity aren't meta but they're fun to use.
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Yes it is. Object in combination with swf can be quite hard. They tell their mates everything. Where you are, where you put traps etc. They also tease you very often and are good looper. If you play Freddy that is one person you almost can't get hooked if they are not cocky.
I hate spirit too. If they use Stridor it is all over. Else Spirit is fine.
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They're playing to win, remember? Fun is subjective. You consider it fun to experiment, they consider it fun to use the most optimal builds.
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No, it doesn't because i play to win. But now you show your true colors. You don't play to win, and you don't like it when others do the same. You are by definition: a scrub: free book that tells you why you are one from a game designer. You should read it so you can understand people who play to win a bit better.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
The derogatory term “scrub” means several different things. One definition is someone (especially a game player) who is not good at something (especially a game). By this definition, we all start out as scrubs, and there is certainly no shame in that. I mean the term differently, though. A scrub is a player who is handicapped by self-imposed rules that the game knows nothing about. A scrub does not play to win.
Now, everyone begins as a poor player—it takes time to learn a game to get to a point where you know what you’re doing. There is the mistaken notion, though, that by merely continuing to play or “learn” the game, one can become a top player. In reality, the “scrub” has many more mental obstacles to overcome than anything actually going on during the game. The scrub has lost the game even before it starts. He’s lost the game even before deciding which game to play. His problem? He does not play to win.
The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevents him from ever truly competing. These made-up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant. Let’s take a fighting game off of which I’ve made my gaming career: Street Fighter.
In Street Fighter, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations “cheap.” This “cheapness” is truly the mantra of the scrub. Performing a throw on someone is often called cheap. A throw is a special kind of move that grabs an opponent and damages him, even when the opponent is defending against all other kinds of attacks. The entire purpose of the throw is to be able to damage an opponent who sits and blocks and doesn’t attack. As far as the game is concerned, throwing is an integral part of the design—it’s meant to be there—yet the scrub has constructed his own set of principles in his mind that state he should be totally impervious to all attacks while blocking. The scrub thinks of blocking as a kind of magic shield that will protect him indefinitely. Why? Exploring the reasoning is futile since the notion is ridiculous from the start.
You will not see a classic scrub throw his opponent five times in a row. But why not? What if doing so is strategically the sequence of moves that optimizes his chances of winning? Here we’ve encountered our first clash: the scrub is only willing to play to win within his own made-up mental set of rules. These rules can be staggeringly arbitrary. If you beat a scrub by throwing projectile attacks at him, keeping your distance and preventing him from getting near you—that’s cheap. If you throw him repeatedly, that’s cheap, too. We’ve covered that one. If you block for fifty seconds doing no moves, that’s cheap. Nearly anything you do that ends up making you win is a prime candidate for being called cheap. Street Fighter was just one example; I could have picked any competitive game at all.
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Well I have 2 very important things to tell you. #1 the whole point of a game kinda is fun and if it wasn't then we would all be playing paint drying simulator 2020 or overwatch. and 2, Dead by Daylight isn't actually a competitive game and even if it was competitive games are usually decently well balanced unlike dbd which contains the 4 horsemen of poor game design which is keys, red moris, the spirit and the small pp survivor build (and I guess a fifth being the OoO swf groups which apparently exist).
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#1, comparing someones jobs that they get paid for to a very buggy cat and mouse style game that people play in their free time is (no offense) stupid. Especially the football one since each game matters for the future of their career which pays somewhere around 5.15 million on average. And #2 trying to actually win and playing like you ARE a football star playing for your paycheck of 5 million dollars is completely different
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What's the point of sweating? It's an video game and not the god damn NFL for Christs sake