Chat with cross play

Hi devs, I know I am probably not the only one that has thought about this but, with the new cross play system I would love to have a end game/ pre game lobby chat for consoles. Because when I do happen to run into a player from another realm I would love to meet and say a gg. I understand that some others might use it as a tool for destruction and toxic behavior. But right now I know there's a way to hide the chat if wanted. I feel very lonely at the end game when I can only speak with my own console comrades. I have seen memes and streamers just post in their respective chat that can't have a response back and it's unfortunate.

I do know that other games that have cross play do have this feature(yes I understand dbd is not everyone else). However, it shows that it IS possible to bring it forward. I am not making a strong petition to do this but just as a recommendation from a very happy console player (almost 4000 hrs of gameplay) .

I believe that you all can make things better and you can trust that with either decision you make, I will not be bias and I look forward to the future.

Thank you

Kos wolf86


  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    It’ll probably come soon, they will most likely fix the existing crossplay bugs first though

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I honestly don't really want it. It usually just spreads toxicity. Plus, it's rather difficult to type fast with a controller. A gg would be easy but if you want to say anything more then that, the killer will likely leave before you even get to finish your sentence.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 917

    Just hide the chat then. We can hide it on PC and it even retains the previous setting so it stays closed. No accidental toxicity trying to turn it off 🙃

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    The toxicity was the more minor reason why I wouldn't want it.

  • wolfofkos
    wolfofkos Member Posts: 5

    And honestly I am one not bother by the toxicity because to say that I haven't been toxic ever is a lie and I'm not a hypocrite. Flashlights don't give me rage and keys are not a problem and on the other side if a Mori or noed happens then yeah the killer is insecure or wants to be toxic or even a daily..see there are so many challenges out there I can't get mad. Everybody wants points am I right?

  • Stonuk
    Stonuk Member Posts: 91

    Post-game chat is the biggest cancer of this game. No.

  • wolfofkos
    wolfofkos Member Posts: 5

    If you have so much of this "cancer" then what are you doing that's causing it ... Or not doing... A gg ez in my experience is just someone that thinks they gave bested and you will know that if you win in sense that will not be the same response.

    Ways to counter cancer

    - gg ez response is gg

    - don't camp / tunnel (average survivor response)

    - don't spam or tbag ( average killer response)

    - give a fun or fair game when you can

    - turn off chat / cross play when available

    Doing this will stop alot of "cancer"

    Good luck in the fog

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I really would like the end game chat - it would be so much easier to say GG through that then through the console messaging system and there's no way to send a message to the player if they aren't from PS4. I do give good/fun killers a thumbs up at the end of the game in the ranking screen but does this even do anything?

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    No, no, hell no. The only saving grace about this cross play disaster is you don't have to hear the whining and bs from the other players. The harassment that goes on in the console community is legendary and has no place here in the PC realm. Granted, I'd just turn off the chat screen, but that could cause problems on the survivor side. I've ignored pre-game chat before because it was immature and sexist only to have those same survivors teabag around the hook I'm on. Why? Because I ignored their pre-game chat.

    This is an absolutely horrible idea and should never be implemented.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Im a high rank killer and im fine with in game chat for survivors. You can REALLY tell the difference between a team using chat and a random team. Its extremely easy to beat a random team, and when they're talking is the only time they have a chance to all escape. If they're worried about immersion that would be a good chance for a proximity chat, even if it has a long distance to it. Especially if it went to killer too. You could eavesdrop on survivors making plans and then scare the crap out of them when you pop around the corner with undetectable saying "good plan" while revving a chainsaw. Adds a whole new level of psychological warfare. Just as long as the community doesn't turn toxic. I could see an in game proximity chat being very fun and balanced, especially if they added perks that increase chat range or make it where the killer can't hear you. Just my 2 cents on the subject. As an indie game developer myself, I would love to play around with the balancing of that feature.

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    If I wanted to socialize with people I wouldn't be at home playing video games.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I want it too but I type so slow it wouldn't be worth the effort.

  • Allivath_Chaos
    Allivath_Chaos Member Posts: 41

    Because people don't get harassed in the PC side? 90% of the posts I see here complaining about people being toxic in this game are about post game chat which doesn't exist on consoles... So I wonder where those complaints are coming from?

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    It's something you can turn off, though. Personally I think it'd be great to have - people that don't want to see chat such as yourself can simply hide it. It'd be really nice to interact with other players from other platforms. Atm I dislike having full lobbies of console players just because the lack of interaction. Can't say, 'thanks for the save', 'thanks for carry', or discuss anything. What's the point in adding someone from another platform if you can't interact with them whatsoever? I doubt I'll ever add any cross-platform user unless I can chat with them. End game chat for me is always something to look forward to.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    So, we agree it is already bad. Why would we add more fuel to the fire? There is zero reason to add chat capabilities between consoles and PC. The flames are already bad enough.

  • Grimsmack
    Grimsmack Member Posts: 3

    I'm new to Dead by Daylight (I've been playing for a month) and was stoked when the cross platform announcement was made. One of my pals in another state plays on his Xbox and I play on mine. It's nice to communicate with one another and catchup. Another friend just got the game and plays on his PC, but the three of us were disappointed to learn that we cannot communicate in game with our PC friend.

    I guess I don't understand WHY cross platform chat/audio isn't allowed? Why would it be allowed for a sub-portion of the population, but not others? Is it technically difficult to implement or is it because of some sort of advantage?

    If there is an overwhelming advantage for survivors communicating with one another, why allow it at all? Is it a money-making scheme?

    If there is a disadvantage for the Killer, then perhaps the game can "detect" how many survivors are directly communicating with one another in game and buff the Killer.

    Why influence players jump thru hoops to find some application/device that allows group chat while playing the game? Are they working towards the capability?

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    No thank you, i dont want talk with the people tbag me, or punch me to infinit ! Keep our distance for joy and good mood 🤗

  • Tydie
    Tydie Member Posts: 126

    I imagine its because console has censors on what you can say. I don't think you can swear. I could be wrong, i havent had a console in a long time. Though, from what i can remember, when you typed out a cuss it would not allow it. Steam doesn't have any censors.

  • Tydie
    Tydie Member Posts: 126

    There's definitely toxicity, but theres also positivity in the end game chat. I've met many friends through it and i think while it has negative sides to it there are also positives. I think theres levels to toxicity. Theres being outright hateful and using slurs, and then theres scolding your team for making a bad play. I think the latter is fairly harmless.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    eh I'm a bit iffy on this I mean I won't receive ######### messages from the survivors if they are all pc survivors

  • Emilywhitmore21
    Emilywhitmore21 Member Posts: 2

    I get why a lot of pc people don't want agree with the idea because of "controllers typing slow" or "the community being toxic" but there is ways around that and private ps4 messages can be equally as rude where messages constantly get reported which leads to playstation safety warnings and even bans. As a ps4 user I hate the fact that the only way we can message one another before or after game is by going onto another persons profile to message when half the time the players privacy settings are high anyway. With cross play I've began playing with a few pc players but have no way actually communicating with them which sucks. I know that a lot of ps4 users will agree with this too.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    Who would want to read that meaningless nonsense ?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    lobby chat for survivors yes end game chat NO