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THE Killer That YOU Get Kills With?

Boss Member Posts: 13,616

DISCLAIMER: Polls are limited to 10 options, so to include all options, they're going to have to share their spots.

Simple: What Killer as of right when you read this grants you the most kills on average?

WARNING: Voting is permanent, so no changing your mind afterwards. 😜

Oh, and i'll be leaving out The Blight, cause that ain't here yet as of creating this poll.

THE Killer That YOU Get Kills With? 209 votes

The Trapper / The Wraith
LavernneBossWhite_OwlicemancatInjiDeadByDayDwightMiju[Deleted User]HeartboundFeraMistzmassanibm33Ghouled_Mojovenomz12zoozoom6Marc_go_soloKingslandToxicMoriDudeCryptFriend 19 votes
The Hillbilly / The Nurse
GHERBEARRULESCrythorSkeletalEliteStrancolLeonardo1itaLastShoeOkKiLLerEndstilleSlayer192845MercêsFamicxGamekeeperTricksChechiarnissille 15 votes
The Shape / The Hag
FoggyWeather_yobudddRevzi100Raven014EmealnimesulideElcopolloMadLordJackSkullKidnotstarboardvishvajit1994SquillDBDPizzaeater4everAnonymousfoxMoundshroudfrizaralex9erEntitledMyersMaincomboikNicolerawrz 24 votes
The Doctor / The Huntress
SnakeSound222AdelooVolantConch1719BeHasUalaenyiaDetailedDetrimentSebaOutbreakGlamourousLeviathanWarcrafter4OBXRaulilloTrialByFire476dugmanJustZed32cheezjtzKagatohelp_i_have_an_issueEnvyusCheeseAntonArial 24 votes
The Cannibal / The Nightmare
F60_31DimekWalker_of_the_fog_96UistreelUrEmperorpalletsryummyanonymous31337GeordieKillerSadLegionRoffelbillyHexNoedRocketPenguinanimalmakRothlonBassTrampraxZCephalon_LebronMapersonTwistedJoke65KillScreen 30 votes
The Pig / The Clown
Boosted_Dwightpichumudkipblackfoxx_xYffriiumChurchofPigJay_WhyaskStielKatie_metoDonutsRGoodTripleStealAhYesIPlayKateAndPigClownScaresMeNoOneKnowsNovaHex_LlamaMoraveneiSpaghettiandMeatbaUwUdestroyerAbsurdNazN0_th4nk5 20 votes
The Spirit / The Legion
mintchapstickhimynameisvadimNekoGamerXUnnamed_Freakdoitagain_konchokRullisiTaigaDr_LoomisilluminaegiMrsGhostfaceRin_is_my_waifufairfieldismsMikeRohsoftsad_killer_mainBrainless_RobotTotemsCleanserRattiusYordsjayru 33 votes
The Plague / The Ghost Face
Seiko300[Deleted User]EnderloganYTScary_Punk_GhostSCP_FOR_DBDmusefanxxi_TJ_ixxCalamityJaneLunigoonzTTVNxR_BlasterTheWisp2006Pythonheir 12 votes
The Demogorgon / The Oni
FatelanceAhoyWolfPainabrublihmeekinsGenerator_RepairerVeckmanMalum_MidnightDerZuntorsteponmeadirischerryblossomRubyinsomniachorrortale_sansBruce_AV1 14 votes
The Deathslinger / The Executioner
SasukeKunBambuswummemusstang62TodgeweihttenoresaxMaxwellFFirebranddAwkward_FiendOwlzeycheetocultleaderPior_MorteNivlacACEMissRememberMe4scoreand7skinsagovermillyMellenJacobDDwightFairfield 18 votes


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    The Trapper / The Wraith


    Hard to get kills with others when this is what you mostly play as anyway.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
    The Spirit / The Legion


    One of my fav killers, obviously I'm going to get better results with him.

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
    The Demogorgon / The Oni

    For me it's Oni i can play Oni pretty good and i 4k most of my games with him.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891
    The Spirit / The Legion

    Legion. I one-tricked Legion to rank 1 back when I actually used to play a lot.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732
    The Spirit / The Legion

    I love that you put the Spirit and the Legion together because they're the ones I get the most kills with lol. Spirit is insanely strong and easy to play for me, and Legion is the killer I have the most hours with probably so even if they're a bit weak in comparison I can still consistently kill due to my large amounts of experience with them :D

  • vermilly
    vermilly Member Posts: 10
    The Deathslinger / The Executioner

    Cowboe man is really fun to play as and rewarding when you play right, I haven't been playing this game long enough but he was the initial killer that made me a part of the community to begin with.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    Freddy, even though I don't have loads of games with him under my belt. I just seem to have better matches with him. Doctor was the other possibility for me.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    The Plague / The Ghost Face

    Ghost Face main tried and true, no one ever expects a crab walking Ghost Face behind them. And then they're exposed and everybodys ######### themselves. I adore it.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487
    The Plague / The Ghost Face

    I find Vommy Mommy to be reliable. If I have a challenge like "kill all survivors by any means," she's the one I feel most confident can do it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,292
    The Spirit / The Legion

    The Shape / The Ghost Face all 4 them

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    Billy, Freddy and Spirit

  • SkullKid
    SkullKid Member Posts: 46
    The Shape / The Hag

    My girl lisa.

    But I'm a decent wraith too

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903
    The Shape / The Hag

    Hag is 4k city. Her traps make it really hard for the last survivor in the EGC too. I'm starting to get good with Nurse, but I'm way more consistent with Hag. Spirit is up there too, but still, if I'm looking for a 4k, it's gotta be Hag.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,043
    The Doctor / The Huntress

    I used to be a Pig main but now I main Doctor since I get much better results with him than any other killer. I play all the killers btw.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Trapper was the first person I ever got a 4k with, but now I wanna shift to Ghostface cuz I am a Rank 4 survivor and Rank 20 killer, so I have the ability to do so ^^

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    The Plague / The Ghost Face


    I honestly consider him 3rd best after Nurse and Spirit because of how fast he is at getting a snowball. his power is great both out of chase (stealthily marking) and in (no red stain and you can get some stalk off mid chase)

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259
    The Deathslinger / The Executioner

    Pig is a close second, but I demolish with Pyramid Head.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    The Shape / The Hag

    I've been getting better with Myers to the point where I get consistent 3ks with him.

    Why 3ks? Because good Christian boys give hatch :-)

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    Freddy never fails at what he does.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    The Hillbilly / The Nurse

    The nurse. You just blink and they die.

  • LonelyBananana
    LonelyBananana Member Posts: 11
    The Spirit / The Legion


  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 413
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    Nightmare im amazed how many times survivors try to treat him like a M1 killer when they are in the dream world easy kills lol

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,188
    The Shape / The Hag

    Hag Team represent!

    Let's show them what the good lady is worth.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    The Doctor / The Huntress


  • Yffriium
    Yffriium Member Posts: 140
    The Pig / The Clown

    Pig's toolkit just perfectly suits my playstyle. She's so fun and powerful.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259
    The Shape / The Hag

    Hag, though most of my Myers games go pretty well also!

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,709
    The Hillbilly / The Nurse


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    The Shape / The Hag

    The Hag is actually my most lethal killer. However, still I do well with most (except Nurse and Billy).

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    The Shape / The Hag

    For now, Hag proves to be the most viable killer for me, as I get either 4k or 3k and hatch 99% of the time with her.

    Demogorgon is on the second place, because I main him. But for more precise and correct info, I'm currently working on writing down my killers' statistics after every match (10 matches for every killer) in order to be able to make my own objective tier-list about the killers which I'm the most productive with. When done, it will be posted on forum.

  • The Spirit / The Legion


    When I first started I didn't like most of the first Killers you get because I can't preplan for ######### with Trapper, Wraith is pretty cool, Hillbilly I find kinda meh, Nurse was cool but hard (and still is cause I suck), and I don't like Huntress in general. So I just kinda looked around for new killers and was like "Oooh Edgy Teenagers" and instantly fell in love.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    The Trapper / The Wraith

    Wraith. His play style compliments mine very well, so it's the one I play with less effort.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    The Hillbilly / The Nurse

    Well nurse it is.

    Depending on the amount of sweat and how dirty i am willing to go, i can simply 4k.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616
    The Trapper / The Wraith

    It's actually split pretty okay, only Demogorgon/Oni is really behind.

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    New bubba is my boy

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    The Doctor / The Huntress

    I'm best with Huntress, but I found out that I'm decent with Nurse.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797
    The Deathslinger / The Executioner

    4k streak (excluding hatch escapes) with Pyramid Head, 22 matches and climbing!

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830
    edited October 2020
    The Doctor / The Huntress

    My girl Huntress, who doesn't love getting crossmap hits and then people calling me a cheater ^.^

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155
    The Pig / The Clown

    Pig by far gets me the most kills even if she sucks. Just so happens my build for her low-key does suck and relies heavily on 1 perk late game, NOED. My usual build on her is STBFL, BBQ&Chili, NOED, and 4th perk is interchangeable, like if I see keys and flashlight, I'd bring Franklin's or Lightborn, or if there's not too many items then I'll just bring Pop or something. Pig best killer to play ^...^

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,839
    The Pig / The Clown

    Pig is my lady. I'm not good at killer, but for some reason (that I am not skilled enough to understand) I do okay with Pig. I think it's a combo of slowing the game down and being able to stealth around a bit.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255
    The Trapper / The Wraith

    I'm a Trapper main. I play all the killers on rotation but when I need something done with a specific perk or you absolutely must die this round, I'm bringing out my Trapper with the best add ons and you're gonna be in for a wild ride.

    He's not the strongest, but I know survivors loops. I know where you're going to go. You'd better be ready.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392
    The Spirit / The Legion

    I personally find spirit's power fun and also fun to use so I've played her more than others. Sure you could say I only win because it's Spirit true yeah. I have other killers I really like too like the plague, trapper, huntress, though usually I get pretty bad games because I'm not so good.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    The Doctor / The Huntress

    My boy Doctor! Been playing him since 2017 and don’t plan on stopping. He was one of the reasons I actually bought the game.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422
    The Pig / The Clown


    I seem to be really good as her despite her being considered weaker. I play sloppy butcher for slow healing and then the traps also waste time. I also play ruin and surveillance, when I get undying as a teachable I'll use that but at the moment I just use BBQ

  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163
    The Shape / The Hag

    Hag is pretty is to pub stomp with if you know what you're doing.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,332
    The Trapper / The Wraith

    The Trapper is my main powerhouse. Mainly because of my unpredictable nature with trap placements and ability to "shepherd" survivors to those areas, I am able to do pretty well with kills. Killers which are more strategic than aggressive are the ones I play better at.

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    Bubba because hes stupidly easy

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    The Doctor / The Huntress

    I'm not 100% positive but I think Doctor has my best win rate maybe? His tracking is awesome and his anti-loop is good enough that it helps in a chase.

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare

    Surprisingly its a Bubba for me.

  • LEGO
    LEGO Member Posts: 4

    All of them, i can get the same amount of kills if i play enough with each killer

  • Rothlon
    Rothlon Member Posts: 18
    The Cannibal / The Nightmare


    He is way to easy to play, I don't have to think when playing him and normally get a 4k