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DC penalties

Predated Member Posts: 2,976

Now, lets hold this conversation. DC penalties are bad and good. Personally, I think a dc penalty needs to be in the game, but not in the way it is right now.

DC's are bad for killers and survivors when they happen just whenever, however, you also have people who literally build the most toxic slug builds just to waste as much time as possible while trying to make everyone DC. Now, personally, I find waiting 5 minutes in the lobby much more enjoyable than a game where a killer constantly slugs you. And you might think they are uncommon enough to be endurable. But I encounter more of these matches everyday than I encounter a match that I would, under normal non-punishment DC, consider DC'ing.

Aka, without the penalty at all, the game tends to be much more enjoyable overall for survivor gameplay, than the penalty existing makes killer games more enjoyable. I happen to not care about my ranking, so I DC as soon as I notice a mori on iri slugging huntress, because she's gonna bodyblock someone as soon as the EGC is a thing anyway. Both that and the 5 minute cooldown after a DC, I rather take the DC penalty.

Not even considering the fact that there are hackers who are capable of disconnecting every player other than themselves at the press of a button, give everyone a 5 minute punishment and be on their merry way to ruin the games of 4 other people.

So honestly, devs, if any of you is reading this. Either make manual DC's a bannable offense, or make people who try their best to make matches as horrible as they possibly can a bannable offense. At least you can appeal a ban and present your own evidence. The punishment makes games much worse for survivors than the lack of punishment, and the lack of punishment makes it bad for survivors and killers as people DC when they like.

I mean, either that, or allow players to vote on whether they think the DC was done maliciously or not(at least 2 votes), and then add in the punishment timer as soon as the player exits their next match. Or create a certain DC ratio, if the DC per game ratio exceeds a threshold, then give them a punishment timer. This all or nothing type of punishment isnt working, and I am willing to bet that by the end of August, that the timer is once again removed because it causes more issues than it solves.


  • 1800GENMEND
    1800GENMEND Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2020

    Survivors should not be forced to participate in a match where the killer refuses to play the game.

    Since survivors cannot disconnect from the game without consequences when a killer decides not to play the game but rather farms points without the intent of killing or slug survivors repeatedly without the intent of killing them, or AFK with the purpose of de-ranking, they should be able to discourage this type of behavior by making it bannable.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    And killers should participate in matches they don't want then? I can see your bias, because killers love 4 man swf with smol pp builds and OoO right? It is fun!!!!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Depends, sometimes people just wanna farm a bit in a more fun way. Its not always fun as a killer to try and kill everyone. Sometimes its more fun to just fool around, discover things you werent aware off and generally just have a really goofy game. Killers win condition isnt really set in stone. A 4k can be an entity displeased. A 0K can be a merciless victory. So what is the killer win condition? It's whatever that killer wants to be their win condition. If its a bubba in the basement guarding his basement chest, then him keeping the chest closed is a win for him. If its an AFK myers who secretly is stalking you all the time you run in front of him, while killing you instantly, then it is him who won, you would have won if you ignored him. If its a killer who wants to farm bloodpoints, the killer wins by farming bloodpoints.

    Same for survivors tho. I sometimes consider it a win if I am the only person who dies if the rest of the team escapes, and other times I consider it a win if I escape. And sometimes I consider it even a win if everyone ended up dead, but the killer won due to an endgame plottwist. DBD is a game where depending on what the players consider a win for themselves, everyone can win or lose in the same match.

    Let alone that killers sometimes need to derank to practice a new killer without the match finishing within 4 minutes. The afk derank is purely the only way they can get some training done without matches being over too quickly. Before they simply could DC, without affecting survivors too much because all offerings and items get returned if the killer DC's. So they could derank quickly without punishment

    Now, being AFK as a whole is already bannable if enough people care enough to send AFK reports, but most players are aware that if a killer is afk, its their only way to lose pips. While as a survivor, you can run around the killer or do all the gens without ever encountering the killer, and still depip. Or let yourself die on first hook ASAP. The only other way for killers to depip is to rush an ebony mori, and even then its pretty much not guaranteed because its incredibly easy as a killer to earn a black pip. I've had games where I played basement bubba for the memes, instadown 1 person and hook them because they entered my basement, have no one else enter and still magically get a black pip, because the survivors took too long to finish gens.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The smol pp build isnt as smol pp as many people claim it to be tho. Its an annoyance at best. But yeah, sometimes there are games that killers simply dont care to finish. I've had a game where 3 generators popped at nearly the same time after only 50 seconds in the game(all toolboxes with BNP and extra charges) and just instantly quit as there was no way to 3-gen anymore. So yeah, there are tons of reasons for people to DC that everyone would agree would simply be a bad match. In most games you can forfeit a game easily, but DBD, you cant. The only way is DC, rush your death as a survivor or stand in a corner as a killer.

  • Getya_Mad
    Getya_Mad Member Posts: 42

    Eh, DC isnt a big deal. I mean I guess it is if you really play THAT much, but I've been penalized for weeks, didnt bother me. I just go play Friday the 13th or WoW.

  • Alakad
    Alakad Member Posts: 30

    A simple solution that I think would add a lot to the game is an "End It" action available to survivors who have been slugged for a certain duration, maybe 1 minute on the ground. Give them an option to kill themselves, and perhaps penalize the killer for having survivors kill themselves. It fits with the lore, the entity certainly wouldn't like that, and I feel it would de-incentivize killers from slugging and give survivors a way to voice their opinion about the killer's actions aside from simply DC'ing.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    That would make the game more acceptable for survivors and take away the killers ability to be toxic so we cant have that.

    Slugging and leaving survivors for the EGC timer to countdown should become a bannable offence. Its boring and keeps people in a trial longer than necessary. Of course this is DBD though so anything toxic gets to stay in the game

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Ok if you disconnect for any reason that is outside of the game rules you incur a penalty. to disconnect because you are not having fun in a game is not a reason to disconnect. because people have decided that if you get camped, or a killer is camping another survivor, or they nodded at you, or shook their head at you or they slugged you, or they tunneled you or what ever damn reason you disconnect intentionally you are breaking the rules. if you do not like the game play get on a hook and do not struggle. This action avoids loss of points and emblems to that point as well as avoidance of penalties. This is usually very easy to do and takes VERY little time.

    The reason the disconnect (leave match) option was given to you is because the devs realized that there might be something that is not planned that causes the game to not end. if you are stuck in the geometry, if you are stuck spectating the killer after being hooked then that is why it was there. since people abused this to the point that the devs put in an automated system to monitor for disconnects they had to apply it to any disconnect what so ever as the automated system will never be able to know if someone pulled a cable from their network or shut down networking on their computer to drop connection from someone that is lost because of their ISP dropping the network etc. it takes a trained eye to see how the data is lost and when it is lost and it is different in every case.

    Do not think you are above the RULES of the game. if you can not abide by the RULES of the game you should be penalized for it. Honestly I would actually say the penalties that were in play before were too lenient. This is the fault of the people that abused this functionality and not the fault of the killer, or the survivor. This is another thing, Killers disconnecting for any reason other than that they are bugged and can not complete the game even with EGC then it is understandable to dc just as the survivors. Now since the abuse you have to take your lumps, if you get a 6 hour penalty on your 6th dc (don't know the exact time it is and how many dc's) and you dc'd because of being slugged, camped, didn't like the killer, didn't like the map, got angry that someone got a chest before you (5 instances) and suddenly you have a game breaking bug I don't care because you made your bed and it is time to lay in that bed. I will say the first time sure make it light but don't keep it light after the first TWO at most.

    I also think it would be great for the devs to review the number of disconnects and if there is an unspecified number of disconnects (large enough to not catch people who are only dc'ing because of network issues etc) that you get a soft ban (say 3 days or a week) and then if it keeps up then a hard ban of permanent how ever many times is decided that the soft ban was applied to warrant thins. one thought is if you have the large soft ban then your account is reset and a marker is placed to note that you were soft banned and hot many times. Also if you do have internet that is a potato, perhaps you can get a dispensation that the devs will really review how many disconnects and why they happened. just thoughts.

    you will never convince me that disconnecting is warranted without penalty should be back. ah well i'm going to be yelled at here, called names and what not I do not care!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    The thing is, no one would disconnect if there were no ubertoxic builds. I mean, im gonna dc once I notice an ebony mori iri huntress, and you cant give me any reason not to dc. Its a toxic build, its boring and a waste of time, because either you're gonna be out of the match within a minute, or you're going to be missing 2 team mates within 2 minutes. Either way, there is no real way to counter it and those people are toxic as #########=

    So tell me, if the law stated you're not allowed to harm or disobey the president, but the president used that law to torture you and say you are not allowed to leave. Would you still remain in place, let your president torture you to near death even though the exit door is right behind you? Ofcourse not. The rules are void if people abuse a loophole in the rules.

    Besides, I was right, again. The dc penalty is worse for the game than the lack of dc penalty. And there is a base penalty anyway: if you dc, you depip and gain 0 bloodpoints. So the devs removed it, again.(at least, my latest 3 dc's against ubertoxic killers havent given me a penalty)

    And ofcourse, you have people who abuse the lack of dc time penalty to avoid matches vs killers they do not like. However, that percentage is far lower than the amount of people who abuse the dc time penalty to torture survivors as much as they can. As long as killers act more toxic with the dc penalty in place than survivors dodge matches by dc'ing early in the match, the dc penalty can never be implemented the way it is now.

    Again, like I said, I believe people should be able to vote if a dc was done maliciously or not. That would hold way more accurate results. I would vote against someone who dc's against a doctor just cus, but I wouldnt vote against someone who dc'd against ebony mori iri huntress for example.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) if you dc and accept that you'll get a penalty then I have no issues with you disconnecting.

    2) if i were in a situation where the PRESIDENT was harming others, I'd either look for a way to move to another country or let others stand up and bring down the law or decide to revolt. that's up to them.

    3) the penalty system was removed because they didn't get it fixed right and TRU was given a 3 day (72 hour) dc penalty for NOT DCING. this is called a HACK, not the dc penalty is bad for the system.

    4) This is a game by a company, their rules. and voting if something was malicious or not, I will always vote that it is why? because it caused the rest of the people more issues than it solved. it's called being selfish. DC PENALTIES are a part of all VS games with FEW exceptions. this game without the disconnect option would be easy to make it so that the disconnects were either network issues or intentional. there would be less abuse of it since it's not there. Honestly, DC's need to be punished harder than they are currently because of the abuse. i've seen dc's today a great deal. sorry you don't agree but to me that means you are a selfish person for not playing when you queue up. just find a different game becuase if you disconnect for any reason outside of game breaking bugs it's for you, not the "TEAM" no matter if you are killer or survivor.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    1. Well, generally thats a given anyway.
    2. And DC'ing is people revolting against builds that shouldnt exist in the game most of the time. Its a lot easier for killers to be toxic than it is for survivors to be toxic in the first place. So having builds that skyrockets toxicity to levels that are unmatched are the same as a president using a loophole in the rules. That was the point. You ignored the point and brushed it aside.
    3. It was more of both. Why do you think they removed the dc penalty in the first place? They added it because people dc'ing went out of control at one point. But they didnt work on reasons why people DC'd. Again, the percentage of people dc'ing maliciously is lower than the percentage of killers trying their hardest to make people dc when a penalty is in place. A survivor dc'ing might make the game harder for fellow survivors and make it less fun for a killer, but suiciding on first hook has the exact same effect. Adding in a dc penalty wont fix that issue. However, killers know that suiciding on first hook is a thing and there are plenty of killers who refuse to hook people. Killers have been claiming that suiciding on first hook should get a similar penalty to a dc as its essentially the same. Yet the same people endorse the acts of killers who constantly slug survivors and say "its their choice". Let alone that you have players who are like "I bought the game, I am free to do whatever the game allows me to do", which is even worse than any type of DC in the game, yet its not bannable. So all in all, as long as there is no suicide option for survivors that arent on the hook, the DC penalty is worse for the game. You can claim whatever you want and try to rectify that statement, but you would either be just one of many severely ignorant and oblivious killer mains who have no idea what is happening on the opposing side, or you're simply wrong.
    4. You could always vote, I'd expect killer mains to always vote anyway. But there are many, many cases where I have seen someone dc and not blame them. Survivors can be punished by the mistakes of a killer, killers cannot be punished by the mistakes of a survivor. If anyone is constantly punished for the mistakes a killer makes, they are free to dc. As long as behaviour doesnt reward a solo survivor for the mistakes of a killer, DC's will be a thing. Because DC'ing is the only way we can revolt against it.

    Essentially, in the game currently, you get punished as a survivor if the killer tunnels you. You get punished as a survivor if the killer camps you. You get punished as a survivor if the killer hooks you in a deadzone even though you werent close. You get punished as a survivor if you get slugged. Survivors are meant to buy their teammates as much time as possible, yet they get punished if they do buy time. That does not make sense. This is why people DC, because it punishes the killers who make mistakes harder than they already did. It punishes the killer while minimally punishing the survivor.

    Lets give a very clear example: I had a game where a killer camped me into second hookstage near a potential 3-gen, the survivors rushed all the other gens ofcourse because they couldnt save me for the time being. Afterwards, someone with BT came in to save me. The killer downed that person and then started chasing me again, downed me after waiting out the BT timer and then deadhooked me. So, I bought the entire team about 2 minutes time to finish generators while on the hook, after buying the team about 1 minute of being chased into a self-setting trap(which the killer didnt set himself, so it was literally pure RNG). I got chased the longest that game, I bought the most time that game, I was the reason that gens got fixed and I was the reason 3 people ended up escaping. Yet I got depipped with only 9k bloodpoints. I got punished for doing exactly what the game was designed to do. If he had slugged me and camped me, I would also have depipped with only 9k bloodpoints.

    However, if I wasnt hooked and constantly chased, essentially the exact same set-up as being hooked and camped, I would have gained the same amount of bloodpoints, but I would have pipped. This is a problem in the design of the game. This is the loophole that allows many, MANY players to be labeled toxic, and essentially the loophole that allows the president to torture people and ordering them to not leave next to an exit door. I could have suicided on hook then and there, but no one really expects to be tunnelled after someone else has been downed right next to a hook. The only reason I didnt end up DC'ing was because at that point, it wouldnt be a punishment for the killer anymore. However, if he had slugged me instead of hooking me, I would have dc'd. DC'ing is a solution to a problem that the devs have refused to fix.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you seem like a GREAT developer then... go apply to become one of Behavior's dev's and show them HOW it should be by re-working the game as you wish and show them how much better it would be. You just don't understand and you keep trying to EXCUSE selfish acts and saying you should be able to have them. You are laughable. the reason the dc penalities were removed again is because of poor implementation with a way for people to GIVE others a disconnect penalty when they did not disconnect. this is called hacking, or EXPLOITING, with this they removed the hack or exploit in order to try and stop it from happening again. do you wish to be hacked? NO ONE DOES... do you wish to play a game? one where you can choose your build but say that other builds of your opponents are toxic? WHO ARE YOU to decide what is toxic for others? The difference between disconnection and your supposedly toxic builds are this

    1) the builds are using in match functionality. you may not like it but it's possible that with constant influx of new things that people won't like other things.

    2) Disconnection is using out of match functionality (either by going to a menu outside of the match or causing the pc to disconnect either by software or physical acts) this is against the game's policy.

    3) your toxic builds that you are arguing should let you disconnect at will may not be fun to play against but not everyone has them every match. I personally have only run into one forever freddy in the last month. what happened? I died quickly, and then i went on to another match and that was a rank 1 huntress I've seen and he was good. I hated the match up because I know I'm not in his level of capability so I wonder why I was matched to him. doesn't matter though I died again and moved on to more matches.

    My point is you are making it your life's mission to try and find away to circumvent the rules you yourself agreed to when you play the game each day and each match. Start living by the rules, and go on or don't that's up to you. If you feel you are special and should be allowed to break the rules of the game I put it to you that you don't want to play the game but more to let yourself become the idiot martyr of the game in all of this. I think you need to reconsider if you really want to play this game and suggest playing something else if you are so triggered by people playing with the in match tools they are given and then you use out of match functionality to leave when you feel you are wronged.

    This is why dc penalties should exist, because you are not only loosing points and a pip (a reward actually IMHO) but you are also impacting 4 other players negatively for your selfishness. Either PLAY the game or DON'T but stop saying you should be able to dc willy nilly for any reason what so ever. Also you might think of it this way, if you are willing to accept your penalty for BREAKING the LAW of the game which you agree too then go ahead I don't care but i think the penalties are too light, because I'm tired of people like you deciding to make my game a ######### one by leaving using out of match functionality.

    If you do not understand what in match functionality vs out of match functionality really is? then think of it this way. if you have to hit escape to bring up the main menu or some other menu that has no in match functionality then you are not using something in match thus your leave match function is an out of match function. I'll give you an example: in dead by daylight you get downed you go to being hooked you are offered in the game the chance to try to get off the hook but it might not work. but the command is there to do it. so is the struggle function offerened in the match. Now lets move to Call of Duty: you get downed but not killed just yet, there is a function that offeres you in the match to leave the match and give up by pressing and holding "C". now it's you're choice but again that is given to you without having to bring up a menu to get to that command which is taking you out of the match functionality.

    your argument now is invalid because it does one thing and that is breaks the rules of the game you agreed to! should you not be punished for that?

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Thats not what he was talking about but okay. Gotta force that victimhood right?

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Didn't read beyond the first sentence, cause your opinion is invalidated by the fact that you're wrong.

    People disconnect for ANYTHING. It has nothing to do with "Toxic builds", and even still there's no such thing as "Toxic builds". These are things in the game. Only PEOPLE can be toxic.

    Furthermore - if people only disconnect for "toxic builds", tell me, why, literally every other game since the penalty has been disabled, has someone disconnected on first down, regardless of the build? Last night, it happened 9 times, in 3 hours. 4 of which were with PIG, one of which was with Clown, and another with Wraith.

    A few minutes ago I went into a match as The Doctor, RNG gave me Haddonfield, and as soon as I hit the first static blast, ALL 4 SURVIVORS disconnected. Without even being hit. On the most survivor sided map in the game.

    "No one would disconnect if there were no ubertoxic builds" though. What a load of crap, lol

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited August 2020

    Wrong, Ebony Mori is toxic by design:

    1. it requires very little effort to pull off 1 hook, and the individual survivor gets severely punished without having any counter.
    2. even in a 1v4, having a free instakill is more game affecting than instaheals(and they removed instaheals because they were "too punishing for killers"). Using them, by default, knowing their impact but ignoring that for personal pleasure, is toxic. So the use of any Ebony Mori by default is toxic.
    3. Let alone that there is a perk that has the same effect as an Ebony Mori, and you have to get 1 extra hook to kill everyone and it can be removed from the game by any survivor at any moment of the game. Meaning there is a nerfed version of an offering, that requires a perk slot by its own and is a removable perk, that is balanced use. So in what universe is using an Ebony Mori not toxic? Non-toxic players do not use Ebony Mori, period. At best they use it to scare people when they are playing a weaker killer, but even then its just to keep survivors on edge.

    I could continue on others, like iri head huntress. Any slug camp build is toxic. Those all exist. Yes, players are toxic, but its the toxic build that gives away toxic players. Non-toxic players do not, I repeat, DO NOT use toxic builds. I've never seen someone like Otz run Iri Head Ebony Mori Huntress when he plays Huntress, the only time I've seen him do things like that was to show people why he doesnt run it.

    And ever heard of hyperbole? If you did read, then you would see that later on I state the following:

    "And ofcourse, you have people who abuse the lack of dc time penalty to avoid matches vs killers they do not like. However, that percentage is far lower than the amount of people who abuse the dc time penalty to torture survivors as much as they can. As long as killers act more toxic with the dc penalty in place than survivors dodge matches by dc'ing early in the match, the dc penalty can never be implemented the way it is now."

    Just like your "every other game since the penalty has been disabled, has someone disconnected on first down, regardless of the build? Last night, it happened 9 times, in 3 hours. 4 of which were with PIG, one of which was with Clown, and another with Wraith." Is hyperbole, because I play killer too, and I have only encountered 1 dc on the first down after playing 7 hours of killer, using a build that some people would find terrifying. In fact, the only reason I can think off that you could have that many in such a short time was being matched up against people of a much lower rank. Because guess what? That 1 dc I had was from a yellow rank while im a red rank killer.

    Point being, the penalty being in place is worse for the game than the penalty not existing. Sure, the penalty being in place might be an improvement for killer only players, but as someone who enjoys both roles roughly equally, the punishment is much, MUCH worse for the game overall. I mean, what is 9 dc's over 3 hours vs 6 killers slug camping as many people as possible over the course of 2 hours?

    Assuming the average matchtime being 10 minutes, meaning 18 matches, with 72 survivors and 9 survivors disconnecting is at most 12,5% of matches being from anywhere between ruined to okay(lets not forget the fact that 1 survivor alive can screw over an entire team, meaning they are better off dead early game anyway), while you have 12 matches, 6 of which ruining the game for at least 1/4th of the players. Thats at least 12,5% of matches being bad. And the 12,5% is assuming the killer only is able to slug camp 1 survivor over the entire game. All they need is an iri head huntress, billy or bubba to get a second slug quite quick. That leaves only 2 people left to do gens while the other 2 will be angry at the killer and the other 2 survivors for them being downed, even though the other 2 survivors cannot possibly pick them up. Now, thats 4 people in the game that are affected by 1 player, while a dc doesnt neccesarily impacts the other 4 people. So even with just 1 person slug camped with the killer trying to force a dc penalty on a survivor will have a bad impact on everyone no matter what and is common enough to be game breaking.

    So yes, the dc penalty is worse than the lack of dc penalty. Even though the lack of dc penalty is bad, the current dc penalty is worse. That was the entire point. And if you refuse to read the rest before ignorantly responding to a comment of mine, just dont leave a comment at all, because that makes you part of the problem.

  • WiredGamerOni
    WiredGamerOni Member Posts: 85

    @Alakad, What Would Be The Point Of Unbreakable?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    no DC penalty is bad period. For this game to have had such an outrage that DC penalties were applied so broadly because people WHILE broadcasting would litterally reach over and turn off their router, then back on quicker than the connections would detect, but that'd put the survivors in a good place for the killer to take advantage is worse than anything you can say. for the player to just pull their network cable, or just use a function that was meant for emergencies is bad enough but while streaming people would literately be proud of disconnecting and urge their teammates (SWF) to dc as well. Leaving one player versus a killer who will probably just hook them and accept the negative pip and the disconnects get rewarded for the negative pips (before it would reduce their rank, now it is even BETTER for a disconnect, with the MMR a disconnect is the best to reduce the score to stop facing people that would make them WORK for a win) and then penalized by removing up to 32K blood points (not hard to make up).

    I am tired of people trying to make a disconnect to be a GOOD THING. if you want to play your own best games then get 5 people, set your rules (no moris, keys, what ever) and play a custom game only. if you play with others in a public match play the game. the following is my thoughts on the good reasons to disconnect... you will note nothing has a "choice in it"

    1) physical IRL emergency, though you could also just get up and leave the pc running either way, if you need to help someone or you need to be at the hospital or appointment fine i won't argue but this should be once in a blue moon.

    2) ISP network outage. this is completely out of your control (includes server drop)

    3) Power outage. Generally out of your control

    5) Computer/game crash (can't help it if computer crashes but if manually caused that's still an intentional dc)

    6) Game breaking bug: survivor stuck in the geometry, survivor stuck in position, survivor ends up spectating the killer. any of these will require a dc, because even end game collapse will not end the game for over 2 hours.

    anything else pretty much is intentional. This build is toxic! ok fine just find the killer and die on hook atleast you did this within the rules of the game, this killer is crappy... again find the killer and die on hook. I don't like this map. same thing.

    Killers should have an option to surrender and leave match resulting in black pip for survivors with minimum 16K blood points and silver emblems. Killers get what points they have gotten and also get a black pip. bronze, maybe silver emblems. i'm tired of people saying disconnecting should be allowed for any damn reason.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Community is too divided to have them arbitrate. The roles are to vastly different to have one side engage on what is an isn't fair. League used to have a system like this. People miss it but the reason they had to retire it was because some cases the community ruled guilty purely because the dude being judged was polish. The report read that the guy was being reported because hes polish and doesn't speak English. That why systems like this don't work. My advice is to improve compensation systems for dcs like right now we have abandoned scoring events for survivors. A small percentage like 10% post game could be awarded to players to encourage them to play on.

    If you want to combat dcers put them in a queue full of other dcer's make it 5 games dc queue system. which refreshes on dc.This is assuming the system can read the difference between a killer dcing and all players dcing. Maybe a low priority queue for dcers could work. Plenty of ideas out there but the simplest fix for a lot of dc issues is encourage players to stick it out. If the situation looks dire give them a reason to stay. DBD has a very snowbally experience with either killer annihilating survivors or survivors blasting through the game at breakneck speeds. Some comeback mechanics for both sides would encourage less people to dc. Maybe hook states required to kill reduce as the gens begin to complete but survivors have increased gen repair speed as survivors die.

    The current dcing is the result of a lot of DBD's frustration mechanics getting the better of them and just how hopeless a game can be once an ally or you got screwed early on by rng.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "go apply to become one of Behavior's dev's and show them HOW it should be by re-working the game as you wish and show them how much better it would be"

    Dont need to be a dev to do that, thats why we have forums like these, and discussions like these. But hey, thanks for supporting my plans. /s

    "You just don't understand and you keep trying to EXCUSE selfish acts and saying you should be able to have them."

    Not excusing them as they arent selfish. Just explaining the thoughts behind them and why DC's are pretty much neccesary as a way of exiting because there is a lack of forfeiting. As long as slug camping is a thing without a VANILLA way out, dc's will be a thing. Perks are not the answer to the abuse of vanilla mechanics. As long as vanilla mechanics will be abused, but not bannable, dc's in response to those mechanics will not be bannable.

    "You are laughable. the reason the dc penalities were removed again is because of poor implementation with a way for people to GIVE others a disconnect penalty when they did not disconnect. this is called hacking, or EXPLOITING, with this they removed the hack or exploit in order to try and stop it from happening again"

    Sure, then why is it still removed? Because last time I checked, its been over half a week and there have been 2 hotfixes to the game. Considering the penalty would be so important to matches, it would have been reimplemented as soon as possible. So no, considering all the evidence, there isnt really a reason to not have a penalty right now if it really mattered. But I guess that should be ignored because of the initial reason of removal?

    "1) the builds are using in match functionality. you may not like it but it's possible that with constant influx of new things that people won't like other things."

    Already put this in consideration, there are things I dont like in the game and things that are absolutely toxic no matter how you flip it. There are many problems in this game, especially certain combo's. Back in the day you had a lack of exhaustion, so you had machine gun sprints like sprintburst+lithe or sprintburst+balanced landing+lithe that were possible. Those builds were simply toxic because there was no way for the killer to ever catch up. Let alone that the cooldown was passive and not reliant on whether the survivor was running or not. When there is a lack of counterplay, or counterplay requires extremely specific circumstances to be countered, and the user knows that fully when entering a match, then its toxic. You could consider it even exploiting. Yet the amount of people claiming those specific builds are actually counterable or claiming they need those builds to win matches are too high. Even though you could slap an effect on those builds to no longer work complementary and they would still outperform most working builds. Just because they can be used in a match, doesnt mean they actually are fine.

    "2) Disconnection is using out of match functionality (either by going to a menu outside of the match or causing the pc to disconnect either by software or physical acts) this is against the game's policy."

    Actually, I'd conclude this is actually in match functionality. You can only access that menu inside a match and you can only leave the match within the game. Disconnecting through other means would be against game policy, but considering overheating computers, internet failures and power outages exists, this effectively is unmeasurable. Which, again, gives another reason as to why cumulative time penalties are not fair to place on a disconnect. So again, voting if done maliciously matters. If someone leaves in the middle of a vault, then its simply not done maliciously. Let alone that bad connections, thanks to vpn's, do exist, that also causes some people to disconnect out of their control. So again, I do not understand why you would vote it to be maliciously each time. Again, my point isnt that disconnecting shouldnt have a punishment, just that the current punishment keeps the game in a worse state than the lack of punishment. The punishment shouldnt be the default. Because more often than not, I see people disconnect at the weirdest times to actually disconnect. Even league of legends, a game with a (relatively) toxic community that also has a dc punishment, doesnt apply that punishment as soon as someone disconnects. Nor do they increase that punishment if they disconnect more than once within 72 hours. Because sometimes matchmaking ######### you over. They still punish you by not giving you any rewards, and if you were playing ranked, which again, this game is not, you lose ranked progression. DBD already has a base punishment that removes all bloodpoints earned and removes a pip. That alone is enough discouragement to not disconnect everytime you dont like the game for the vast majority of people. Having a dc penalty carry over through anything longer than 48 hours is simply ridiculous. Which, again, you're free to disagree with. But you cannot argue the dc penalty is fine as long as slug camping killers who try their hardest to make people eat a dc penalty is not a punishable offense.

    "3) your toxic builds that you are arguing should let you disconnect at will may not be fun to play against but not everyone has them every match. I personally have only run into one forever freddy in the last month. what happened? I died quickly, and then i went on to another match and that was a rank 1 huntress I've seen and he was good. I hated the match up because I know I'm not in his level of capability so I wonder why I was matched to him. doesn't matter though I died again and moved on to more matches."

    I agree, they dont happen every match. However, they happen often enough to be worse than the lack of penalties. The toxic builds I encounter at least once a day, the time I like to call Russian Hour(because, 99% of the time, the steam profile is russian, from a location I can only assume they would be required to use a VPN to even connect to the same server that I am connected to), almost every single killer you encounter is using a toxic build, with toxic measures. And without the dc penalty, I only tend to end up dc'ing to 1 of them per week. However, with the dc penalty in action, I literally cannot play that time of day, because every single match would be iri head huntress with the killer slugcamping. And you might think that Soul Guard and Unbreakable would help there, well, you're wrong. They just wait out the timer and hit you again. That's almost 2 hours long, with 12 matches total, at least 9 of those being slugged for 4 minutes. That is the norm with the punishment. Without the punishment, they refrain from using those builds because they know they would lose a survivor instantly and that bores them, so they tunnel instead. And at least tunneling has vanilla counterplay. Even if Stridor Spirit is practically impossible to counter.

    "I think you need to reconsider if you really want to play this game and suggest playing something else if you are so triggered by people playing with the in match tools they are given and then you use out of match functionality to leave when you feel you are wronged."

    Ah, so, you claim that the old machine gun sprints were fine to use? You claim that people running 4 old brand new parts was fine? Because they were playing by the rules and using tools they were given? Just because tools are in a game, doesnt mean they belong and using them makes you non-toxic. You could have a chainsaw in an operating room, that doesnt mean the surgeon can use the chainsaw and not be called a maniac. We are currently in a state where things are in a heavily grey area. Its extremely easy to claim they are using the tools, yet, exploiting gamebreaking combinations is bannable too. The old "forever mending legion" build is a great example of that too. Those were also simply tools that were working as intended at the time. But I am going to assume you're gonna use a different reasoning for that one because people got banned for it. Just because the devs are slow to work on certain things(I know they are going to address huntress soon, we just dont know when), doesnt mean its any less of an exploit. But if things like ebony mori iri head infantry belt huntress is just a tool that can be used, then so is disconnecting. And again, if it only happened as little as you claim it is, which it obviously isnt, then people wouldnt be disconnecting as much. And just because I dont like the community, especially not people who claim to know better just because its in the rules even though the devs themselves have endorsed it many times themselves whenever there was something wrong but they wouldnt fix it(dc penalties were removed against legion, they were removed when slugcamping became a thing, they are currently still removed because slugcamping started becoming a thing again, even though they were removed due to a hack earlier on). So if the devs endorse it on things that exist in the game that are essentially removing all the fun that they intended the game to have and made the game sour, then you can see why disconnects during Russian Hour skyrocket and no one is getting banned for doing so.

    Besides, I could easily claim the same whenever there isnt a penalty in place. This isnt a competitive game. If disconnecting having an impactful penalty really mattered to you, I suggest playing an actual competitive game. DBD is intended to be more of a party thriller than a competitive game. Party games dont really do cumulative dc penalties.

    "but you are also impacting 4 other players negatively for your selfishness. Either PLAY the game or DON'T but stop saying you should be able to dc willy nilly for any reason what so ever."

    When 1 player is already negatively impacting a game to a point of being unplayable, a dc wont affect the other players negatively. But there are plenty of times where a DC positively impacted a game and only negatively impacted the person who negatively impacted the game. An example would be, again, a slug camping killer. Once the killer has the slug camp, they negatively impact 1 player immensely and often impact any other random player. DC'ing removes the feeling for saving from other random players, giving them a free focus on what to do, while also removing all the negative leverage the initial killer has. Which, would make your argument void as it positively impacts the game for 3 players. So you see, the game isnt as black and white as you claim it is. You play the game, or you dc when you cannot play the game. I'd say being slugged is incapability of playing the game. I'd say having a single survivor screwing over the entire team over and over again to a point where you might aswell be dead, but the killer refusing to kill you, is incapability of playing the game and would in fact be keeping the game hostage. As long as there are vanilla ways to make people incapable of playing the game, disconnecting isnt a negative impact by default.

    And I am sure, by all your comments, that you think I dc plentiful. But no, I've dc'd twice this week. Once because I had to go anyway and miscalculated the length of a match, and once where I was slugcamped while playing with a 3man swf, and when I encountered them later they said they would have done the same and actually ended up escaping because I dc'd because they didnt need to worry about me anymore. I know when I am outmatched, and I endure boring builds all the same. I play many more games each week to a point where its not even 0.1% of my games that I end up disconnecting. The problem is, you're far too authoritarian on a party game and trying to make it have super strict black and white applications of the rules as if the game were competitive. It is not. Its an asymmetrical party thriller game. Even tournaments of this game are extremely hard to set up and they ban perks and offerings from being used because they are far too unbalanced in a tournament settign. That alone shows the rules cannot be without grey area's. And that alone shows that the dc penalty cannot be as strict as you want it to be. The negative impact that some players leave is minor, and the same players would have suicided on hook if they didnt dc. The dc I have been talking about is the only way out in a situation where you cannot suicide on hook. And I have seen you agree with that. The builds I have been describing often are non-existant when there is no dc penalty applied, but they are 10% of all the matches you can get on 1 day once there is. I would consider those builds exploits because they exploit the dc penalty system, and therefor I suggest the DC system to be voted for if done maliciously. Because its not black and white. You could add in a suicide option for when you're slugged, but even that would be a problem and people might aswell just disconnect. Another great option would simply be doing what they did for DBD Mobile and replace the disconnected person with an AI, because then it would remove the negative impact of a dc to other players. Which actually leads me to your final question:

    "your argument now is invalid because it does one thing and that is breaks the rules of the game you agreed to! should you not be punished for that?"

    No, because the game allows the opponent to remove the option to tap out and rewards the opponent for doing so. As long as that is in action, they cannot consider a disconnect to be an out of match functionality because it is part of the match. Its the only way to get out of a situation you cannot suicide from, and 4 minutes is simply too long of a time to wait to finally die and join another match. In some cases you could be halfway through another match in that same time. Since the situation of the game cannot allow the rules to apply black and white, it allows for the grey area to where a disconnect is usable without being punished for it. And you agree to this, just not to the extend that I do. Because like I said, the situations where even you would DC do not occur when there isnt a penalty in place. With the penalty in place, I've had 6 matches in a row where people were slug camping. Now, would you consider 30 minutes of being slug camped and being in matchmaking to be equalivant to playing dead by daylight? I dont think so. Yet also according to you, "they are using in match functionality" and thus not exploiting, even though in my opinion they are exploiting the existance of the dc penalty. And like I said, considering suicides when downed can be exploited easily too, I think the only legit way out of such a situation would be to disconnect and have the community say whether it was done maliciously or not. Giving everyone the risk of a penalty, but not the guarantee of one.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    To get back up instead of leaving a match. Being slugged and being slugcamped are different things. Unbreakable helps with one, suiciding helps with the other.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) dc penalties were removed because someone found a way to apply the penalties to someone that did not disconnect. this is an intention exploitation of the penalties and thus they removed it to prevent people not deserving of the penalties to be denied to play. This is proven, and the same reason they were removed the first time. you didn't read the information, they did not remove them or deactivate them because they were no longer needed.

    2) break the rules you are penalized. break the speed limit you get a ticket "penalized", rob a store you get put in jail ie: "penalized" same here! Per the rules if you disconnect through ANY MEANS other than sacrifice on the hook, this means a disconnect of ANY kind even out of your control is not allowed thus you deserve to be penalized per the rules. You accept these rules when you play, if you do not like them stop playing.

    3) till the perks are changed (the application of another feature like "exhaustion") the perks are good to run, UNLESS the devs announce that there is an exploit and the use of an item is to be avoided or you will be banned. (see legions original builds with the two knives at the same time, see nurse's add on that was recently fixed to prevent a speed exploit) the reason being the rules allow the use of this.

    4) Disconnect's are selfish, here is why: you do not like a killer, you dc. what about the other 3 people you could HELP, nope you don't care. this is defined as selfish. You do not LIKE anything the killer / survivors are doing then DC, again you are being selfish because you don't want to do something. this is why you are a joke, your attitude is selfish and keep disconnecting, I will report you as exploiting the game mechanics if you do dc when you're in a match. I don't care why, the devs will have to look at the data to verify if it was an intentional dc or not to be used as an exploit.

    Enjoy your selfish life.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I agree that people being arbitrarily judged isnt good. And even though league back then actually had relatively good results, the amount of work they ended up having to do was more than it wasnt. Personally, I think both systems should be in play. And technically, not speaking english in an english community, while avoiding any usage of pings could be considered refusing to communicate with teammates(even though they also added in the option to mute your teammates, which is a bit counterproductive).

    The problem with putting them in a seperate queue, right now, for obvious reasons, will probably end up making the situation worse. The voting system wouldnt ever be a permanent fix. However, it would yield overall better results than slapping a 5 minute punishment on everyone. And the whole point of the game is to reward a snowball, its just that some snowballs are too unstoppable. Its a bit mean for someone who has the upperhand to lose it because your upperhand ends up giving your opponents an edge over you. Which, ofcourse also is one of my reasons why bloodlust should be removed from the game, and simply only be implemented on some addons(like perma t1 myers or burger king myers, who actually are the only builds I can imagine that relies on bloodlust). Its just that with current measurements for the pipping system are simply too unbalanced. You have 1 survivor that can get mori'd within 2 minutes of the match because they ended up medium vaulting instead of fast vaulting against a billy, who would earn a depip and practically no bloodpoints.

    I think the best thing that can happen to this game, is consider a downed survivor to be still in chase by the killer, with that chase ending with the survivor being hooked while any gens being done while on the hook would fall under the same catagorie as gens being done while being chased. That way, if a killer camps a survivor, that survivor could still earn a pip if their teammates do gens. If a killer slugcamps a survivor, that survivor could still earn a pip if their teammates do gens. That would fix like 49% of the reasons why survivors would want to dc. Which leads to the other 49%. Currently, if you're gonna depip anyway with only 2k bloodpoints because of a mori, you might aswell disconnect as soon as you get downed. So having a secondary measurement stick to compare your personal progress to the progress of other players to be an indication of if you were performing overaverage or underaverage would also give people not a reason to depip(a killer who mori's early in the game doesnt tend to have good progress, so to lose a pip in that situation, you would essentially have to be afk).

    There are a lot of things that can be improved to actually discourage the reason to DC in game, but as things are currently, I think voting on a dc is the fairest implementation of the system. Worst case scenario: you get the same punishment you would have gotten with the regular dc penalty. So it literally can only get better.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Writing an essay doesn't make you right. It just means you take yourself too seriously.

    You're still wrong. If it's in the game and being used as intended, it is not toxic. Period. No other answer is correct.

    You not liking something does not make it toxic.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    If its in the game, but the design is awful and the players know it, to a point where really good players avoid it because its 0 risk and all the rewards. Then using it, is toxic.

    I mean, guns exist in the world, they are manufactured and in quite a lot of countries even given to civillians. Yet whenever they are used for the things they were designed to do, and you have a problem. Sure, you have people who use it healthily and only when they absolutely need it, which are pretty much perfectly analogous to the people who avoid using it unless they think they are up against the sweatiest of teams.

    Basically, some things are guns, and a lot of people use them to shoot other people with and there are no regulations in place.

    Thats why it toxic to use. Just because the devs dont care doesnt make that less true. There game is lacking regulation on toxic builds, while we do have laws for carrying arms and regulate it.

    So unless you somehow start arguing on a lawless area with guns being distributed to every person and have everyone kill each other not to be toxic for society, in which case, sure, then we agree to disagree. I dont think your argument would hold any water.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Again - if it's in the game and being used as currently intended, it is not toxic. You not liking something doesn't make it toxic.


  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited August 2020

    Again, if its toxic by design unless you have to go out of your way to not use it as intended, its uber toxic. You disagreeing with that doesnt make it not toxic.


  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited August 2020

    It's not toxic "by design". The devs didn't create it to be toxic. Therefore, it's not toxic. You can not like it, and that's fine. Nobody likes it, but you not liking something doesn't make it toxic. By that logic, DS, the way it's used, is also toxic. Your logic is not only flawed, it's dead, buried, and covered in squirrel feces. Just stop. You're making yourself look silly.


    There is never going to be a version of this where you are correct - and I'll keep slapping you down like a game of whack a mole.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    This may be the most pretentious thread I have ever read.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Again, the design is toxic, that makes it toxic by design. A knife is sharp by design, that doesnt mean the people create it to be sharp.

    And no, DS is an anti-removal perk. DS falls in the range of perks that can be used in a toxic manner, yet arent toxic by design. Even though I dont like DS to a point where I avoid using it. But I dont avoid it because I think if I used it I would be toxic to a killer. Pop goes the Weasel has the capability of being toxic too, but its not toxic to use it. Slugcamping builds and things like Ebony Mori however, the only reason to really use it is assuming the opponent is going to be toxic. Which in itself is toxic.

    As a matter of fact, all you've brought to the table is simply "the devs created it the way it is" and "just because you dont like it doesnt mean its toxic". Nothing else. You havent created even any hypothetical where the use of such builds is not toxic, other than people using it just in case they might need it. But thats not using it, thats having something on the reserves just in case things go south.

    So as long as you refuse to put in any counter argument, other than trying to push it aside, my logic remains solid. Basically it comes down to the analogy: The devs created guns, but didnt create gun regulations and people are shooting other people with the guns. You claim its fine, because the devs created the guns, and therefor the regulations arent needed and people killing each other is simply how the devs meant it to be.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    So you've never read killer-only player posts then? They claim the Hatch is OP, even though it works in their favor too.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Sorry bud - it's in the game, being used as intended. The devs define toxic, not you.

    You will never be right. :)

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Picture seeing on reddit a dude being banned or temp banned with the report reading he was an afk (insert ethnic race here) (insert slur here). Now imagine someone put its up online. Suddenly DBD looks like a haven for supremacists. Yes you could hide what was said and have someone banned or temp banned with a vague afk, exploit. People will clamber for the exact reason why they were banned what exploit, when was I afk, then you show what people wrote in the report and boom instantly your games nastier elements get blown up on social media.

    Players can't be allowed to judge a Killer or Survivor guilty because they will run there mouths saying crap that will get Behavior in trouble. Multiplayer games can get toxic turning off chat is important sometimes as you can get some nasty stuff thrown at people. Excessive pinging can be used to screw with your ally's concentration (especially in sound based games) they can also be deliberately used to get a negative reaction.

    Also there's an inherent survivor and killer bias that exists. With majority ruling and potential abuses via twitch streamers and personalities its best to leave the report system to the devs. Promote positive play have nice rewards for playing out your games. Imagine if you have an swf or a killer who has friends in the game abusing the system to lock people out of playing game or temp banning them. Even if its a minority the occurrence of stuff like this will create some abuses that are frankly unacceptable.

    I like your idea of a proximity chaser points awarded to the survivor its again another fine addition to compensate a survivor who has to hold on for the rest of there team.

  • There needs to be something to stop people from DC just bc they got found early or going to die on hook. I play a lot of killer and have had way more people DCing since its been cross platform. Its not fun trying to get point and rank up when people rage quit, also not fun for the rest of the team.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I have always been curious about an "INACTIVITY" timer so if the killer is slugging people. Something happens such as the player stands still and they instantly die within a short amount of time? What the problem stands with is the killer slugging survivors. I mean there are times where it does have to happen. Such as a person DOES know that the survivor is going to DS them if they pick them up. So they are FORCED to leave the survivor on the ground!

    It also comes down to the issue where survivors HAVE to rely on someone to RESCUE them or they just stay on the ground. If everyone is down, the killer can go outside for a smoke break. Shame on survivors for NOT bringing the bill perk. right?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Oh, the devs define toxic? Sure, so, using the small pp build and flashlighting a killer everytime he vaults isnt toxic? The entire community agrees that it's quite toxic, but its in the game, so it cant be toxic.

    Oh, or remember back in the day when you could hide for an eternity in a locker and basically keep the killer hostage? That was toxic AF, but it was in the game and there wasnt anything that said you couldnt, guess it wasnt toxic after all. Sure, it got changed later, but I guess that was just the devs changing their mind on what they thought was toxic, as it was in the game for MONTHS before it got changed.

    So yeah, I dont decide what is toxic, but neither do the devs. According to the community, its toxic. And toxicity is a community vote. So you're wrong, and ironically, I am right. Maybe not in the previous thing, but thats for the community to decide, not you.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Using anything built into the game as a feature (perks, items etc) in their intended way is never toxic. It's in the game. It's not a cheat or a hack. Not liking something doesn't mean it's toxic. It annoying you doesn't make it toxic. Doesn't matter how many times they blind you at a pallet or vault. That's the literal purpose of flashlights. To blind the killer. "The entire community" is a bold statement. Please provide statistical data for that, or retract your statement.

    Holding the game hostage is literally against the rules; and bannable. So yes, the devs define it as toxic, and it is, as such, toxic.

    Again, the devs decide what's toxic. You just decide what annoys you.

    You picked the wrong guy to try and one up. Bring it, bud. Easiest rebuttal of my life.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "That's the literal purpose of flashlights. To blind the killer." There is a difference between blinding a killer, and constantly blinding the killer with 2 people where you know you can essentially keep the killer blind for the entire match or force him/her to never use a window, making infinites possible. Infinites are constantly removed because they literally are toxic. Flashlights being used in this way, creates infinites. Now, I like to see how you will twist this in not being toxic. Because its still in the game, it still allows infinites and there is even a new perk that allows it to be used nearly twice as long. Infinites and using them is toxic, even according to your definition. So, how are you gonna turn this one around? The existance of Lightborn?

    "Holding the game hostage is literally against the rules; and bannable" This rule was implemented after they added crows, so again, you're wrong.

    And no, the devs decide what is balanced or not. They add in things that can be used as an annoyance, however, they often dont cap the annoyance. Old Pig had a headpopper build that was incredibly toxic, yet barely anyone used it. It's removed now, so again, according to your definition, its toxic. However, this has been in the game for YEARS before it was removed. Now, are you going to claim that all that time, it wasnt toxic untill its removal? Please, I'd like to see your "rebuttal".

    As for what is toxic, and this is pretty much the biggest reason why you are wrong: the usage of an in-game mechanic only to ruin the game for someone else. It has nothing to do with annoyance, it's literally someone trying to ruin the fun for someone else on purpose.

    I mean, lets take it even further: at first, atoms were researched for finding a way for clean energy, does that mean the people who researched the atoms were trying to find a way to create a bomb? According to you, they must have been, because the bomb got created and atomic bombs are still active to this day. The devs simply try to balance items and things to not be gamebreaking, but that doesnt mean the players dont find a way to make it essentially gamebreaking. The players create the toxicity, the devs can choose to react on that or not. Often, they dont, but that doesnt make it less toxic.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    TL;DR: It annoys me. So it's toxic.

    Sorry bud, you're incorrect.

    Also, statistical data for your statement. Still waiting on that. Hop to it, boyo.