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What non-meta perks do you like using and why? (Both sides)

Just interested in what perks people like running that aren't considered the "meta". Personally one of my favorites is fixated with how much it helps your stealth game and makes it easier to try and trick a killer

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  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Survivor: Babysitter - Tunneling is the one thing I hate running into Survivor, and so I like to use Babysitter to give anyone I rescue the best chance possible, even if it puts me in the line of fire (and for that reason I run the much more meta Decisive Strike)

    Killer: Surge. I leveled into it because a streamer who mains the Doctor, Archdruiddrey, used it in his build as a convenience perk and I've grown to really like using it myself after trying it out. Also, on the subject of convenience perks, I tried Bloodhound while running a couple of games on my underleveled Wraith and it was nice.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Yeah I hate running meta perks. I get why they're popular, but I like doing so much more. Personally I like to be the medic of the group, so I'll run We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Kindred, and maybe an exhaustion perk or WGLF for bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Bloodhound and sloppy butcher is a very underrated combo!

  • Member Posts: 891

    I love using Balanced Landing. I always pick gens and heal next to drop points so that I can dash away as soon as I need to.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    As Killer I like Devour Hope or Deathbound. People just don't expect it until they have an uh-oh moment.

    As Survivor I like Soul Guard and Botany Knowledge. They're just my comfy perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    • Kindred, Plunderer's Instinct and We're gonna live forever for extra BP.
    • Enduring, Tinkerer.
  • Member Posts: 832

    Killer: play with your food

    Survivor: Prove Thyself

  • Member Posts: 899

    I truly love spinechill. Not for stealth killers but it helps with that extra 6% vault speed believe it or not 6% is a big difference in this game. I also love it for playing against spirit half the stuff spirit pulls is easily nerfed by spinechill. and of course It helps against stealth killers as well as lullaby killers like Freddy in dreamworld and Huntress. Ive been running Break out and mettle a lot lately with an alexes with charges and sabo speed it has been great on the breakout end not so much the mettle one tho lol.

    I love agitation on the killer side Im all ears is good Save the best is a perk that i run on MOST of my M1 killers.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I'm a killer main so only killer for me

    Deerstalker is my unpopular perk that I like to run. I find myself slugging whenever I down someone and there's a second survivor in the vicinity, and a lot of times when that happens the person I slug crawls off to hide somewhere or I might forget the exact spot I downed them. Deerstalker can save up to 10-15 seconds looking for a downed survivor in those situations, especially if they're hard to hear for some reason (e.g. Calm Spirit, bad sounds) and that's both a convenience and extra time I can use to start a new chase. It's a go to "fill the last slot" perk for me if I don't have something else I'm itching to use, and if I'm running a slug oriented killer or build then I'm even more inclined to use it.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    As a killer I've been having withdrawls for not using shadowborn, I think that is underrated not sure tbh.

    As survivor I've been rocking pebble for a few weeks and plunders + ace.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2020

    Spies from the Shadows. Im absolute ######### at keeping track people and this perk has let me catch so many survivors i normally would have lost

    on survivor i cant play without Spine Chill.

  • Member Posts: 6,807


    Blood Pact - Really underrated perk. The way most obsession perks work makes this perk surprisingly reliable, and the speed boost is clutch.

    Autodidact- This perk sucks. Don't run it. Please help I'm addicted


    Surge and Forced Penance - But only on ghostface. He specifically synergieses really well with both perks, enough so to make up for them being usually poor picks.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Survivor- Pretty certain my build is non-meta, but I don't know. Autodidact for the quick heals, Blood Pact to help me find the person to heal/get healed, Calm Spirit cause I'm healthy and don't need a Doctor good sir (Plus protects from a few other things) and Detectives Hunch for totem Hunting.

    Killer- Probably Spies from the Shadows and Unrelenting. Spies always helps me find Survivors for some reason, guess a lot of Survivors don't think about it, and Unrelenting because I'm not perfect and whiff every now and again and if I have nothing else I see no reason not to. I only ever really farm as my Killer though as otherwise I stress myself out to much.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Survivor: Aftercare. The amount of information you get as a reward for your own skill really makes this perk something special. It forces you to get gud to get the most out of it.

    Killer: Blood Echo. I only run this on Demo. The amount of times people will try to bully you allows you to take advantage of this perk especially. That, and a good shred can be ruined by Dead Hard, and this is a counter to that.

  • Member Posts: 179

    Survivor : Resilience and Self Care are part of my normal solo queue combo. So I A. Don't have to rely on randos to heal me and B. Can choose when I want to apply my 9% speed buff towards something. Normally rushing one of the last gens or the exit gates.

    Killer : Dying Light. I know it's a tough snowball to get going but once it does boy look out. Especially since people keep flip flopping who the obsession is with DS. Means I can down someone, get DSed then immediately go after the previous obsession and kill them with no consequence.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited September 2020

    I've got a soft spot for Fixated. It's not really that good but I find it a "fun" perk to use.

    Most killers don't expect it and it lets you make some good jukes mid chase with no scratch marks.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I absolutely love using lightweight on survivor

  • Member Posts: 994

    Currently i use Bond - Detective - Kindred - Windows of Opportunity

    I don't like meta perks, so i don't use it.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Survivor: We'll Make It. I love the fast heals it offers.

    Killer: Spies From The Shadows. It's an excellent detection perk.

    I randomize everything anyway. There are so many perks to choose from, so may as well learn how to make the most of them all.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I recently started using Hope and Fixated. Walking looks extremely hilarious in End Game. It's like the Character needs to go to the toilet asap.

    As Killer probably Mad Grit, Agitation. I pretty much never use it but it's meme'y.

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