Why won't you prestige?



  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    I absolutely refuse to get rid of my small mountain of add-ons and offerings (including all event offerings) with every perk in the game on Doctor just for a blood-covered outfit (I've already got his Hallowed Blight outfit, which is my favorite cosmetic in the game). I would need a huge incentive like free instadowns or constant 150% movement speed to prestige him, but that's not likely to happen.

    The others either have too much in their inventory, a cosmetic that looks better than the prestige one, or both. Freddy and Wraith already have all perks in the game AND I'm fine with the cosmetics they have (I realized that Freddy doesn’t have any other cosmetics, but decided it wasn’t that big of a deal because I don’t want to go through that grind again and prestige doesn’t mean you’re good).

    I've only gotten Demo to P1 and LF to P2 because I actually wanted those bloody cosmetics. Myers is going to be the only character I get to P3 50 because I want the mask, the trophy, and he has like one cosmetic (and it only changes his body and knife). I also don't have that many perks, add-ons, and offerings on him.

    Also, prestige doesn’t equal skill. I’ve seen some really bad players on both sides who have fully prestiged their characters.

  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96

    Honestly,you should only prestige during double pb events or during anniversary

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Hey if you enjoy the grind there is nothing wrong with it, I just don't, so I look for more tangible benefits to it, so far I haven't really found any to justify the effort.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    I just do it because I get the bloody cosmetics. I love gore stuff so.

    Also, when you prestige your luck in the bloodweb is increased.

    Even tho, I think prestiging it's useless and makes no sense. Losing all your progress 3 times is not fun at all.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    I thought the increased luck thing was proved to be pretty much meaningless (heck, I think the people that tested it actually got more from a prestige 0 Killer than a prestige 3 one).

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    At least from my own experience, when I prestige I get better perks and add-ons.

  • honestscript
    honestscript Member Posts: 259
    edited September 2020

    I would only prestige after ive unlocked all my perks on every character.

    Which is over 100 million BP for me because I own all but 2 characters and all but 3 survivors perks.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    No one cares about bragging about prestiging lol. Prestige means really nothing to me when I see it on a survivor because its so common, on killer the only time i can even think of a time when i noticed was a wraith who just tunneled and face camp all game, a the "stealthier skin" really only applies to Claudette which is a good way to make both your team and the killer hate you. I mean yeah technically a p3 meg is stealthier than a base meg but still not as stealthy as a base Claudette so whats the point?

    For the record I have a p3 Ghostface, Myers, and Cheryl. Right now i'm only p3ing characters I really like but once i get everyone to level 50 I might do more but it has no real value, you would be better trying to get all perks on your characters (which actually might be a longer grind than trying to p3 everyone)

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    "I don't like grinding" - Person playing one of the grindiest games there is, 2020.

    I'm honestly curious what's gonna happen if they decide to rework prestige to afftect all clothing. It's obviously possible since Plague's sickness effect does basically the same thing in green. Gonna be a fair amount of salty people complaining that they chose not to prestige but they still want the reward from it now, especially if it's like what was in the PTB with blood appearing only during the game, so you don't get lobby dodged for it.

  • cranzer
    cranzer Member Posts: 26

    I play like 20 matches a week. I haven't unlocked all the perks I want yet. Prestige in practically worthless to me.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    The only two characters I wanted to prestige was Jake (for Sheriff Jake) and Spirit (to flex.)

    I'm not doing anymore UNLESS I get a random surplus of bloodpoints.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    I don't prestige my survivors because I don't care about skins. And the blood point grind becomes a death sentence with the way the bloodweb works. I sh!t you not I found BT rank 1 on my kate. And conservatively used my points to search the web's for new teirs. It took 12 fcking webs and nearly 500k blood points to find tier 2...just for 1 perk...when I have almost all my other perks at tier 2 or higher.

    And I don't prestige my killers for the same reason of grinding the bloodwebs endless stream of useless add-ons and only a 3-4% chance of getting better add-ons to find my favorite perk load outs.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    "I don't like grinding" - Person playing one of the grindiest games there is, 2020.

    Very true, and I hate the grind. But then again, when I fire-up DbD it's just to run around as Myers or one of the other icons. Nothing big. I don't play it to hit Rank 1 or any of that sort of PvP competitiveness. Heck, I have Overwatch for that.

    Way I see it, if they all escape from my Myers, 'tis fine. He got his ass handed to him in Halloween 2018, too. 🤣

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    I basically think prestige is definitely not worth the "added rarity" on the web for sure and do not recommend it for players who aren't pouring in tons and tons of games for fun... even then it's questionable. I P3'd a few folks over my 1000+ hours but occasionally still feel some BP shortages lately ever since I started trying to get every single perk on every killer (which made sense and worthwhile) but now on every single survivor (which hasn't really been necessary but eh)

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited September 2020

    I'm a casual player of DBD so I don't have the time to invest into repurchasing perks all over again. Maybe I would prestige if the game allowed me to immediately pick the perks that I want to unlock, but alas it doesn't, and the ridiculous grind is just too much.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    I P3-50 characters that I really like, and I use the bloody head for every outfit to show dedication to the character. I have Ace, Dwight, Feng, Kate, and Spirit at P3-50. I currently have BP saved to start on Felix next week.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thats why i do it.

    and honsetly, its not like its taking a lot of time to do so, i started leveling my Pig a couple of weeks ago and she is already Prestige 3 with 4 pages of perks available.

    guess im gonna get her maxed out in two to three weeks, then im gonna go and get my Blight to 50, then everyone of my currently maxed out killers gets his perks and then i start leveling the next killer - gonna be a tough choice between Nurse, Hag and Blight...

    i feel like this game would be boring without having something to grind for tbh.