I think I finally ran into the SWF people get upset about?

So I have been playing for a little over a month now. I play survivor with my friends and killer when I am by myself. So Monday I played 4-5 games as killer (the trapper) and my god, ######### was real. Like, I have had some good games and bad as trapper but all 4-5 of these games I chased one person who somehow seemed to know where every pallet was and I got looped endlessly it would seem and within like, 2-3 minutes, 3 generators were finished and then I would break off the chase to check in on the remaining gens and some one else would lead me through pallets and the other two generators would be done soon after.
I think each game lasted a total of 6-8 minutes. That was my life for 4-5 games in a row. I was unaware that I apparently suck at being a killer effective Monday. Worse is I honestly don't even really know how to combat that. certain levels I could moonwalk to trick them but not when the terrain is waist level and they can see me.
As a survivor I have pallet looped someone for a minute or two until they give up but very rarely do my allies grab 3 generators right off the bat.
I suppose I just need to "get good" as I see people say?
(playing as survivor I have no complaints about. That goes well)
Survivors have advantage at visual mind games in general cause they can move camera in third person. And yeah, that's the math killers deal with. 80 seconds solo to do a gen, so if people find a gen in 30 seconds 3 gens will pop in under three minutes0
@necromeat said:
So I have been playing for a little over a month now. I play survivor with my friends and killer when I am by myself. So Monday I played 4-5 games as killer (the trapper) and my god, ######### was real. Like, I have had some good games and bad as trapper but all 4-5 of these games I chased one person who somehow seemed to know where every pallet was and I got looped endlessly it would seem and within like, 2-3 minutes, 3 generators were finished and then I would break off the chase to check in on the remaining gens and some one else would lead me through pallets and the other two generators would be done soon after.I think each game lasted a total of 6-8 minutes. That was my life for 4-5 games in a row. I was unaware that I apparently suck at being a killer effective Monday. Worse is I honestly don't even really know how to combat that. certain levels I could moonwalk to trick them but not when the terrain is waist level and they can see me.
As a survivor I have pallet looped someone for a minute or two until they give up but very rarely do my allies grab 3 generators right off the bat.
I suppose I just need to "get good" as I see people say?
(playing as survivor I have no complaints about. That goes well)
well this is called the perk windows of opportunity which allows players to see all vaults and pallets within a certain range but does have a cool down, just break the chase if they are gonna loop you I do it, killers sometimes do it to me but I will get camped when i get hooked, its just hard sometimes to deal with players like this
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Yea pretty much bro. Being an effective killer is completely dependent on how you manage your time in game. If you are searching for survivors for more than a couple minutes, you already messed up. This is why so many killers run Whispers.
If you spend 3 minutes getting looped by one survivor, you messed up. Some of the survivors at rank 1 are so incredibly good at looping and playing against mind games that if you mess up once and respect a pallet when you shouldn't have, you just restarted their loop. There's no shame in breaking off a chase if you suspect a looper is too good. You just don't have the time to sit there and go through every pallet on the map. It sucks for killers but it's just the way this game is designed.
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It only really feels kind of odd because at that point there is no real fear of the killer. Doesn't a survivor team get kinda annoyed that the game mechanics allow them to do that so easily so that the killer isn't really that scary?
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Basically that, yeah.
The maps seem too easy to memorize for someone, even without windows of opportunity, to take you on a tour of pallet town.
You get what i call a "pro runner", or "pro decoy" and the first chase is usually the last.
The gen rush going in behind the scenes is irritating, too. Arguably it's the worst half.
I'm trying to get in the habit of ignoring the first survivor i see for a while. They want to be found.
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Some maps people will loop you for 3 minutes anyway, not enough survivor objectives. Gotta remember, killers have 12 objectives and survivors have.0
If a survivor taunts you and if you know they are by a loop spot, don't do it to yourself lol.0
If they're coordinated using voicecomms and have experience, you're not gonna get a full win and will be lucky to get 2 kills out of it.
Such strength is disliked among Killer players a lot since it defeats the purpose of being the power role: There's no power.
If both play absolutely perfectly, Survivors would win eventually.Devs don't mind though, since not many do this.
You know, which is like saying a principal isn't gonna punish bullies cause there's just 2 of them in the entire school.1 -
@necromeat you said you have a month many people have a year or more. Experience and learning where to intercept is a good equalizer. it won't also help but it can in some scenarios.
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Well damn. That kinda paints this game in a whole new light. So like, should I just play as survivor and wait and see if they balance this stuff out?
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necromeat said:
Well damn. That kinda paints this game in a whole new light. So like, should I just play as survivor and wait and see if they balance this stuff out?
It depends on how much you want to cherry pick lobbies, try to come up with strategies to counter these people, and maybe if your goal is something other than hooking. I.e. ritual of the chain, etc.
They will probably never balance this game against swf.
Swf can break the game. At the least it gives some groups an absurd advantage.
Swf is important to keep around, though. Even if they got rid of it as an option, people would find a way around it. Voice chat, too.0 -
Welcome to my world. The world of Red Bull SWF.
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All gens can be repaired in 3 minutes.
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Def not minutes lol0
Backing up what others have said. Break chases soon if you're not able to land a hit quickly. As Billy for example, I rarely commit to a long chase myself, I focus instead on intercepting guys between gens, defending certain areas of the map if needed or applying pressure over 2 - 3 gens at a time, injuring several survivors, occasionally slugging them as needed, etc.
As a trapper you may as well have to quickly decide which part of the map you want to defend, since his low mobility won't allow to apply pressure to the whole thing (especially on big ones like the swamp, red forest), and probably should spend the first part of the match trapping key locations around those 3 - 4 gens you'll defend. If you commit to chasing too early in the game, your power (trapping) will not be used at all, and you're relegated to be a man with a machete, and will certainly lose the match against skilled survivors.
Good add-ons are essential for Trapper to be an effective killer against good players. so you may want to farm for those while playing survivor. Also try to optimize your perk setup for the gameplay you're trying to achieve.
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6-8 minutes isnt even that fast.
Look at this:
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That's why you run NOED
BEE0 -
I don't play Trapper at all so I can't give you specific tips, but I've played this game for 3 months and all I've learned is that when you see the survivor with the brightly colored shirt and flashlight wiggling around near a loop to get your attention....DON'T DO IT. You know you want to; they look so tasty and sometimes if you're slow to bite, they'll even give you a free hit. They have decisive strike and/or dead hard, so they can afford to give you that one hit. Hit them if you must, but DON'T FOLLOW. Unless (and I main Hag, so I assume this is similar advice for you) you happen to have a trap somewhere in their loop that they may not know about
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@serabeth90 said:
I don't play Trapper at all so I can't give you specific tips, but I've played this game for 3 months and all I've learned is that when you see the survivor with the brightly colored shirt and flashlight wiggling around near a loop to get your attention....DON'T DO IT. You know you want to; they look so tasty and sometimes if you're slow to bite, they'll even give you a free hit. They have decisive strike and/or dead hard, so they can afford to give you that one hit. Hit them if you must, but DON'T FOLLOW. Unless (and I main Hag, so I assume this is similar advice for you) you happen to have a trap somewhere in their loop that they may not know about.
If you play trapper or hag against a SWF and are in the position that you have to ignore a certain survivor, then you already lost because you will never be able to use your power.
Thanks to coordination, the team always knows where your traps are ....0 -
Well thanks y'all for the tips. That you tube video was rough. Jeez. I did a little experiment of lobby dodging last night and it worked amazingly. Got teams that were very decent but not insanely coordinated. I also started trapping certain areas that had a decent grouping of generators and stuck to them late game so that I didn't have to be all over the map once they got 2-3.
I have been running NOED for a few days now, and that combined with starting to set traps at the exit switches to buy me time once 4 generators are complete has been super helpful.
I will say this, lobby dodging feels kinda silly, but I am gonna do it here and there for two reasons:
A person plays a game to have fun. I do not have fun against these crazy SWF teams and dodging can allow me to avoid wasting my time. Weather that is because the game mechanics are imbalanced or I am bad is not relevant.
There is no real punishment for dodging lobbies so there is no real reason not to. Strangers can insult me or call me names for doing it, but I could care less about that. So if it makes me a garbage killer, well I am gonna be a garbage killer that is having a blast putting people in the uncle bad touch basement and having fun.
I feel my skills/attitude will change over time once I am able to level up more killers and have a wider range of teachable perks as well. I would love to have the Ruin Hex on trapper or really anyone. I also like Bamboozle and some of the nurse perks. I feel that allows a lot more flexibility with killers.
Once again, I appreciate the info, people. Any other tips or advice is always welcome, especially regarding my main Saturday night thing, The Trapper.
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Just don't let SWF get to your head. Play the game like you would against anyone else. Have fun. Let them bully you if they choose. Sometimes it can be a bit challenging. But the next game might be better. I personally don't mind when they gen rush. That's the best result. They do the gens in 3 minutes and open the door and get out. I just hate the bullshit. The instant flashlights and body blocking that avoids you getting to hook people. Instant medkits and other crutches that prevent you from finally getting a kill when you earned it. In the end ranking up doesn't matter. And if you get to kill one of them you know they're going to be upset.
Probably the best feeling when you get a kill on a SWF player. Get to the end-game chat and they start flaming you with whatever excuse they have for dying. Enjoy those moments. They're sweet.
I've always been able to reach rank 1 survivor and killer really easy. I play killer a lot more because it's enjoyable when the game feels fair. I jump on survivor when I'm just not getting anything done as a killer. I don't enjoy repairing generators. When I survive I personally try to get chased during the game. It's not because I don't 'fear' the killer. It's because surviving isn't important. I want to be useful to my team. I'm not even good at looping. I always get hit when I try to loop. I'm just pretty decent at moving around the map to get a 3-4 minute chase out of a killer. Feel like if you can all do that one time in a match... easy win. These SWF teams are literally spending multiple hours just holding mouse 1. Start feeling sorry for them. Don't let them get into your head.
I can get bullied and looped all day long by the best SWF teams. When I catch them by surprise and 4 kill them or take two of them down and get flamed for it. It makes all those other games worth it.
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It all comes with practice and patience. And just knowing that you cant win every game.
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
@serabeth90 said:
I don't play Trapper at all so I can't give you specific tips, but I've played this game for 3 months and all I've learned is that when you see the survivor with the brightly colored shirt and flashlight wiggling around near a loop to get your attention....DON'T DO IT. You know you want to; they look so tasty and sometimes if you're slow to bite, they'll even give you a free hit. They have decisive strike and/or dead hard, so they can afford to give you that one hit. Hit them if you must, but DON'T FOLLOW. Unless (and I main Hag, so I assume this is similar advice for you) you happen to have a trap somewhere in their loop that they may not know about.
If you play trapper or hag against a SWF and are in the position that you have to ignore a certain survivor, then you already lost because you will never be able to use your power.
Thanks to coordination, the team always knows where your traps are ....Pretty much, yeah. Occasionally there will be a SWF team with only 1 strong team member trying to carry the rest, though, and I might be able to do something to the weaker members. A lot of times if I choose to chase someone, though, and I injure them and they are approaching a pallet and trying to loop, if I put down a trap in the middle of a chase and try to go around and chase them into it, an uninjured survivor will suddenly dart in and set off my trap. Rinse and repeat as needed. Eventually I'll have 4 injured targets and if I down one of them, the others have flashlights and/or body blocks. That is if I'm not already right underneath a pallet that hasn't been dropped yet.
....Yep, good times :P.