Delete Devour Hope Or Nerf It Into The Ground

Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

This perk has seen a massive boom in popularity. And because of this, it has shown how busted it is.

Put this perk on a player that knows pressure and you're in for a crap day. Since the time spent in that round isn't gonna be hunting for totems, it's gonna be spent getting rescues and doing gens. Then, all of a sudden, Devour is revealed and suddenty you're done for, since most likely the player will know that people are gonna be totem hunting now, because who risks a gen when a totem that allows you to be insta-eliminated is in play?

This perk is so so boring. It either needs to be deleted/reworked or outright nerfed. 36m grants a token or something like that. This perk is the worst thing to go against (since where are these players that "do bones"? - I never vs them nor get them as teammates.) I was once going through a phase of using Thrill Of The Hunt and not a single totem was done in almost 3/4 of my overall matches. It was a NOED bait to get people scared of the totems and doing them as priority, obviously, but no sod cleansed them. And why? Because in the majority of the matches, they were pressured so hard that they had to focus gens and rescues appropriately, no time for totem cleansing vs a killer that has you on the ropes. That is the most solid reason you'll get for why Devour Hope needs hard nerfing or reworking.


  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    Sounds like someone got Devour Mori'd.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    do more bones

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Who th considers TOH to be NOED bait? My guy, if it glows, it goes. If it's dull, it still goes. Just do bones. Hell, most of the maps have it in such obvious places that you have go out of your way to NOT find a totem.

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    Unlike NOED, Devour Hope encourages and rewards good gameplay, and acts as the trump card NOED was supposed to be but never fulfilled. It can turn the tide of the game, but comes with equal risk of getting destroyed before you can get your first stack.

    All-in-all, it’s in a great spot in my opinion. Hex perks are meant to be powerful and Devour Hope leads by example in that genre.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Devour Hope is the single best killer perk in the game. It doesnt need a Nerf. Doesnt need a change. Just my opinion.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    It's a hex perk that announces it's presence half way into the effect.

    Most often it gets cleansed at 3 to 4 stacks by competent survivors against non setup killer.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @TruthTheDeceiver @OniWantsYourMacaroni @burt0r

    This perk does reward good gameplay, but to the extreme that it's not fun to go against. I don't think anyone should be able to have the potential to destroy a team simply by being enough away from a rescue that coming back to the hook takes less than 4 seconds. The perk is strong, it does reward good gameplay, but it also rewards the scummy style of gameplay too. And more often than not, it's that gameplay players are subjected to in dbd. I would not have an issue with this perk if dbd was in a state where every match was against a killer who knew their skill was good enough not to be an insecure tryharding tunneller yadayada; but that is far from the case and thus DH does need some adjusting. I get that totems in their current state are crappy on the older maps, but those are changing at quarterly rate. So don't expect that to remain the same for much longer. It encourages dull survivor play too, btw, insta-saves in order to prevent token gains (also feeding into a scummy players hands).

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    It rewards killers for not camping to close to the hook.

    Its a hex perk that can get cleansed any moment unless you keep a really hard eye on it.

    It pressure survivors off gens once it hit 3 tokens.

    Its balanced

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Or it gets cleansed 30 seconds into the game because a surv spawned next to it lmao

  • RainbowSuperLoki
    RainbowSuperLoki Member Posts: 48

    I don't think Devour Hope is a broken perk. Like any (good) Hex perk, it is strong but goes down fairly easily.

    Does Devour Hope feel unfair? Yes it does. When it works. But we (killers) feel the exact same way when it gets cleansed right after the start of the game, and trust me it happens more often than you think.

    What I do agree on however is that I wish the perk was fully about moris and not necessarily Exposed state. I wish it read something like this instead :

    2 tokens : haste bonus thingey that no one truly cares about

    3 tokens : something to replace the Exposed effect I guess, but minor enough that Survivors don't necessarily notice it (such as slight cooldown reduction or something)

    4 tokens : Grants to ability to kill Survivors who have been hooked by your own hand.