A desperate plea to all console and switch players

I have 1200 plus hours, all killers, all survivors and all the cosmetics i like.
With that being said I WILL NOT BE BUYING ANYTHING ELSE DBD RELATED untill they fix the FPS issue.
With the FPS thread now reaching 1k post and been pretty much on page 1 on the forums for weeks and still no real answer for a fix or anything.
I am begging you guys to stop buying new content. As much as i want to play the new killer and have the new survivor the game is on a steady decline for console players and from the looks of it, the devs arent planning on doing anything untill the release of next gen consoles.
The FPS IS NOT a hardware issue either, the current consoles have no problems playing high FPS games at a steady rate. You can look at games like R6 GOW COD i mean the list of first person shooter high FPS games goes on and on.
If you look at some of the older DBD games from just 6 months to a year ago people were running 40-60 fps with no issues so makes no sense why we cant even get 15 in its current state.
To all of my amazing PC players.
The more of you guys that would help by not purchasing new content would also help.
I know that alot of PC players have this stigma going around that all of us consoles players are trash and were not.
If we were running at 60 fps like you guys were it would be a different story. This is not to say we are better but that we are EQUAL.
This is a team work based game and i want all of my team mates to be performing at their best like i am.
Some times our frames will drop so bad that we LITERALLY cant do anything about it. Something as simple as looping the killer in a tile and 2 gens popping off at the same time might cause a console player to lag as he goes for the fast vault and instead the pc killer at 60 fps comes in swinging and connects no issues while on our screen were frozen at the window only to come back 3 slideshows later on a windows 98 server to be downed on the other side of the window.
If we had a steady 60 fps we could pull off the same techniques pc players pull off. Or at the very least be able to play better without having the fps completely destroy us.
Were not all potatoes i promise. Some times some of the easiest plays will get a console player killed simply because something else happened somewhere else on the map and the frames dropped and pretty much froze the game for us while we were in chase, and i dont need to tell any experienced dbd player that the difference between you making it to the next window or pallet usually IS just a couple seconds.
Tl;DR : Dont buy any more new content untill they fix the FPS issue. Now with cross play introduced it would really just benefit everybody if they fixed this.
How do so many console players have all these issues? We're all running the same hardware (I assume at least...) and I've never had these huge frame drops that everyone always complains about on my Xbox...
I can count on one hand the amount of times the game pooped the bed on me and became virtually unplayable (so I guess I can't say I've NEVER had frame rate become an issue but that was clear from the very beginning of the match that something was wrong with the game).
I honestly don't know if I'm in the minority here and my Xbox is just a champ, if I'm the majority but we have nothing to complain about so you don't hear from us, or what...
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i'll buy what i want and its not like a lot of players will not buy dlc or whatever from any amount of posts asking on these or any forums. while i hope fps does improve im not going to do a pointless strike that few will participate in which delays me from getting content in my frustratingly favorite game.
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from my experience its only when playing killer and its the most noticeable when playing that role since its in first person. play hag, plague, doc, or freddy and you will notice it however it only is problematic like once every few matches where it gets so bad frames drop to 10 or 20 for second or two.
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Small thing that I disagree with here
The FPS topic has been on page one for well over a week- it's been 18 days since the dev response and that was a couple days in
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It doesnt happen that often right now but its getting worse and worse and its only going to continue to get worse.
I mean you do you bruh. They will guaranteed never do anything about it if the sales just continue to climb.
So dont help in the pointless strike and when the game really does become unplayable and dbd looses alot of its player base then it'll just be PC players who suffer from longer cue times.
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Do you play killer?
As the FPS console is barely noticeable when you play survivor, it's when you play killer is when you notice it.
From my experience, the console FPS is playable, however is it abysmal if you compare it to PC's FPS.
Whenever you get into a tier of blood-lust, you get a frame rate drop. I've lost count the amount of times I've missed a hit because blood lust activated at the worst time.
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I've played all of those killers (except Plague who I do not own) and have never had any of these issues with the frame rate.
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The response from the dev that said yeah sorry i dont have any information on this issue right now.
Or the one who said we've notified the tech team about this issue/post.
Yeah i dont consider those real answers to our problems.
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I main killer. Generally the only time I'm playing survivor is when either
A. I need rift things to be done
B. I'm getting my teeth kicked in and I need a break before I chuck my controller into my TV
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my point was the strike itself is pointless especially if its over FPS and not game balance. How many people do you think will not buy anything just because of fps being a little bad? as i said in my second post it only gets unplayable with certain killers and it will happen maybe once or twice and thats usually with hag more than the others. No one is going to strike over this and if they do the number will be so small it wont affect the game.
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the one from the dev. if id meant the one from mandy i would've said the one from the mod.
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Fair enough, you don't experience any FPS drops when you enter blood lust?
EDIT: I saw your Ash profile picture, and it screamed survivor main to me. I have Jake as my profile picture, because I'm a former survivor main.
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Nothing at least that I've ever noticed.
It's certainly not impossible that I've had frame rate issues (especially as so many on the board seem to talk about it) and I thought it was lag and/or I lost the survivor not because they pulled a little sneaky on me and got away like I thought but they frame rate yeeted away and I lost track of them :D
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play a lot of hag and you will notice it after tp'ing. maybe you have an amazing console or something whatever it is im jealous since fps has caused me to miss a few hits after tp'ing but not often enough where its a big problem.
edit: O yea fps does drop often after getting bloodlust as nutty_professor said
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Happens once or twice a day for me. Always while im killer
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Yeah not sure if you have been following the thread but i have and heres the comment from the DEV @patbrutal and not mandytalks the mod.
Just so you know, we've shared the thread with the team and they're going to take a look at it.
Thank you"
Edit : thats page 8 unless i missed another comment from another dev that is the only official responce we've had and imo that isnt a real answer.
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Survivor is mostly fine outside of insane freezes when a notification like sloppy butcher or noed pops up. Basically a full second freeze.
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ive literally been following it since day 1.
you said it'd been on the front page for a week, it hasn't, it's been 18 days since patbrual on page 8.
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There hasnt been 1 day thats gone by since that thread was made that it hasnt been on the top page of the forums.
If you read the OP i clearly say the thread has been on page 1 for WEEKS not a week.
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I'm all for supporting the FPS fix for console players.
But there's one thing I need to point out. PC players will have an advantage against console players because of superior hardware.
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Okay that's me being special, I'm sorry
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It happens to me also as survivor on PC. My specs are: Ryzen 7 1700, 16GB RAM and NVIDIA 1050 and I play low graphics even when the NVIDIA GeForce Experience software says medium is the optimal setting. It happens with Doctor shocks, Freddy's world, Hag traps, in chase... or just because.
This game is so bad optimized.
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Lol its all good
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It's my money and if I want ugly braids for ugly meg I'll buy them >:)
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You want PC players to stop spending money on the game cuz console sucks. No. The game runs great on PC. I'm sure they've optimized it the best they can.
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I'm not planning on buying auric cells anytime soon, i'm saving up shards to get the new killer, they aren't getting money from me until console fps is finally addressed.
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oops I bought the silent hill chapter a few days ago cause I wanted to get back into the game
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I'm on Switch and in the same boat as you. No problems with my gaming...
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I can see the mods deleted the thread that amassed 1k comments about poor performance on consoles...
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They didn't delete it. They locked it. It's a shame that people couldn't follow the rules and got it locked, even having been warned several times.
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I have an Xbox S and X, no issues in framerate outside of Australian NBN being the worst internet on the planet.
Even then, I've always had worse issues with Overwatch or even Siege than Dead by Daylight.
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HOW!?!? 🥴🥴
I play on both Switch and PC. It's not THAT bad if you're just playing with crossplay off, with people of your own platform; y'all are suffering the same issues together. But as soon as you wanna play with friends or can't find a killer match with crossplay off, it's a crapshoot. The patch where they changed Billy and Bubba seemed to make it even worse.
I can tell with 100% accuracy when I'm playing against a PC player when I'm SWFing with my boyfriend (he's on PC). I'm not sure what it is but dead hard is such a useless perk against PC. I used to consider it a must-have perk, but I've lately been running NO exhaustion perk (which sucks for when I go against a PC Nurse, Huntress, or Deathslinger, but isn't quite worth it for how often I go up against any other killer and find it to be useless. Dead Hard works OKAY on PC, but for some reason I get hit out of it probably 70-80% of the time on Switch against PC killers. If I end up exhausted on the floor, it's only for a split second before I get DH back. I've had plenty of times where I press the button and I'm hit before it even comes out- something I hadn't ever previously dealt with before crossplay.
Vaults and pallet drops can have the same issue- I'll make perfect fast vaults or drop a pallet with fine timing, and half the time the game says "Nah." and I get hit regardless. I can take getting dedicated- I GET IT when a killer has garbage internet. What I don't get is how (as my boyfriend says) "Switch players have NO rights" LMAO
It's the weirdest thing. I really don't know what it is besides being related to PC just running better than console, as far as I can tell. I have an easier time on PC on KBM (which I suck with!)
Games against a Spirit are absolutely UNPLAYABLE on indoor maps (+several other maps including Ormond). Freddy is awful in the Dream World. One time I went against a Freddy on Ormond and it was a full half second of delay before the game accepted my inputs on skill checks- so I was constantly missing them because it was so difficult to adjust to that delay unless the skill check was at the very end of the circle. If the killer has Sloppy, there are severe frame drops as soon as you get hit for several seconds. I won't go crazy listing all the examples of bad frame drops, but I can't remember the last time I felt like I was playing on 30 FPS. It seems more like 15 max nowadays- and a Microsoft Power Point presentation against Spirit/Freddy+Indoor Map. I know it isn't only me, as a couple of friends who also play on Switch have the exact same issues 😕
Anyways, I'm just waiting for them to implement cross platform progression so that I can leave that mess of a platform 😞 Switch WAS fun, but after crossplay, it just became such an inferior experience with no counters to the issues you deal with on there.
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Yeah it's a shame, most of the comments on that thread were very civil.
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Agreed. The actions here by a moderator have escalated this into a full boycott. I was happy enough having a place to express my frustration, but if that's taken away as well, I am DONE spending any money or time in this game.
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Any bad actor can go into any space and escalate things. Take action toward those people, not a group as a whole.
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There was ONE warning to stay on topic, not several. One person after that warning bumped the post without any information on frames issue and it was immediately closed. It's a shame they jumped on first chance to close it and over a petty one at that.
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So petty of them just because they don't like us expressing our opinions.
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Yup. They've also started sinking posts as well. This one won't move when someone comments on it.
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Just a warning to you OP, be careful, they started to sink my thread to make sure it doesn't get back up.
They are actually trying to silence us.
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That's really bad, they are actively censoring people.
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Test test, fps on console bad, bhvr fix plz
Anyways, another problems I encountered with dbd is that it likes to make my ps4 scream like no other lol
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When it wants to to hit x to continue? Same. No other game does that to my ps4. My brother has a ps4 pro and it happens with his too.
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Doesnt even surprise me. These forums are a joke along with the mods and devs who run them.
They dont care about us console players and closing our one legit thread where we were hoping for some answers is just wrong.
There shutting down our post, making them not bump back to the front page.
They edit our posts to say what they want.
Its a joke. We just want a real answer not some bs that you dont have any new info on the subject.
We been hearing that bull for 2 years now since yall promised our console optimization.
DBD is turning into a literal joke of a game.
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I'm going to buy the DLC. Console players talk a lot sh!t so even more a reason <3. P.s console suks
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I love you too ❤️
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So why mix all the platforms and call it fair? Why even have the game on console knowing it runs much more poorly?
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Back at you bb ❤