To console players:

Survivors: stop running urban evasion and hiding in corners
Killers: stop camping and tunneling.
If it weren't for the terrible queue times, I'd have crossplay 100% turned off as survivor. I can't count how many urban evading survivors hiding in corners I've seen in just this morning's matches. Then a 95% heal and doesn't commit with the killer coming back. You are killing us more than the killers!
everyone who uses urban evasion is not urban evasion and hiding in corners some are still do they objective gen totems heal other when needed.
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Just by having the perk equipped at all, you fall into the stereotype. And even if not, this was observed with my own eye. I despise this perk!
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It would be nice if all payers would follow this. A little odd you only want console to but I guess it's a start.
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I've turned of crossplay and its barley affected queue times, i wont be turning it back on until there are cross comms , i dont like feeling like im playing against/with bots
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Only thing I've noticed is that console players don't use offerings as much, or if they do they use map offerings. That's most likely just anecdotal evidence though
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I play more on console than PC and have to say that urban evasion can be used for looping, so it can be fun to play with (although I don't run it in solo q). And as far as I've been playing crossplay, PC players have been camping and tunneling as much as people from console... besides being disrespectul at the post chat (that I don't see, but my friend in the PC does).
But, anyway, whichever is the platform, I hate playing with randoms because I normally get teamed up with a second killer. This weekend I got at least 5 people DCing, besides AFK, killing themselves on the first hook. It's sad.
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you know just because we play on a different platform it doesn't mean we play that much different from you. im sure there are just as many players on pc doing exactly what your telling console players not to do.
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Might as well add stop using moris and noed! 90% of killers I have faced on console use either one or both combined.
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For me it's a bunch of self care users vs killers with sloppy..very infuriating
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I use urban evasion and still do most of the objective.
Also its not only Console players but yea keep talking trash.
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Iam PC too and i use urban evasion almost a year now... and i have see never a post like this!
Dear Consol-Player its not just you ;)
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Sure, let’s blame the console players. PC players never use Urban Evasion and never camp/tunnel.
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This isn't a console thing. The last 2 pc people I faced used Ebony moris and tunnelled off hook. I would say the reason there might be less urban users on pc is because a lot of experienced console players move to pc whereas experienced pc players never move to console.
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funny I despise meta perks!
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I could say the same thing to PC players so stop this PC x Console garbage
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I play on ps4 and steam I use the perk on both you know what?! I do more then all the meta users and loops in the game.
one game I did almost 3 gens by my self 4 totems saved 4 to 5 people off the hook safely(with out BT) but hit with noed anyways left on the hook to die on first hook where my 3 teams escape.
that life as a solo survivor does everything get nothing.
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Some pc players are dense forget about it. If you are good you are good no matter what.
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Its like i read a diary i wrote
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PC-survivors are garbage.I tried crossplay just to see if there is a difference and as rank 1 Xbox player I can say now that PC-survivors are almost braindead, which we know just by watching on youtube. I did this just to try but now I have played 20-25 crossplay games and are fed up, will switch back only playing with Xbox players. I mean they are not good either but these PC/PS4 survivors take the cake.
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Blah blah blah blah blah lol
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Urban evasion is in my anti spirit build since crouching makes you quieter. I run iron will, urban, ds, and spine chill. I use all in a chase.
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Alright y’all on pc do the same both sides play the exact same so I guess you are saying we are all bad at the game 🤷🏻♀️
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1. its not just console players. Plenty of bad pc players out there so have a seat. Every platform has their good and bad players
2. Just because you're on pc and see a globe, it does not mean its a console player... steam and Microsoft pc see globes for each other
3. These type of posts just cause war like seriously f*cking stop! Tired of seeing this bs.
4. Console player's need their own crossplay period!
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You make posts like this, yet I only just turned on cross play on PC earlier. And a perfect example is my last stage against a legion. 2 purple rank fengs continually running to and getting downed at a gen above the basement. I unhook and save both of them and they immediately run back to the same gen, don't heal and get downed the exact same way and COMPLETELY THROW THE GAME.
Meanwhile the cross play, I assume console David finishes my gen I started, jukes a legion to waste his power, finishes 2 more and works on another before I'm chased and hooked.
Both platforms have potato morons. In my experience the larger community on PC seems to mean more MRs sneaking around doing nothing.
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I play on ps4 and steam there potato morons everywhere.
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Console players tend to revolve around the meta that had currently dominated before cross-play, which leads to increased immersion or like I like to call it- "insecure playstyles". It's boring to see that happening but if they continue to play they will have to improve in order to functionally go against a speedier PC meta, right? (hopefully)
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I see just as many potato PC players as I do console. This whole mindset of PC players being elite is stupid, having more powerful hardware doesn't make you a good player.
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Not to mention you can't use hacks on console. We have PC to thank for that.
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Unless yous specifically paid for my game, I'll go ahead and use what I like. I'm not going to stop using a perk just because other people use it in an ineffective manner. If we went by that rule, no perk in the game would be allowed.
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No what? that's not really a valid enough point for an argument
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How about you join our “meta” instead or turn off cross play if you gonna be hating.
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If that's your problem take self care/med-kit or how about being useful and repair gens. Stop shifting the blame on others not hard you can do it!
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Stop generalizing multiple platforms
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Stop saying nonsense, these are the exact same things that trash pc players did even before we console players arrived.
The truth is that you are trying in every way to be the high and the haughty, but you think we are stupid after for years we have seen videos of Monto, Tru3, Otzarva, OhTofu ed etc where killers or survivors of the worst kind are shown.
You are passing it off as a novelty and as if before crossplay you were not already partially pathetic. And by this I definitely don't mean that we console players are better. Absolutely not.
Simply, garbage is where there are garbage PLAYERS, who are literally everywhere no matter what system you play on.
But no better to be the chosen ones and lie to yourself. Now it is the fashion that every bad player is a console player, as if there weren't plenty of them already on PC. The famous potatoes
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In my experience they all run Sloppy on console. I keep Botany on all the time, and the bar hasn't been yellow in weeks. It's always red. I thought Botany should counter Sloppy but oh well; it doesn't seem to help much either. 33% faster and still slow? Darn.
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How am I hating? I haven't asked for anything more since the addition of cross-play since players can come together. It's just that normally console players have a designated playstyle that polarizes PC playstyles, self-care and urban evasion won't help your team quite as well unlike looping the killer and wasting his time. All players alike need to improve for the time being and onward.
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i feel like console players are more casual players and generally not as good. thats just my observation. they display typical behavior you would see at lower ranks; using selfcare and urban evasion is what i see very often. for killers the difference is extremely noticeable. you will almost always be able to tell when a killer is on console because they swing and miss often and their reaction time is slower.
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My pc teammates have been much the same as my console ones. Sometimes good, sometimes not. The killers haven't been much different except pc nurses are generally more frightening. The huntresses have weirdly been much worse than what I'm used to.
I switched xplay on as killer because I was playing at deathsquad hours (ps4 Killers who play after 10.30-11pm should know what I'm on about) so I didn't see how it could get much worse and immediately got much easier games. But this is all anecdotal anyway.
I think it's just confirmation bias at this point. You see the globe icon, assume they'll be bad and pay more attention to what they're doing than your other teammates. Or you get a very tunnelly killer, assume they're on console and if you see the icon at the end then "hah! I knew it" and if you don't then it gets shrugged off.
Also speaking of noobs on pc I had otzdarva on my team and he stepped in a very obvious trap while running over to pick me up off the floor and we both died. He should consider playing some trapper to get a feel for some common trap hiding spots
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It shouldn't be the case , unless your still self caring