Another Spirit Post you'll see today, yes yes I know.

I can't be bothered reading every single Spirit post that's been created. But the ones I've been seeing lately is just the typical "Sprite OP, plez nurf". I have to ask, what about this Killer is so "OP" that people are calling for her to be "reworked" when they really mean tweaked/changed.
The only thing I can regularly surmise is that Stridor synergizes heavily with her Power. But so do other Perks for other Killers. STBL for Demo's Shred is a prime example. Ruin/Suirvellance with Freddy's Teleport. Sloppy Butch/Thana for Legion/Oni. List goes on.
Because they keep falling for the stand still mind game
They keep camping pallets
They run when they should be walking
Their not keeping an eye on her
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Would be helpful to know when she uses her power though.
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The lack of feedback is what survivors hate about her! Survivors are use to have the 51% advantage in a loop that they refuse to use their brain against her!
As a Spirit main, I love playing against Spirit because she makes me have to guess and predict her movements, and since I main her I already know how she's thinking! Even if I keep her occupied for 2 gens I accept the fact that she'll eventually get me!
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That defeats the purpose of Spirit
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All your points are descent, but walking instead of running doesn't do anything. She still knows where EXACTLY you are.
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Im just a mediocore survivor, but without iron will against a spirit there is 0 counterplay. If im injured it doesnt matter if i run, hide, walk, crouch, without the killer messing up massively i cant do anything but guessing and praying.
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I kind of wish the game had a stat site where you could look up average stats like scores and kill ratios by killer. Everybody assumes Spirit is top tier (including me) but we don’t actually have good data to back it up. 🤷♂️
As far as the complaints, some of it stems from Scott Jund for instance complaining about Spirit and Deathslinger being “boring” to play against. His opinion is that at loops you can’t actively do much against a Spirit with Stridor or Deathslinger, the ball is in their court to miss an attack. Of course you can do things to increase the chances they will miss (e.g. use terrain to give yourself some cover from Deathslinger, move unpredictably and use noisy objects to muffle your own sounds in chases when you think Spirit is phasing) but in his opinion those things aren’t “interesting to do” and are “robotic”. (Personally I think he’s offbase on that, to me “robotic” is using quick reflexes to dodge an attack because you see the animation. The counterplays of strategically deciding where to go and how to move during a chase are more of a mindgame I think.)
As far as why I think she’s a top tier killer, it’s because she has a combination of fast map travel and a solid ability in a chase at a loop. There’s only a handful of killers that can get from place to place faster than walking that also have a really good ability that helps get downs efficiently and they’re all top tier because of it (Spirit, Nurse, Freddy, and to some extent Billy although his chainsaw isn’t quite as consistent as the other three killer’s abilities at loops so I put him at fourth here. Hag is a special case, she can cover a wide part of the map without chases and doesn’t care about loops really so she’s also really good, probably around number four or five.) That’s just my opinion though, like I said at the top I don’t have stats one way or another to back it up.
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Not really. You can use power, stand still and mindgame. Being able to get a free hit just by standing still is not fun. If it's at the expense of her power then she has to wait for her 2nd hit which is a breathing room for survivors
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No she doesn't. Have you never played Spirit before? Survivors disappear when she phases.
I don't use Iron Will but I do use Spine Chill. I have juked plenty of Spirits while not being injured and while being injured. It's not hard, you're both guessing on what your next move will be. Pro Spirit Players usually know the move you'll make next so they go to that spot immediately to ambush you.
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Getting a free hit by tricking a pallet camping survivor is fun af.
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Whats this third party audio surround you mention?
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You can mindgame by simply pointing your Rifle as DeathSlinger or opening up for a Shred as Demo then doing an M1 when they juke themselves away from whatever vault/pallet they were gonna do. There are all forms of a mindgame. If you fall for the standing still trick, you lost that mindgame fair and square. And Killers getting their powers redacted for just simply using a basic attack is just ridiculous honestly and not even fair at that point.
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Ahh. Thanks
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I've never ran into an issue like that with Spirit. Not every SPirit has a 3rd Party Audio Surround Sound System. Not every Spirit uses Stridor (mainly because of the toxic comments they get in EGC when Survivors see they did use it). Even the ones that do use Stridor, you can still outsmart them. I don't recall Stridor suddenly telling your exactly location of where you're standing. It's still a guessing game.
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Actually I don't know it because I've ran Iron Will a couple of times when I'm trying to new builds and I still come out on top against most Spirits, some of which have run Stridor. Even then, SpineChill is the BEST counterplay to Spirit.
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Thats just what i said, the surv is guessing where the spirit could go and the spirit hears where the surv is, so you pray that the spirit ######### up.
It is by far the strongest power in the game, even against a good nurse i was able to predict where she would port, how long she charged her blink and with her seeing exactly where i go, jucking her into porting behind a window i didnt jump through.
I dont even want her to get changed or nerfed, but just dont say shes not op, she is by far the strongest killer and its mostly unfun to play against her. (without iron will)
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SpineChill still works while she is phasing and is a beautiful indicator when she does phase because you can just circle around until you're out of that cone view. And if she DOES eventually find you, then you lost the chase at that moment, as you should. You either come out escaping or you come out getting hooked. That's how it's supposed to be.
Spirit also isn't solely designed for the 0.1% of top tier SWF's. In fact statistics have her last year as being lower on the Killerate when compared to Old Billy and obviously Freddy. She's just the most popular because you can do more with her power in terms of mindgames and versatility than you would with Freddy and Billy. People just hold her to this colossally high standard when she's just an average Killer.
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She's not the Strongest Killer. I already posted the stats in this discussion that were posted in November of last year. She's the most popular, but she was third Strongest when Old Billy was around. Idk how the stats look up now since that change or if other people were able to put a shine on the other Killers. But she's under Freddy.
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I don't use stridor or a super surround/ headphones just the speakers on my tv
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Because Freddy and Spirit haven't changed since those statistics and those are the last official statistics we've been given. I also referenced Old Billy specifically, not new. It still applies that she is powerful, but she's not OP.
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Right, I know they do a stat post about every six to nine months or so, that’s a pretty far cry from what I’m talking about though.
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Stretched res lets you see over obstacles and walls at loops and requires you to change your resolution to a kind of bizarre 1:1 ratio to pull off. It’s definitely cheating.
I’m not familiar with the surround sound audio third party thing you’re talking about, how exactly does it compare to that? What is it doing that makes it better than just using typical headphones in a chase? Headphones are already directional and you can just turn up the game volume if you’re having trouble hearing sounds right? Just curious what the advantage actually is.
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She's by no means overpowered. She is easily counterable (assuming they aren't a rank 1 strider & sloppy butcher gamer). The problem, however, is that she is extremely unfun to play against. Playing against her is just a guessing game, and to most people, that's not fun at all. That's the reason why we like to play against Billy or Demo, they are fun to play against because they have viable counterplay.
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Freddy's rope add-ons where nerfed after the stats. Also don't forget the ruin nerf that also happened after those stats.
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I didn't even realize they nerfed his add-ons. I don't ever use them and he was mainly used for his snares by a majority of the community. Not everyone ran Forever Freddy
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Freddy's old rope add-ons + old ruin and pop was certainly the biggest factor for his highest kill rate.
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You know what the funny thing is about that? BHVR intended on her doing just that! Saying that her getting a free hit is not fun is actually survivor's falling for a mindgame as once again, BHVR intended
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Sigh the whole guessing game argument comes from people who don't understand that every aspect of this game is guessing. Its just that there is a typical playstyle that is easier to predict and the go to counter is to loop for most killers.
Well spirit is harder to predict and the go to loop isn't as effective. But rather than try something else and switching up gameplay people just scream nerf because apparently its no fun to be unable to play the game in the exact same way every game against every killer.
People have suggested plenty of counters to spirit just read through the posts all have a chance of success, why don't you try switching up your gameplay when facing her, get more unpredictable in your movements and enjoy the more high stakes game against her.
Spirit is not overpowered its just people are too lazy to switch up how they play. You got good at looping killers, good for you, now get better at avoiding the spirit by not camping pallets or relying on the one rock or fence to buy you 30 secs of chase.
I've run the spirit for 2 gens on more than one occasion and I'm a potato, if I can do it so can you.
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BHVR also said using DS outside of being tunneled is a smart strategy, and yet people complain about that.
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This is an old hint. Metas change. The devs also said clown is underrated. They don't really know how things play out.
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I agree, especially because "rework" these days is code for "It's nerf or nothing"
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Well if you don't play like that you're going to lose?
If hundreds of players are telling you the same way to counter a killer and get away and you still don't do it or decide that that method of play to counter them "isn't your style" Its not a killer problem.....its a YOU problem.
Scott Jund is guilty of the same thing because "well playing this way against a killer is, boring" <----Well you got a choice, play against every killer as if they are exactly the same, or adapt to each situation and play against them accordingly. If adaptation is boring then again....thats a YOU problem not the killer or the design.
The whole argument is like getting on a drag race track with a soccer mom van against a Lamborgini, and then complaining when the lambo beats you, even though you had access to a different race vehicle that could beat the Lambo. YOU make the choice to stay in that van and lose the race, again, its not the Lambo's fault for you losing that race, its YOURS, because you purposefully made the choice to lose in that instance by not playing to your advantage against said obstacle.
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FFS.. Iron will is not a good counter against Spirit. Fixated is the best perk to use against Spirit.
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People assume they can't do anything vs the spirit. They then refuse to change how they try to vs her, and predictably get downed quickly due to not adapting. Therefore, the Spirit beats them consistently, thus fulfiling their mindset and proving themselves correct.
Most survivors are so stubborn they would rather lose to prove themselves right, than take a chance on something different. Its why my best advice is to play spirit consistently and see how people outplay you: It makes you considerably better at the matchup having the opposite perspective, especially when it comes to any type of mindgame scenario.
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Well you admitted you're not good at the game basically. So one counter would be to simply lead her on a long chase. It can be done.
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My major problem with Spirit is bad spirits suck to play against because they won't get any hooks and it leads to a very boring, easy escape.
Mediocre spirits will just get a free win by picking Stridor and using some headphones jacked up.
And good spirits will absolutely decimate you with no resistance no matter what perks you use or try to do in a chase. I feel like if a killer is going to be as overwhelmingly strong and impossible to read as Spirit they need some short of shortcoming but she doesn't.
Most strong chase killers suffer in other areas to balance it out. Deathslinger (as much as I also dislike playing against him) is a good example. A good DS SUCKS to play against because of the ratio of killer/survivor power in a chase flies out the window against him. But because his map pressure is so crappy he can still be easily beaten by focusing gens.
Or billy. Billy has great mobility and an instadown but he can be looped and is reduced to a basic killer near strong windows. Near a dead zone or a pallet that another player already used? Billys got you. He's still a top tier and incredibly popular with killers and survivors despite this.
Her power regens incredibly fast so even if she messed up and misses a lunge out she can try again in about 10 seconds and the survivor has to take a random action and hope she makes a bad play. Her map pressure is actually decent because of aforementioned regen time and phase speed/time.
I adore playing Spirit, I think shes incredibly fun to play as. But having a killer that seems to be averaging at least 1 DC in all my recent matches is giving me Freddy launch flashbacks.
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People will DC just to DC. I can't tell you the hundreds of times I had people DC on me for picking Freddy, Pyramid Head, Death Slinger, Billy, or even Plague (of all Killers). If you're not playing something someone considers weak or rare like Demo, Trapper, or Wraith, you're going to get DC's. Especially now with this Crossplay, all I get are people who don't play PC that DC so hard. But that's a topic for a different time.
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Not every spirit player uses stridor 😀
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The good ones don't. The problem is that makes up about 2% of Spirit players. And the end results almost always the same as if they'd just used it anyway.
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Since when does using a perk suddenly make you a bad killer?
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Well I don't know what to say I have no problem facing her it could be that I played her for so long that when I go against her, her mind games don't work on me.
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Then you aren't going against good Spirits. Don't mean to sound condescending. That's just how it is.
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If you say so
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She can still hear you, so think before typing...
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So hearing panicked breathing, an intended mechanic and the reason why most survivors sound so scared, is a "soundhack?" Also Shadowborn, a perk that only makes the FoV reasonable for the side that is forced to play in 1st person (as opposed to the side that plays in third person) Is "basically hacks?"
Different survivors have different volumes to their breathing/grunting/etc. Go play Ace if it bothers you so much, dude basically gets a free Iron Will just for existing.
Also, Shadowborn literally makes you get blinded EASIER. Lightborn is the one that makes you immune to blinds (again, intentionally) and does nothing about the FoV.
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What part confused you so I can type it out again? Because everything I said is factual
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We talk about skill, you talk about guess & predicting ...
Go play loto if you want to guess and predict.
Not to bne rude but guessing is about luck, skill is not involved.
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You said that the Spirit can't see you while phasing. That's true but it has NOTHING to do with the "Spirit discussions".
You know there are multiple senses when playing games, right?
If you can't see what you are looking for, you are using sound to hear what you are looking for.
Even if the Spirit can't see you, she does hear you and knows EXACTLY where you are.
Your point was basically unnecessary and had nothing to do with this discussion.