Cross-play isn’t fair for console players

I really wanna know why the devs thought it was okay to implement cross-play knowing damn well that they can’t even optimize better frames for the console version. How long have console players have been asking for better frames? Let me start by saying I own dbd on Xbox and on my PC and pc players have it made. Better frames, little to no lag spikes, and better movement because of M&KB. Some maps and some killers can’t be played properly on console. Every played Lery’s on console? It’s a 10Fps slideshow, ever been hit by sloppy butcher on console? Game freezes while being hit. Even skill checks drop frames. I think this cross-play would be fun if they optimized console but I honestly don’t see the point of enabling it.
Then dont do it. Always those nonsense rants.
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Then disable crossplay
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Look at the bright side, at least queues won't be 20+ minutes anymore.
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nono, consol player are sooooo goooddd D:
nooo i dint search him all because they all are so better then Pc player :D
PS: you all can disable crossplay in the settings...
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Does noone ever read other sections of this entire forum ?? 🥴
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Its not that easy. If he disables it, there is a good chance he wont find a lobby since most people will switch to crossplay.
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Dont have the option on then?
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THERE'S the crying I was waiting for! Can't have a new addition without whining!
To be serious, if you think that the player on the other system is too powerful, then just disable crossplay. It's the bottom of the main meniu settings.
You either get fast wait times, or more consistent matches. It's your choice
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There's bound to be a myriad of console players opting out.
But the devs seem assuring the queues will be decently longer.
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So disable it....
Or, stop playing games on consoles. For the price of a console you can have a system that can do more than just game.
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For now the queue times will be longer, but think one step ahead. What will many do when they realise they have to wait 30 minutes for a lobby when they can have one in 30 seconds? More will switch to crossplay eventually. And this leaves console only players to a very tiny playerbase.
I am not saying crossplay is not a good thing (as a PC player i obvisouly have nothing against it), but having a choice is an illusion. At the end, everyone will be forced to crossplay.
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Just opt-out of crossplay. I don’t understand why people are complaining about it when BHVR gave the option to turn it off. It’s that simple.
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for now the only downside that I'm finding with crossplay is that I can't send "gg" at the end of the game if they are not on ps4 :(
Other than that, from what I saw as a killer, survivors play the same: pc survivors are better at pathing and looping, console players are better at juking - but that's just because they are used to killers with very low frame rates and exploit that, while pc survivors learned to escape killers in a very different way (which is much more "relaxing" for me)
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I must say console killer are pretty funny to play against. They have a hard time keeping up with pc survivors.
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it's not a nonsense rant imo....they said there are more console players at the moment and we want to be a part of cross play but gameplay in cross play for console players is practically impossible right now. I have disabled it...not because i want to but because i have to and that's not fair that paying, devoted customers cannot enjoy one of the games nicest features rn. The random disconnects against me, the dying during struggle bug, the framerates are all unplayable....then add in the PC advantage to literally slide in a 360 and it's too much of a non-leveled playing field I agree with Babyyy_Boy and and it's a legit concern. Console to console these problems are there but in cross play they are extremely intensified and more frequent and it's just upsetting for us who are daily players and were excited to see cross play as reality. We are not even being told what's being done to address these concerns or given even a rough estimate of when we can expect improvements, just that it's being worked on....are we going to have to wait for next gen consoles to come out? will that even fix most of the issues so we can participate in cross play?
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I agree partially. The wait times on console are longer now than they have ever been when you disable crossplay. With crossplay on theyre nothing, in a game in 2 minutes or less sometimes. But! I do agree that you can see the difference between the two types of games. Since crossplay has been activated I have come across a lot of connection issues I never had when playing xbox only. Lag switchers stopping me from getting teammates off hook is a sore subject at the moment. The framerrate drops are a real pain in the ass, hadnt noticed in on certain levels but I do find quite often when I'm being hit by killer, I get a drop in frames or a lag of some sort that effectively ruins my escape dash after being hit because during the lag I've walked into a tree or got stuck in a doorway. By the time you realise qhats going on or tried to correct yourself youve been downed. Its frustrating but I've stuck to crossplay because its not every game.
Only real negative effect this game has had on my account since crossplay is consistency in matches which has caused my rank (and I'm a solo queue player 99.9% of the time) to drop from average of 4 on survivor to 7 because of the inconsistency in games.
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What a sack of ######### of a response that was, the OP wasn't complaining about his console but rather the lack of options when it comes to crossplay considering the state the game is in on console, which is 100% the fault of the devs and has nothing to do with the console lacking power for 60fps games. A completely valid complain, and literally everyone I know feels like this, so if you have nothing to contribute but the standard "disable it response" then ######### off because he almost certainly does have it disabled and just wants devs to include a console only crossplay option.
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He has options. He can disable crossplay if he doesn't like it. His other option is to buy a PC. Vote with your wallet.
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Why does every other console player have problems with fps and all that stuff. I play on xbox and never experience any of these drawbacks. I've always never understood the differientating difference between PC and console because I dont have these issues personally, or maybe I just dont recognize the low fps when ingame. Just take off crossplay, I guess.
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I do agree to some points, crossplay is indeed bad FOR SWITCH, but for Xbox and Ps, pretty sure it's fine since my game is running decently fine on Xbox
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I have to disagree with you there I love crossplay and pc players are the same I can handle loops regardless of platform it's the same thing except for frames. Even on lerys I can still loop it just looks bad.
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Luckely PC-players are pretty bad so it does not have to be fair, you can still play with PC-survivors and be the only good player in the team even with bad framerate, bugs etc.
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Ya i dont care about crossplay i love getting instant lobbies on both on ps4 and used tp have to wait at least 10 mins for a survivor lobby so i would get furious if i was camped or any other thing that sucks but now i can take it in stride and just move on to my next game with no problem...dont have to wait 1 hour for maybe 2 games...turn cross play off if you cant handle the insanely good killers on pc...i actually love play against a good pc nurse is a marvelous thing to watch....never seen 4 survivors be put down so fast in my life.
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jesus who cares just opt out of crossplay if you cant compete with pc players
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Not everyone has a 2080TI.
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Everyone saying "crybaby just complaining for no reason just disabled crossplay" is so idiotic. It's either enable crossplay and have unfair matches or disable crossplay and wait 30 minutes for a lobby.
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Where and when did they say there were more console players
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What console players are experiencing is
worse frame rate than PC playersactually as simple as just going up against players that don't need controller auto-aim assist because they have better, more accurate user / hardware interface toolsGet a mouse and keyboard for your console and the problem goes away (after a decade or two of training)
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you dont need anything near a 2080 to get 60 fps on dbd :|
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Well I do have a 2080TI and in maps like Midwitch I dip down to 40fps.
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Doing that would reduce the population... I don't want to wait 2 years for play, like before!
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Don't disable crossplay then
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Yes, but it's frustrating too...🤣
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It's definitely an unbalanced experience between console and pc. Console players before crossplay pointed this out and asked for optimization first but Devs didn't care and pushed ahead anyway. They respond with "just turn off crossplay" because they really don't care to fix the console experience. Luckily on ps4 you can turn it off and the waits are short for either side you play.
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then get better at the game?
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it was about a month ago during an "around the campfire" on twitch, time stamp 39:40
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i've considered this but have been told that it is a bit controversial and that many in the gaming community consider console players using mouse and keyboard to be cheating
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And exactly which model Xbox1 should I get to attain this lofty 60fsp? Most of us consolers would give up our first born, our left shoe, and even a kidney for a steady 25-30...
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Am I the only one who hasn’t noticed any frame rate drops on PS4? I’m using the Pro, so I’m not sure if it’s any different. I play killer a lot and I’ve never thought that my matches were laggy in the slightest.
Other than the fact some players have a globe next to their username, I don’t see any difference in my matches. The killers / survivors I get are no better or worse than before.
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Yeah, turn it off and sit in que for an hour. That's a real option.
Please. Fanbois on this site kill me. Crossplay was a desperate move to fill ranks for console players. They knew it would be a bloodbath and don't care. I can count on my hands how many console players have escaped one of my matches since it started. It is not due to them being bad players, it is due to their limitations. They don't mind game well because optimization allows me to catch them too easily. They don't loop all the well either. Their best move is a 360, which rarely works. So, they get immersed, which does not work well when you are stepping on traps while Urban Evading around the map.
I have gotten to where I find matches vs 4 console players to be pretty boring. I often just remove addons on Trapper....not like I'm playing Nurse or Spirit here. I've found myself easily sitting at rank 1 now where I used to hover around ranks 2-4. Yeah, I did not get better, the console players just fed me pips. (Again, I don't think they are bad, they are just at a disadvantage.)
Yes, there are exceptions to the rules. I've seen some exceptionally skilled 4 man groups of console players (suspect them to be SWF based on how coordinated they were). But, they were nowhere near as much of a headache as the 4 man coordinated SWFs I've seen from PC. Again, the optimization was the deciding factor here.
But hey, just turn it off and sit in que. That's a real solution. lol
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Do you have VSync on? You shouldn't be dropping to 40fps with a 2080ti. I've uncapped my fps to 120 and my frames are around 70-90 on indoor maps.
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I'll take the q times and a few loses over the framerates anyday!
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Lol really? That's just sad. It's like saying using 3rd party coms and a head set with Mike is cheating. What it ACTUALLY is, is using the best tools available to you for the job in question.
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2080 is a graphics card. there is no equivalent for console
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errr.. she said "most of our- ..a big part of our community is on console." notice how she took it back and changed it to a big part of. She's probably talking about console as a whole; meaning, switch, ps4, and xbox. individually as a platform pc is most likely the biggest.
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Ahhh I see. Feels like us consolers are locked down in so many ways...
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i did catch her change mid sentence but i am not ready to dismiss it as a mistake until i see official stats from Behavior
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Then turn it off. I don't understand all of this complaining. If you don't like it. JUST. TURN. IT. OFF.
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Because console players would like the devs to fix the issues that are causing the games to not be balanced. I don't get why people just say "turn it off" instead of help push to have the game balanced between platforms.