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General Discussions

Why are PC players so sweaty?

Member Posts: 163
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Why are PC players on dbd so sweaty? Like, I thought us console players were bad but after playing against all these tryhard spirits, nurses and the race car bubbas I'm rethinking that. And jesus the amount of face camping and tunneling is actually UNREAL. And is it just me or do hitboxes just die between PC and console? Like, there are times when there is a whole wall between us or the killer just hits a wall yet it still downs me. And there have been other times that things should have hit but it didn't. Does anyone else care to share their crossplay experience?

Edit: I need to clarify a few things because some people are putting words in my mouth. #1, I never said playing to win was a bad thing but being "that" spirit that spends $100 on headphones and turns the volume up to the max just so you don't need to waste a perk slot on stridor or being "that" survivor who plays blendette with the small pp build and flashlight clicks and teabaggs the whole game is a bit much. #2 I never said being better than me meant you were sweaty. I usually play Claudette with the roving healer outfit and large walnut glasses Claudette the brightest outfits ever and usually bring a bunch of altruistic perks and balanced and can easily be mindgamed so I'm not exactly the best or most meta player. #3 I also never said I had to be handed free wins. I'm not the best but I'm not complete garbage either. #4 I know the globe doesn't just mean PC but with names like Hex: Devour Ass or Quentin the Crackhead I can safely assume that it's a PC player. and to my 5th thing, I never said all PC players are like this but i have come to find that a good point of the PC players I go against ARE like this.

Post edited by MargretAtWalmart on

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