Is playing against Freddy that hard or I'm the problem?

I've been playing dbd for the past 3/4 months (i play on my ps4). I noticed that the only killer that really gives me a hard time is Freddy, his hit range looks way too big or I'm just bad at playing against him? I also heard that they changed him recently. that being said, does anyone here has a hard time playing against him?


  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    His hits look misleading because hes very short and ontop of that he has a glove instead of a weapon. It's quite misleading.

    He's very strong and if a killer has good fundamentals or you're playing solo then you're in for a very tough, long and boring game.

    The best advice I can give you is to focus gens. Moreso than maybe any other killer. Only ever wake up if its a pallet freddy or a slowdown freddy, the effect it has on his teleport is negligable and theres not enough time in the match to use an alarm clock. Don't get greedy with looping. His snares are very strong. If you're at a wide loop and hes far off spamming snares it might be a good idea to try and break off to another nearby loop if possible.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Remember all killers have the same hit range. Freddy is small and has his claws which makes it deceptive whereas other killers usually have bigger weapons.

  • Suvakita
    Suvakita Member Posts: 67

    The thing is, his hits aren't the only problem. He has way too many powers. Now I don't know if I'm just being a bad player or Freddy is way too op , at least on consoles

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Its a common point of debate if he was overbuffed or not. I kinda think so but I don't think hes gamebreaking. I think a lot of people are so unused to having a strong killer that they can pick up and play that they're blinded towards long term game health due to how much they enjoy playing him.

    He's definitely a noob stomper. I don't really ever see escapes vs Freddy outside of hatch in solo play.

    I'd recommend playing him a bit to understand how his powers and teleport work.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited September 2020

    He's worse than Legion if you're not asleep, and being asleep is completely on you.

    Post edited by Acromio on
  • When going against Freddy his lunge might throw you off. It’s the same length as everyone else’s even though he’s smaller so be careful.

    If he starts spamming snares at loops try to chain that loop with another loop to extend the chase for as long as you can. Even if it’s just a few more seconds.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I play solo. I have about 50/50 chance on him now. He’s certainly different than other killers. You’ll get there

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Nah he's actually a pain in the ass to play against. If he stacks slow down add ons, those matches are painful

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    And don't forget stealth against survivors who are awake and a built-in counter to BT on survivors that are asleep!

    And, most significantly, he also freezes the game for a second every time he hits me to drag me into the dreamworld.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    The thing is, he has a fat utility belt, he’s basically Batman in this case. He has a teleport which he can bait, Anti loop, Passive Slow Down, Distance Camouflage, Oblivious Status Effect when in Dreamworld.

    You need to understand that Killers need utility, especially in Looping, every killer should have a way around pallets. Unfortunately we’re use to having killers who are underwhelming e.g. Wraith, Legion.

    However, the problem isn’t that Freddy has too much in his kit, it’s the fact that survivors are always asleep. To counter Freddy you have to be awake but It’s extremely easy to go to sleep, from getting hit to passively sleeping every 30 seconds.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I hate playing Freddy because I usually have at least one teammate who'll DC.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    Freddy with his slow down addons plus bbq and pop is definitely one of the most tedious builds to go against. He's one of the few killers that have alot going for him from the get go.

    the best thing to do against him is to keep yourself awake as much as you can, wether it's via clocks or skill checks, being awake means he's just a m1 killer in a chase and makes his power take longer to recharge

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,242

    What makes Freddy's design so poor is that he's extremely tough to deal with for 90% of the playerbase, and not that strong for the other 10%. Some general tips to deal with Freddy:

    Stay awake if you can. It's not always easy because the clocks always spawn super far away. Teammates can wake you up too, but sometimes they don't know. It's not explained very well in game. Staying awake counters everything a Freddy can do.

    The pallets take a lot of experience as a survivor. They get easier once you get comfortable with where pallets are supposed to spawn on maps. I can usually guess, but I also have over 2000 hours in the game. So if I see a certain loop in one spot, I can tell where the other pallets near it should be. Sometimes a Freddy player will "respect" real pallets but not respect fake pallets at all. Pay attention to how they approach a loop. If they hesitate, then chances are the pallet is real.

    For snares, it gets a little tricky. Most safe pallets are still safe even when there are snares. You still have the ability to force a pallet break if they snare bomb it. This goes for jungle gyms, long wall/short wall jungle gyms, etc. Really any pallet that is considered safe enough that the killer has to bloodlust to get a hit. You just need to vault when Freddy is on the long side and play the vault mindgame with him. If he tries to rotate you around into snares, "cheat" towards the pallet once you step in the snare on the long side. Most Freddy players will try and counter rotate to hit before you can vault, but it doesn't work if the survivor is quick enough. Just remember to only vault when the killer is on the long side of the pallet.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Playing against Freddy is pretty easy, and pretty boring. Like other strong chaser, just drop pallets and he's screwed, whilst hoping your team is doing gens. If you try to loop, he gets you because of snares, and given how insanely easy snares are to use there's no reason to assume the Freddy is going to be a bad Freddy player.

    Seriously, unless you are awake don't even try to loop. He's not a basic m1 killer, he will get you just by sticking a few snares at the wide points. Your best bet is to drop early, act like you're going to loop, and leave the loop when he breaks LoS to place snares. Clearly this doesn't work on every loop, but it's the general idea you have to go for.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Firstly, Wake up whenever you are asleep or Freddy will always have the advantage. Do this and you deny the first half his power.

    Secondly, listen for the blowing wind. If your near a gen and it's not spewing blood your safe to go about your business. UNLESS he has a class photo addon then all gens will spew blood till he teleports (which he can't cancel in this case). Do this and you deny the second half of his power.

    From a former Freddy, now Nurse main That's all you need to know about countering Freddy.

    My advice is to just play as him to best see his weaknesses.