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Bond or Empathy?

wich one is better for solo play?


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  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Bond. Empathy gives you info you rarely need. Kindred is better than either, because it gives you a huge amount of info exactly when you need it, but if you prefer a steady feed of aura's then Bond is the better option.

    Its all just preference though, and some people find empathy to be more fitting due to their playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    I prefer empathy.

  • Member Posts: 224
    edited August 2020

    Bond is better in most scenarios imo. Solo play you're looking to stay alive and not fck over your team which bond will help with. Empathy can give you information on where the killer is, but imo it's not as useful as bond unless you're looking to flashlight save multiple times in a match.

  • Member Posts: 293

    I would say Bond

  • Member Posts: 641
    edited August 2020

    Bond is invaluable for solo play for general information and considered Meta by many solo queue players (including myself and a couple of big twitch streamers) as one of the best aura perks and only barely rivaled by Kindred to a lesser extent.

    It gives you information of people nearby for heals, for coop gens and their exact locations, whether teammates are on a totem or chest etc, HEALTHY folks being chased by the killer nearby. It also tells me when pallets nearby are being dropped so knowing which areas have already been weakened. The absolute best part of Bonds for Solo queue is that you can SEE where your teammates are trying to work on a generator and lure the killer away because the average pepega will go behind a rock and hide or into a locker at the sound of a terror radius... meaning if you lead the killer to the opposite corner of the map then even your potato allies might get a generator done or two.

    Empathy helps you setup for certain other perks and gives you better information on larger maps for injured chase state, pallets being used and being able to coordinate for your Healing Archive. It also tells you if your teammates are healing under hook after a rescue which has it's moments of being useful. It's more Niche much like Alert (both are useable just a bit overshadowed from my experience without the right perk synergy).

    Kindred is my other goto Solo queue aura perk because it gives your potato teammates information when you are the one being hooked and leads to less going to phase 2 on first hook due to two guys deciding to finish their 80s generators before coming to rescue while the 3rd gets chased. Also tells you the killers identity and if he is face camping or going towards you immediately after hooks (this can be mind gamed too but rarely something killers pay attention to from my experience)

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    If you're running SpineChill, Bond is the way to go.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I'd say Bond.

    Empathy is good since it's unlimited and you can see exactly where the killer is chasing the survivor. Though, is that info you really need? I guess it's nice to know if the killer has abandoned chase with that survivor, but Bond just feels superior. Bond lets you know if someone is being chased 32m around you, and if you don't see anyone running then the chase is going on nowhere near around you. It also helps against accidentally sandbagging your teammates and helps you find teammates when you are injured, while Empathy helps you find teammates, but not help teammates find you.

  • Member Posts: 1,096
    edited August 2020

    Personally would say that bond is better, since bond will tell you exactly what people are doing around you and you can adjust to what is happening. If they are being chased or if they need healing etc.

    Empathy only gives you information when people are injured. But its all up to preference in the end.

  • Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2020

    I like Bond better i play solo so i find it more useful

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    IMO Kindred > Bond > Empathy

  • Member Posts: 7,169

    Bond all the way.

  • Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2020

    Kindred > Empathy > Bond for me. I primarily solo queue.

    Kindred: Precise information where the killer is going, whether or not he's camping, and avoid dogpiling the hook which happens all too often when Solo-ing. It mitigates most of the worst issues with solo queue.

    Empathy: Virtually map-wide information when you need it. If they're faraway and healthy, then I don't really care. If they're injured and running I can tell whether they're winning loops and just focus on gens, or whether I should be ready to respond, or what gens i should be working on next. Bond can't do any of these things.

    Bond: I don't like this due to its limited range. It seems only useful for co-op gens. If the killer is that close I can just look for the killer myself. If the teammate is that close the only situation where this information is useful is if I need healing. I see that a lot of people seem to prefer Bond, maybe they're running Up-In-Your-Face builds to melee the killer? Even then I'm not entirely sure what benefit bond brings that others don't unless you're going for the protection hit, but Empathy covers protection hits needs to escort.

  • Member Posts: 196

    I know that I probably be in a minority, but I think Empathy is the superior perk.

    For me, I like having all the information that I can. Empathy helps me understanding the timing of the match. Is someone in chase? How far away from me? Where is the killer? Has a pallet been dropped? Was there a Gen over there that is nearly finished and was working on before getting hit?

    All of this information helps me decide whether to stay on my gen, leave an area, take a hit, go unhook, etc.

    While Bond is a good perk, the limited distance really hurts it. Besides, if you are using it to team up to finish a gen, you most likely see the lights indicating there is a gen or hear it. I find that it just doesn't give me enough information to be successful. Empathy lets you potentially swing a map. If you are using it to see a chase in progress near you, most like you see the killer or will see the aura of the survivor anyway because they will be hit soon.

    Again, just my opinion. It is in my build.

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