The Nurse is not fun to play against.


No, this isn't your typical "Nurse OP" thread. I have mixed feelings about whether or not she is overpowered. This thread is simply to explain why I, and likely many, many other players don't find it fun to play against a Nurse.

The Nurse completely ignores nearly everything the survivors have to survive. Going through pallets, windows, and even teleporting from the floor underneath you to right to where you are. Vaulting really just puts you at a disadvantage by slowing you down allowing for an easier hit for The Nurse. Despite this, there are still ways to avoid her, unpredictable movement and breaking line of sight can throw her off, but experienced Nurses will often know how to counter your movements anyway regardless of how unpredictable you are. It's not fun having all of your survival methods rendered completely useless against this one killer and inevitably getting caught regardless of what you do.

But even if you do manage to counter her and avoid her hits, it's simply not fun running back and forth and running around in circles trying to avoid her hits. The game is not based around that. I do occasionally escape a game against a Nurse but I never have fun against her regardless of if I win or not.

And don't go saying "But her ability requires skill" that literally does not matter at all. Regardless of how hard it is to use that doesn't provide a pass to the fact that it's not fun to play against. I'm about to just start disconnecting when it's a Nurse because I'm just incredibly bored of Nurses.

So what do you guys think? Do you ever find a way to have fun against a Nurse? Do you feel the same way?



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,622

    I mean, Nurse is a failed design and would not exist in present times, but back in the day when they created her, they probably did not put that much thought into her Design. So we are stuck with her.

    Still, it is not like I have no fun vsing a Nurse. I also had fun before they reworked her, except when the Nurse used more than two Blinks or Range Add Ons. Or just slugged all 4 people before hooking them, but that might be the case right now.

    Overall, I dont have much problems with Nurse, there are Killers which are more unfun to go against than Nurse IMO.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Back in my day the game was nothing but Nurses, Hillbilly and the occasional 9,001 IQ Trapper at red ranks.

    Dead Hard completely nullifies one of her hits every minute, and she is fairly easy to juke depending on Nurse skill level. A baby nurse is a white washcloth that just exist in the map to be toyed with. An experienced nurse is a very angry white/red washcloth that is tremendously/considerably/moderately done with your bull. One of the greatest moments of laughter is picking on a nurse and realizing the player behind her is a murder machine.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    I play both sides. I also main nurse and there’s not many out there that solely play her any more because of the bugs. I find it entertaining to face all skill levels of nurse. I’ve been playing for over a year now and can probably count on one hand the nurses I’ve gone against. Now if you truly find a god tier nurse she has played thousands of hours perfecting her ability and she’s gonna punish everyone in her path. You shouldn’t be upset because you just truly faced a ghost and it will probably be a long time before you see another. I really hope they get her bugs worked out and rework her base kit and add ons so the old nurse mains will come back.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I dont find it fun playing as nurse. Nothing like spending half of the match staring at the ground, and the other half cussing because of a bug.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    The answer of how to ask following question . . .

    "Nurse is OP so I went to try and get in on the easy-mode action by playing her and immediately realized she requires:

    • an actual metric crap ton of hours to build the muscle memory required to even do remotely well with her
    • let alone master her eye bleedingly high skill ceiling due to the slew of multi faceted, highly nuanced, easily botched tricks, traps and tactics that require:
    • second sight level pre-predictive response times with mere millisecond timings to actually get right"?

    . . . without actually asking it by using masterful diversion tactic of saying "she's not fun to play against but not because she's OP" can be found here:

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2020

    I used to be one of those people who hated playing against Nurse and then hated playing Nurse because she was either :

    • One of those rare handful of Nurses who figured out how to wreck Survivors
    • One of the countless hordes of Survivors who had just been completely and utterly wrecked by said Nurse and thought they'd come and try do the same with her, quickly realizing that it was no simple task giving up and going back to either Survivor.

    Or alternatively the once playing the Nurse was:

    • Just another Killer who wanted to see what the fuss was about and soon realized she was well out of their league, quickly going back to their insidious basement camping bubba

    Then I decided to do the hard yards to grasp the basics of Nurse. Took me about a month of forcing myself to just play her no matter how bad I was, and how depressing the matches where till I was well on my way.

    Nurse is all I play now, when I first started playing I was LUCKY to get 1 hook. Now I'll get between 1 to 3k and on extra special occasions . . . oooh 4k.

    Don't get me wrong I still hate going up against Nurse because good Nurses are HARD to counter. And in the right hands she IS OP.

    But thankfully those hands are very few and far between, and almost certainly require keyboard / mouse so console players will be complaining about her for the foreseeable due to not having the physical hardware (and countless hours / decades of wsad / mouse synergy) required to get that pin point, hair trigger accuracy.

    I'd go so far to say that in the right hands she has zero counters other than:

    • Don't be found, stay away from everywhere the Nurse might go by using Alert, Kindred, Spine Chill and Urban Evasion on a well camouflaged Blendette.
    • Don't do any objectives, rescue, bones. Just stay hidden,
    • Wait for your entire team to die and HOPE you find the hatch before she does.

    So yeah, she's not fun to play against if shes one of those ######### Nurses but not because her mechanics are 'boring' to counter. But because again in the right hands she is OP. Something that can't really be resolved without nerfing her into a standard M1 Killer that cant teleport through walls.

    Doing something similar that they did with Freddy, changing him from a Killer a handful could do extremely well with and the rest just gave up because /hard mode into a Nurse that everyone can master without barely a second thought.

    Changing her from

    • "Easy to learn, EXTREMELY difficult to master to"


    • "Easy to learn, easy to master"

    I'm fairly sure nobody wants that.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Yes she need an overheat mechanic ! 🤨

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Weird, I love playing against good nurses, you can tell that they spent a lot of time getting gud at using her, after losing so many times they finally got into the "I can down any survivor at any time that I see them".

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    My sentiments exactly, the thing I like about decent or good Nurses is the fact you have to play stealthy because it takes her so much time to check every nook and crany of an area also the fact that looping is useless so you have to rely on tricking her and you not getting tricked by her.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2020

    LMAO good one.

    I didn't play Nurse when she first came out, I think I played 1 match in 2016 and gave up. if I recall at the time she started out with the first point below which where progressively nerfed into the subsequent points:

    • Infinite blinks which was nerfed into 3 blinks
    • Then 3 blinks was nerfed into 2 blinks with an option to extend to 3 with a rare addon which removes her ability to teleport through walls.
    • Then they nerfed her Blink Recovery time addons (blink recovery is essentially overheat)
    • Then they nerfed her Blink Fatigue addons.

    I'm pretty sure they'll be some nerfs I've missed but despite it all the Nurses who spent the time to learn the muscle memory required to do well with her still wreck because its the teleport that makes her OP. All those other things did was assist with teleports OP-ness.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I adore Nurse, on both sides.

    Any skilled killer should be able to counter survivors jukeability. It’s no different with Nurse, really.

    What I really enjoy about playing against her is jus that... it’s never a “normal” loop like it always is with almost every other killer. There’s unpredictability on both sides of the chase.

    The truth about playing Nurse is that chases become somewhat of a guessing game of predicting which way a survivor will move and adjusting blinks accordingly. There’s much more that played into her, but that’s the basic essence.

    I’ve played several matches against her where she seemed to know exactly where I was moving and countered every juke I attempted. The telling aspect of some of those matches was when the other survivors in the match didn’t have any issue avoiding her blinks. Then I knew she possibly was on the same mental wavelength, y’kno what I mean? Like finishing someone’s sentences.

    I encourage you to not let some of the past face offs you’ve had w her to hinder you in the future. So when you go against her again, test out my theory, see if your jukes work against other Nurse players. I believe you’ll find it rewarding, even fun!

    Also, check her out more in-depth by playing her more, see what it’s like from her side.

    She’s my fav, an I hope you give her more of an opportunity to grow on you.

    Nurses need hugs too, y’kno <3

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Survivors are unfun to play against.

    I have yet to see a good nurse, I thought with crossplay i'd be able to finally see what playing against a sweaty Nurse, Huntress, or deathslinger is like but the only killer I have faced that was really better than their xbox counterpart was Oni....and he still got ran the ######### around. I've gone against one cross play nurse (meaning she could have been on PC, PS4 or Switch) and she DC'd on me after I juked her for like literally one minute, didn't even try to go after anyone else lol.

    So I haven't had that experience of facing these god tier nurses so maybe its not for me to say but I have gone against PC SWF and between doing gens at light speed, like 5 minutes at max, and the speed at which they can move leading to endless 360 I can say with confidence that I have a lot less fun playing against survivors vs playing ANY killer

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    Your team have to play perfectly to draw with a nurse that is playing perfectly.

    I'm a nurse main and I don't care if you have fun because most of the time I am not having fun even while wrecking you survivors. Nurse is very frustating to play and one of the least things I would expect in life is to see a survivor expecting nurses to host a fun match. I've spent a thousand hours training to suffer less from blink fatigue and I'm going to end with survivors fastest as possible to reduce my suffering. In the end of the match, I try to convince myself that I had fun because I won so "my efforts were paid"... And you think nurse's not fun to play against? Well, I feel bad for you then.

    Remember killer is the power role not the survivors. Nurse incarnates that and punish every mistake you do.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited September 2020

    Nope, just efficient at escaping her. Not all the time, sometimes i get destroyed, but that is the nature of the game.


  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    This reads like some reverse psychology lol. "Run this build that would be useless in most games and hide all game" doesn't sound like good justification lol

    Also the fact that you recommend alert is pretty sus since I would imagine a good tier nurse would never break anything, why would she? Wouldn't it make more sense to recommend left behind or even you know, a key? I mean it makes as much sense as running a blendette build because you might get a really good nurse

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Yet every single hit you land on Nurse feels earned and unbelievably satisfying. More so than any other killer (except to a lesser extent maybe Slinger or Huntress has a similar feeling only by a distant shade of comparison. Nothing truly compares to the complete "YES! got you, you bastard! feeling" you get on Nurse in my experience.

    I especially enjoy finding that blendette self caring in some hidden nook totally expecting me to just float on by but NOPE! /Nurses_Calling_Blink.exe

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    It's simply not fun running back and forth and running around in circles trying to avoid her hits. The game is not based around that

    Isn't that all Survivors do against any Killer?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,146

    She doesn't ignore everything, she just ignores traditional looping. You need to use line of sight blockers and stealth to play against a nurse. She is the slowest killer in the game, her speed is actually slower than a survivor so she HAS to use her power to hit you. Use Line of sight to bait out her power. Her fatigue and cooldown is very punishing and usually lets you get to another area where you can break line of sight.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Alert shows Killers aura if they kick gens too but yeah against good Nurses the only real option you have is to not play the game until you either die, escape through the hatch or just DC.

    That's actually one of my preferred Survivor builds for Altruism too.Works pretty well. I just choose not to rely on meta cheese and prefer to know where the Killer is most of the time.

    Spine Chill to know where the Killer is in your close vicinity so you can predict how best to avoid them to get to the next objective safely

    Kindred to know where the Killer is near the hook so you can predict your angle of rescue

    Alert to know where the Killer is everywhere else so you can predict how best to traverse the map towards whatever objective needs doing next

    Urban Evasion to do it all quickly with a much smaller area of exposure to the Killer

    Good for all situations, even toxic ones like avoiding the Killer, not helping your fellow Survivors and camping the hatch because its a god Nurse.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I personally love Nurse. She is so much fun to VS. She's the one killer you know that, if you just got downed, you're being outplayed. Nurse can't rely on simple mind-games like other killers can. She's a literal quick reaction kind of killer, and if you react too late, you'll know. I'm on PS4 so I'd never VS'd a good Nurse until recently thanks to Cross-Play, and she was not gentle! No matter how much I tried to outplay her, going back on myself as she blinked, trying to time using LoS blockers, she always reacted faster than I could keep up, and it was honestly one of the most enjoyable matches I've had in a long time. I've tried to play as Nurse a few times, and I cannot for the life of me do it, so any Nurse that you face that bowls over a team isn't someone that just picked her up. That's someone who's spent many many many hours getting her down to a T

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Not much scares me in the fog.. But nurses. Its super scary to face one as yes this is because us console users have never really witnessed them much.

    I mostly stand in awe and horror like a rabbit in the head lights. It's extremely fun and terrifying.


  • ChickenMcthicken_5

    She is only boring to fight against if it a slugging Super Nusre with Sloppy and Thanato. Other than that, she is fine. At least she isn't fully brain dead so it is very rare to see incredibly good nurses out there. Using her can be a little frustrating but she is quite fun to use and do good with.

  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96

    I find nurses so boring to play against.I just can't stand playing a miserable game vs a nurse that runs sloppy and thanatophobia and slugs 24/7

  • Hibagon
    Hibagon Member Posts: 27

    This is true for every killer though. I dont really think nurse is a problem but then again i could count the number of good nurses ive faced on one hand.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited September 2020

    'Boring' - translates as:

    "I cant win against good Nurses who actually put the hard yards in to actually learn her so I'm going to call her boring in hope she's nerfed to make my game more easy and therefore fun".

    I mean it's working so I totally get why their running with this whole "Killer X is boring" shtick to get killers Nerfed. She has been nerfed several times already after all. To no effect of cause. The few handful of Nurses left just adapted and overcame as per the norm. Something the Survivor whinge fest could learn from but never will.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    Well it can be, but that's the only real way of avoiding the Nurse while other killers have other strategies to avoid.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,195

    Hey now !! Sally slugson is a really good friend of mine, she's not so bad

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,158
    edited September 2020

    The average nurse gameplay isn't that bad. In my opinion it's a fun back and forth

    But let me tell you what makes nurse unbearable for myself personally - the nurse players who do nothing but run infectious fright + sloppy butcher and even knock out occasionally then proceed slug constantly

    I have no issue getting hooked if I ######### up but sitting on the ground, being picked up then instantly knocked back down repeadetly is so ######### boring. That is when Nurse is boring to face to me.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    She never had infinite blinks. Not once.

    Source: I played the ######### out of Nurse when she came out.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,195

    Do you play survivor often? I ran into a guy with the name Orion as a survivor who helped me escape an Oni the other day

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited September 2020

    I am a survivor main, yes, but I haven't played in a while due to all the reported issues (mostly hackers). It's a very common name, so you're likely to see it from time to time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I wish I could have played enough against her but in all my time playing this game i think i could probably count the number of times i vs a nurse on my hands

    I never see her

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    PC, 900 hours of which probably about 300 are survivor

    I know she is concidert not fun to play but it's insane how little i see her

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Let me correct the title for you: "A really good Nurse is not all that fun, but usually ends fast."

    Nurse is a blast to play against, unless they are just super good. There is not much you can do against a really good Nurse. As OhTo once said, a really good Nurse uses their first blink to get the angle on you and you can't escape the second blink. I faced one of those a few weeks ago. Whole team was down before 2 gens could be done. The team was not all that bad, the Nurse was just damn good. It was over quick though. Found the player had 6k hours and stated he primarily plays Nurse for roughly half or more of those hours. Yeah....we stood no chance.

    All good though. Nurse takes a certain level of skill for a high payoff. If you get that good with her, more power to ya. Most Nurse players are not though. They are fun to mind game with. I enjoy 90% of the matches where I play vs Nurse.

    I don't run Nurse though. I found she did not fit my play style. With my colorblindness, I can't lose sight of the survivor for long without losing all together. I can't see scratch marks, so I hunt by movement. Every time she ends a blink she looks at the ground. That messes me up so bad it is not funny.

  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96
  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96

    all killers can do that but nurse does it the best,but i may be wrong.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    ''s simply not fun running back and forth and running around in circles trying to avoid her hits.'

    You literally just summed up every other killer in the game. Against Nurse, you run in circles in the open. Against every other killer, you run in circles around junk piles.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    She can be unfun and op if they are actually good but 99% of players including myself suck with her so it’s never too much of an issue if they fixed frame rates as well as console optimization she could be more of a threat

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Are you serious? Nurse is one of the most fun killers to verse now. She is like the only killer you can outplay in the open without pallets or windows. Sadly since her nerf i have seen less than 10 nurses total and like 7 or 8 of them underperformed.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,051

    I see it different. Facing Nurse is fun, because she is such a game changer compared to other killers. Of course each killer brings somewhat new and fresh to the table, but the general core of looping stays the same. Nurse is different like you said. Constant back and forth and vaults and pallets serve different purposes. And that's actually quite fun for me.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    She is better than spirit at least. If you get outplayed by a nurse at least you know you're going up against a good nurse and yeah running to the left and not using vaults and pallets can be annoying but nurse has some fun tricks you can do against her. Just be glad there arent many good nurses

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    “I’m not having fun because I don’t impose my will on the killer”.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    This is a PvP game, sometimes it will not be fun playing against certain players or killers. Fun is subjective and there is no possibility to balance a PvP game around it.

  • lostboy
    lostboy Member Posts: 89

    As a nurse main this hurts man. I spent so many hours, with so many click clicks, 0K, t-bag, pointing etc to become the level 1 nurse I am today. Anyone you go against that takes you down quickly deserves respect for the dedication they've put in to learn such a difficult killer. Take the loss with pride and try hide more, she thrives off of running and noise.