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General Discussions

The FPS on Console WILL NOT GO SLIENT until we get an actual answer!

You guys know what to do! Talk about your problems on console! How its been preforming! What other new problems have risen on console! We need our voices actually heard!

For some that still need a back story on this. In 2018 BHVR said either by end of October or November, can't remember just GENERALLY near end 2018 that they would optimize console, which as we know, that was a lie and all they did was downgraded the graphics, and ever since then, they kept quite about and everytime anyone brought it up to the devs they always said one of the few followings

"We currently don't have a team working on it"

"We will have further updates on it once we have information on it"

Or "We shared this among the team" which is the biggest lie and their responses just keep looping like this every time it is asked

So to make sure this thread goes on until we get an answer, NO BUMPING meaning NO "Bump" replies of any sort, since it is for whatever reason consider "drama" if you see this thread go off the front page, don't simply bump it, say something related to the FPS on console or other problems related to console!

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  • Member Posts: 73

    I played yesterday. With Clown the frame rates were "decent". With Pyramid Head, the fps drops massively. Same with Demigorgon in a open map

    Today i will report new issues with other killers

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Applying a status effect causes the game to freeze or stutter.

    This includes Survivors applying Exhaustion to themselves.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Does anyone find that the frame rate absolutely dies when they try to do the extendo attack on pryamid head

  • Member Posts: 73
  • Member Posts: 38

    Why would you play in console to begin with? I'm not trying to get into the *waa all console players are bad* dogfight, but clearly PC-s are better in every way. Please everyone just get a PC.

  • Member Posts: 126

    You should never expect the same quality/performance as PC. They are just more powerful and efficient at what they do in every circumstance. Thing about consoles is they cannot be upgraded so over the years they just arent strong enough for a lot of newer games. I'm sure the devs have done what they can to get the best performance but at the end of the day theres a limitation. You get what you pay for ig. Invest in a PC if you can. definitely worth it.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Yeah, i agree. Saying "just get a PC" is a bit ridiculous, but at the same time thats really the only solution. Unless you want the devs the reduce the graphic quality even more to the point that it looks horrid. Probably not.

  • Member Posts: 2,509
  • Member Posts: 459

    And for some reason, despite a new comment, this discussion stayed in the second page instead of going to the first.


  • Member Posts: 4,570

    That's the "sinking" function (no, I did not made that up). Let me quote the Vanilla staff from the Vanilla Forums:

    "Sink prevents a discussion from being 'bumped' back to the top of the list when new comments are posted. This allows admins and moderators to quietly cause a discussion to lose importance and die without stirring unrest by forcefully closing it."

  • Member Posts: 459
  • Member Posts: 124

    I played nurse on Midwich last night and y’all know what a nightmare that map is for nurse. Put one on the hook and the other three came in for the hook bomb and I don’t know what caused it but the frames dropped and for almost three minutes it was like a freaking slideshow. I wish I had clipped it. Also had a match on Leary’s last night though the frame drop wasn’t near as bad but it still dropped frames to where I missed a bunch of hits. I don’t understand why no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room (console optimization) but gamers who have spent time and money on your game aren’t just gonna be swept under the rug and go away. Are we just so full of pride at Behavior that we can’t give answers to these types of questions.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Frames drop quite a bit as survivor or killer, definitely more as killer. I'm sure others will list the killer issues so here are a few of the ones I've run into as survivor.

    Times frames drop for survivor:

    When hit with Sloppy Butcher.

    When exposed status goes into effect - NOED, Mikey tier 3, GF mark, Devour Hope, Haunted Grounds, etc.

    If a survivor cleanses totem nearby - dull or lit. Lit will also screw up frames across the map.

    If a survivor searches a chest nearby.

    When a gen finishes.

    When another survivor is hooked.

    During skill check on gen if another survivor hops on.

    If Hag trap is set off nearby.

    When frames drop it will cause:

    Miss skill checks.

    Stutter during chase that causes survivor to be hit/downed.

    Survivor to miss ability to vault/drop pallet.

    Survivor to stop struggling on hook.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Wow, they really did that. I just commented and this stated at lower end of page 2.

  • Member Posts: 854

    Lol it won’t move up. These guys and their insistence on ignoring the problem.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They are doubling down on making console feel like they don't actually matter.

  • Member Posts: 571
    edited September 2020

    I remember how spirit had FPS problems when you used her power and then coming out of it was worse

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    On PC FPS issues were fixed by lowering the resolution setting. It's a slider for some reason. Is that possible on console?

    If it's not possible maybe it can be set for all console players in an update. On PC at least changing the resolution setting seems to do basically nothing visually.

  • Member Posts: 2,171
    edited September 2020

    No, it isn't possible on console.

    Additionally, as far as I can tell, console is already preset to low graphic settings by default and can't be changed.



    Also for anyone else who wants to say 'jUsT GEt a Pc lOl' I'd like to point out what you said, Madjura; DBD still suffers issues on PC, even decent gaming computers can struggle to run the game at anything beyond Low.

    This isn't a console problem, or even a DBD on console problem, it's a DBD problem. It's just that I can't upgrade a PS4 or adjust DBD's settings to band-aid the issue, so it remains a problem.

  • Member Posts: 324

    Every killer match is crap because of the terrible framerate.

    Devs don't care. The response of "we let the team know" is either complete BS or evidence of alarming incompetence.

    If the devs really didn't know their game runs like dried poop on console then that means they have literally never played their game on console in the last year.

    Much more likely, they know. They don't care. "Wait for next gen, scrubs! Keep buying skins!"

    No thanks. Uninstalled till we get optimization.

  • Member Posts: 800

    When playing the Lery's map, the frame rate is almost unbearable on either side.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    It's even worse in the center room with all the screens.

    If that gen ever gets done things actually get to slide show levels as Demogorgon.

    And even as someone like Trapper there's a lot of stutter if you're near or in that room.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Fps causes killeds to miss easy hits and survivors to die on hooks. Esp when you go against or use shiney blight outfits

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