The plague has been nerfed

Some days ago I saw a streamer running a Play With Your Food build on the plague and I thought "Hey, I could test this!", so I putted PWYF, Nemesis, Thanatofobia and Whisperers on her and got a surprise: THE VILE PURGE NOW CONSUMES PWYF STACKS! If you search for videos you can clearly see that it didn't some while ago and this isn't mentioned in any patch notes.
It's an offensive action, so....?
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Vile purge is a action
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It's not, it doesn't "damage" the survivor directly so it's not considered (like throwing a bottle with Clown or putting a trap with Pig)
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It does damage you though. You can’t compare it to throwing a bottle with the clown because that does not damage you at all, purge does. With the pig trap you are already downed so no comparison there either.
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No one seems to remember that only corrupt purge used to effect PWYF.
This is a pretty huge nerf.
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I wouldn't call that a huge nerf.
It's a fix to something that wasn't intended in the first place.
Same thing for the bigger hitbox for huntress if survivors were healing or working on a gen.
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Can't say I used pwyf. Its a pretty terrible perk on anyone but Bubba. Even if this is new it should have counted anyway. Clowns bottles dont do damage and pigs traps are placed on an already downed survivor.
Plague can remove a health state and lock you in broken. I'd consider than an offensive action.
Maybe on old plague this would be fine but considering people actually cleanse now due to the corrupt pool buff, A permanent 130% ranged killer would be absolutely broken anyway. I wouldn't call fixing something so obviously broken a nerf.
Edit: whoopsie I misread that other post. Thought you meants that corrupt also worked like this. Either way I still stand by my original point.
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Vile Purge does damage survivors though, albeit very VERY slowly (they become injured and Broken if they get too sick). Because it has the potential to do damage (changing survivor health states), it's considered a full-on special attack instead of just a special ability (as with Stalking, Gas Bottles, or Portals).
Before the comparison to Pig's RBTs rolls back around, those are not a special attack; they are actually more like slow moris that the survivors can escape from (thus encouraging them to do that instead of gens). As far as I'm aware, moris aren't treated as attacks, so they don't cost PWYF stacks (just like with Myer's Tombstone moris).
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I think it happened with the doctor mid chapter patch, they made shock, bottles, and infectious purge consume stacks
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People need PWYF to be good at Plague? Honestly just use the green cool down add-on if you're that worried about the slow while charging your puke. It has a movement speed buff while charging that works on both Vile and Corrupt Purges.
Seriously, PWYF REALLY isn't that great outside of Bubbah or memeing and it's loss shouldn't do anything of note to Plague.
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That's so stupid. Shock and bottle shouldn't make you lose stacks and for plague make you lose a stack if someone get broken and recently got infected by you. The perk is average at best...
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it's amusing that it takes a basic attack to proc most perks, but a secondary attack removes stacks
truly amazing