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I am gonna prove that spirit is op

I see a lot of people saying that spirit isnt op and that need ability and i am gonna to prove that its ez to play and its op
I am an Rank 20 killer because i preffer to play as survival, and i had buyed spirit a week ago and had played like 3 matches
I never play as killer because i prefear to play with my friends
So if you guys dont wanna to see that spirit is op i am gonna to do a challange to my self
i will play as killer for like and week with spirit and i am gonna see what rank can i get in ONE WEEK
i am gonna to take print of every match that i played and show the results of all the matches in another tread in the future
Rules that i put
If survival DC it isnt gonna count
I cant use moris
I will play 4 matches per day
And that it
After a week i will show the results
note: i will not gonna cheat you if you think that i cheat you will be abble to see the rank and the bloodpoints always (:
If you wanna try this challange be free to say the result here in comments just dont lie (:
Edit: i see a lot of people saying that its ez to go against rank 20 and because of that this is not gonna prove anithing, so i am just going to count the matches that the majority of survival is purple and red ranks and after i am gonna say how much red and purple ranks do i pick
/Nurse.exe < /Spirit.exe
Just saying.
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some killers may have less counterplay than others but no killer is op in this game, what is actually OP is a good swf with comm, unbreakable, soul guard, ds, dh, bt. You will note prove anything since rank doesn't mean skills, and most of red rank survivors are average players.
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Ya know, even if you get to rank 1 it doesnt prove spirit is OP? You can get to rank one with EVERY killer easily. Rank doesnt mean anything.
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You if you can success
teach us how please
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Not gonna be easy though.
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Thank you for doing this as a killer main (rank 6) spirit is really strong against anxious new players I've noticed as started playing more surviours get massively better so whilst this test is a good idea it isn't great as a killer heavily relies on surviours mistakes and as a even a rank 12 can and will make mistakes
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A good idea. But 28 matches isn't a lot of matches, and since you play survivor you will know the game well enough to get to green rank relatively unhindered no matter what killer you play.
Just so there is no cheating, and to keep your motivation up, why not post a screen shot of your progression every day?
Also your results would be improved with a record of your win ratio (whatever you class as a win)
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nah dude it's the reality of the game, i played both sides for 2k hours, i don't need anybody to tell me things, i know perfectly how this game works.. have a look at ''competitive'' dbd, most of the time is a nurse getting genrushed and outperked by 4 good survivors... mostly you are the one who is biased telling me that i'm biasedwhile i'm telling a fact
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I want laughing ! 🤣
Against red rank, please !
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I'm actually interested in the results of this. Post some gameplay too if you can OP
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I stopped reading after "I am rank 20 killer"
1) You only play one side so I don't trust your word
2) Every killer is OP against baby survivors (yellow and green ranks)
3) Play against purple or red rank SWF teams and then come back and tell me if spirit is OP
4) Git Gud
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I mean i could derank to rank 20 and get back to rank 1 again because swf ez mode and survivor being easy. Does that mean swf/survivors are op? (I mean we already knew this like spirit)
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I mean we complain when survivors say "X killer is OP/ez" and when asked if they've actually played the killer or are up for trying the answer is no - but at least this person seems willing to actually go for it.
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For what i know the rank dont matter and you can be rank 20 and pick red rank sucha as you can be red rank and pick rank 20 killers
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You do realize that ranking up in this game is like breathing? You would have to literally try your hardest to not Rank up / Derank in this game
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I probably had played as killer 15-25 matches counting privates if i can win all matches its because something is wrong
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Playing 28 matches starting from rank 20 doesn't tell anything about specific killer being OP. After reaching red ranks (if you reach red ranks) play and record 30-50 matches against red rank survivors.
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For what i know rank dosent matter and yo being rank 20 you can go aginst rank 1
But ok i will do this
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I am not gonna judge if spirit is op by the rank
I will judge by my kill rate gens done and everthing i will register everthing that i think
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Is it because she can't be mindlessly looped?
You do realize that if every killer was mindlessly loopable their would be no killers due to having to do the same tactic over and over again? It's like ordering a juicy steak that loses flavor with each bite! It's only enjoyable for the first few times in a match!
Once you get use to Spirit, get your friends together in kyf and tell them to go try-hard! Do one match as Spirit and another as Wraith or Michael and you'll see why Spirit is used a lot!
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If you are Level-20 Killer you are fighting potatoes. Of course it seemed easy. Tell you what, why don't you make it a REAL challenge. Play from now till reset and see how high you get. I suspect you will hit a wall sooner than you think.
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What do you mean with till reset?
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well for the most part any survivor not in at least purple ranks are generally not the best since it's fairly easy to pip if you play well enough. Not saying that they suck but they are less than average in a chase usually so you being a rank 20 which will be matched with fellow low rank players in an area of rank that's easy as hell to pip in doesn't say much. I could probably get to purple or red rank as trapper from 20 in less than 3 days so what does that say about a killer WAY stronger than trapper.
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Just a tip, for your experiment you should use a control as well so you have something to compare Spirit to. Pick a different killer that people consider mediocre (Clown maybe?) and alternate playing them and Spirit equally for two weeks and track your scores and kills for each game. It won’t really “prove” how good or bad or easy or hard to learn Spirit is on average over all players but it may give you some insight into how well Spirit fits your own playstyle.
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Ok i will just count the matches that is against red and purple ranks (:
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If you want to prove that killer is op dont start by saying youre a rank 20 killer who only plays survivor.
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Then you also say Myers is OP too? Because when i started playing killer for the first time, i only played Myers and got to rank 1 in under one week.
Seems like you know nothing about the game.
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Under ONE WEEK how much time you have to play 9 Hours?
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By these rules I can prove Pig is OP. Actually Truetalent has multiple vods with Wraith where he doesn’t lose the entire day. Or Scott Jund with Oni.
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I think the point is the OP barely plays killer and is a rank 20, so wants to prove someone inexperienced with killer can do it. People who play killer for hours on end daily getting good results with a weaker killer isn't really comparable.
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This is exactly what i want to prove
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When I switched platforms I could’ve made a similar claim about any character. I don’t know that beating up Grey and Yellow ranks will impress anyone.
Losing to them with Spirit would catch more eyes.
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I dont play 9 hours. Its just easy to rank up, thats all. You can even rank up if you kill no one so this proves nothing.
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True so it shouldn't be too long before they're up against purples and reds, especially bc the matchmaking for new killers is pretty merciless
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What perks you gonna use? What addons? You going for adept? Using noed shouldnt be a choice. Not that I think noed is op but it does make endgame easier.
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I've been testing SG lately with a 2 man. Its really really overbearing
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I dont have to much perk with spirit becasue i dont play as killer so my perks is kind of trash
But now i am using Spirit fury haunted ground unrelenting and blood warden
i know that this are trash perks but i think that is the best that i have addon i will not uses to much because i dont have but i dont pretend to use purple addons and red
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Buy bbq and chili from the store.
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Go for it then. It is your time. :)
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Um... Duh🤤. Welcome to dbd forums. Everybody is biased to a degree. Killer mains (which I am) will want survivor second chance perks nerfed, Survivor mains, particularly SWF that follow an exact formula to get 4 escapes every time (which are self righteous and entitled 😝) want every killer nerfed (removed) that doesn't follow the preordained plan of "chase me from tile to tile while my team pops 4 gens in 4 mins and I teabag everytime you miss a hit when I vault".
In solo que... Spirit is not incredibly hard to get an escape. Stay low key, do gens during times when others are in chases. I mean, yes you'll still run into toxic killers that make the game miserable for survivors.
Getting repeatedly flashlight stunned, body blocked, BT invincibility and forced to grab a body blocker/locker diver that's only doing it to use their DS and teabag you as they leave makes killer pretty miserable too.
Point is. It's the toxic people that cause the problems. Every killer has some form of counterplay... Every SWF team has 1 or 2 players then can be tunneled down and camped (it's sadly necessary against some teams)... So the spirit isn't OP by nature, she just can't be looped as easily and has some advantages during mind games.
We just need to ignore the trials being ruined by toxics (of either side) when they happen. I don't see many SWF bully squads, but if all four escape, I don't let it eat at me... Take your lumps and move along. Don't call a character op bc you got killed in match vs toxic killer
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Get into at least green ranks with killer, and i'll start taking this seriously.
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In fact it was my main killer when I started playing, the red rank is easily reached and you think you are the pro and all.
But when you try to play with a piggy, trapper or any killer where the survivor's skill comes into play I could not win.
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The only thing bothering me is the really low bar you're setting for how many games you're going to play to "prove this" point.
I've been tracking my last 124 survivor games so far on an excel sheet to see which ones I'm encountering and what perks I'm seeing at R1~2 just for personal reasons... yet this really provides the smallest of blips in terms of data. On the Killer side I stopped tracking survivor perks or number of "pepegas" vs good players because I started noticing the same person having GOD AWFUL games from one match to the next while being decent in another so it's harder to count consistency over the last 50~ or so killer games I've played as a red rank
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No, first reach red ranks, then record your games. :P
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The test is fundamentally flawed. Starting at rank 20 you will play against many newbie survivors. ANY killer will murder against newbs. The kind of things newbs do is truly mind blowing. Don't work gens, fail skill checks when they do, throw pallets down on the same side as the killer trapping themselves, run into objects, unhook survivors right in front of you, etc, etc, etc. I've got 4 kills on blinkless nurse against newbs. They are that bad.
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A few things to consider:
- Regardless of the Killer and perks you use, it should take roughly 20-25 hours to get from Rank 20 to Rank 1 if you know the basics so in other words; you either reach Rank 1 or you don't and ironically prove that Spirit is not OP.
- Pips do not represent skill or good performance of a match, they're handed out solely based on the quantity of actions you did rather than the actual quality of your gameplay.
- If you don't record / stream your matches, your "experiment" will be useless.
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So you beat some newbies to prove what?
spirit is a strong killer, we all know that
but she is far from unfair. And what bothers me the most is that survivors still try to loop/treat every killer the same instead of improve and adept. The only thing that I consider unfair was gen-grab-Spirit. But this got fixed a long time ago.
And I don’t think BW, HG and SP are bad perks. They are only non meta (expect of HG maybe).
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doesnt mean spirit is op i see clowns at rank 1 and hes the worst killer in the game
i personally dont mind if killers are op or weak i just care about interaction between the two sides and how chases play out and how much fun comes from playing and versing them
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Well as its your opinion thats fine but with facts and logic this is unsurprisingly wrong