To PS4 User's what's with the amount of SC?

I mean I used it too a while ago but yet, I learned to play without and I don't miss it. I mean okay you can heal yourself but it takes much more time. I don't want to dictate what should you play and what not but instead of SC why not using bond for heal's?.
Ngl thought this was about spine chill at first and was thoroughly confused.
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Same bruh same
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Xbox player here I unironically used to use botany knowledge and self care as a build
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Maps are darker and in the case of xbox one the resolution is horrific while the killer is handicapped by the slow controls and framerate. This gives survivors time to heal and urban evade around while still being able to win.
I played this on my launch day xbox one through game pass and i literally could not see Claudette because it was 720p or less and pitch black. It was like the old days with map brightness offerings.
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I've just been avoiding cross play for this reason, it's really disheartening to run a killer for like literally 5 minutes and nothing get done, when I'm on PC and I do those kind of runs all the gens are popped and we're out the door but when I play with console players they just hide, self care in a corner , or just play like total bots in general and never help the team, I have a few friends on console from playing PS4 that are actually really good but the majority not so much , this is why cross play stays off for me I'd rather not play a game where you spawn in and your team is already trying to wait the hatch
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I don't play with self care but i would say that healing with bond is pretty much the same like self caring since you waste 16 seconds of your time and the survivor who is healing you.
Zero difference.
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Because PS4 is full of potatoes. Before Cross-Play I only ever got boosted Red ranks in my matches and every time, they'd stand in a corner and Self-Care or refuse to be healed so they could go do it themselves. I even ran Empathy for a while to try help people but nope. It got to a point I stopped healing people because they were just making zero effort to do anything but self-care. With Cross-Play I still see it from some PC players and Xbox/Switch, but far far less.
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Because many teams are very unreliable. They’ll refuse to heal you when they come across you.
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Woops. I didn't though about it 😂
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The difference is with bond you can go bang out a gen before you heal, be productive, avoid sandbagging, and determine if someone is in a chase , with self-care you spend time getting away and then healing in more than likely an unsafe area, you're not doing an objective, it takes a longer time, if the killer has nurses you're a immediate target because they know you prefer staying healed and need that extra hit in a chase they will 100% take advantage of you having that perk if they know you're using it by smacking you just so you'll hide and waste time without being productive
It's a very big difference my friend
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Not quite zero difference. No time spent finding each other, then going your seperate ways afterward to your goals. For a single heal, SC is more efficient. This does not mean it's always the best play to burn 32 sec to heal. But it's certainly not always the worst play, either.
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Killers,will always take a free hit.Doesn't matter if you have SC or not.
SC is a decent perk,but it requires game sense to know when to use use it and when not but most people playing with SC lack that kind of game sense.
It's like saying Dead Hard is bad because 99% of people using that perk waste it and just die.
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You're right.Totally forgot about that.
You just have to know when to use it and when not.
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Nice generalization btw
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I normally use self care as back up if I can find someone to heal me I wouldn't use it much unless they 2 of us left and other 1 getting chased or if I can't find them.
but a lot of time I'm in solo match survivors don't want to get off gens to heal me so I heal myself.
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I'm on PC but i don't think the platform really matters here.
I used Self-Care for a long time and recently started using medkits instead. I still usually use Self-Care if I bring a different item or go itemless.
But I've always considered using Bond for heals a bad idea for several reasons:
- If you spend more than 16 seconds looking for an available teammate you waste more time than with Self-Care. By saying "available" I mean one who isn't chased, downed or hooked.
- There might not be an available teammate at all. They can all be downed, hooked, chased, dead or just be toxic jerks who won't give a damn about healing you.
- While someone else heals you they are distracted from a gen. It's also more effective for everyone to do separate gens so I'll just heal myself and hop on one.
- It's a minor thing but you get points for healing yourself but not for being healed. Yeah, it's a bit selfish but I don't care really.
Generally the reason is that Bond is not very reliable and makes you dependant on others. Which is not a good thing if you're playing solo and if you're SWF you don't need Bond as you can just tell others where you are.
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I don't think this os a problem with ps4 specifically, since crossplay came everyone seems tu be turned into a potato. I run the killer for 5 min with a lobby full of pc players, nothing gets done, this happens as well when the lobby is full of console players and when i opt out of crossplay, don't know why, solo was already miserable before but this is insane.
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Well I'm PS4 so I just call it like I see it is all. It was literally all I got in my lobbies before Cross-Play got activated
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I assume this observation is from crossplay? If so how do you know they are PS4 and not Xbox?
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I like buff to SC like in chase it is like it is now but out of chase it like using a medkit but only out of chases.
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I didn't say I never got them, I literally state in the 2nd sentence boosted was all I got. I don't touch SWF. Solo player.
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Sorry I totally misread what you said there.
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Np, it happens. No hard feelings 😄
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That's why, solo is a ######### show on console and it always has been, not saying solo players are bad because there are really good solo players out there but most of the top tier survivors will swf just so they don't have to deal with any of what you're saying , not saying you have to swf and I get why you don't but there are more potatoes on solo
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I'd personally rather run all the sc alternatives. Kindred, Bond, Inner strength and Empathy would all give you more bang for your buck.
As far as Bond being equal to SC time usage wise, people often dismiss that the bond user is now at a gen (most likely) with that other person, and now the two of you can bang out that gen even faster (especially with PT).
Self care is just ok.. it's a dream come true for any killer with nurse's calling. Inner strength not so much.
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I know what youre talking about, i play on console and i dislike the amount of self care gamers i see. I have all perks and a long time ago found out there were much better alteratives to self care.
Like its on okay perk i suppose, but i see people that say they have to run self care otherwise they think theyll lose.
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Doesn't matter what platform you are on it's still a generalization
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Inner strength is good but a lot people run it which then we run out of totems.
I run SC as backup you have any idea what it like to point at a survivor to heal me who on a gen ignoring me.
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@Mikeasaurus You are incorrect, I am clearly a hotdog! But to your point, I HAVE been noticing a lot of survivors running away to do SC. I run after them anyway, screaming into the ether, 'Let me HEAL YOU! I NEED POINTS TO PIP!'
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Though I fully understand, and agree with, your numbers, I think you leave out a huge factor here. Most of the time, when I see someone actually self-caring, it is at key moments when there is someone on a hook, or a pivotal moment where the match could go either way and one more person a gen means victory. But, some survivor is in a corner self-caring and all goes to crap. They usually get hatch though....good job. lol
Self-care can be useful. It can be efficient, but is rarely ever used in an efficient manner. Nearly every self-care user I've seen as killer is the weak link in the team. I make sure to keep injuring them, but not chasing them. I know they will run to a corner to self-care and I can get a 2nd person off of gens. They are more often than not a detriment to their team.
That said, what can you do about it? Nothing.
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Because you going on the hook again after a 10-20 second chase is irrelevant if the gens get rushed in 4 minutes. you and everyone else will probably get out alive.
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great do what people bad word about
second chance perks abused by both sides tho survivor got a lot more of them
Op killers
these thingd don't help the game more then hurt it but be told to use them anyways.🤥
people like you are why people run self care thanks for your input
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People claiming self care takes so much longer than being healed by a teammate make me really sad about the obvious decline in mathematics education.
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You're running a killer for literally 5 minutes but somehow your team keeps getting injured and having to use self care so no gens are getting done while you're doing your spectacular work? Sure Jan.
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As a ps4 player I never understood it myself I wish they would atleast be smart with it and not use it on legion or sloppy but can’t fix potatoes
I feel SC is a good perk it’s just outshined by the fact medkits exist and are the best item in game currently so Idk why they don’t just run that instead
No one can say they don’t have atleast one brown kit either lol
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Yea because it's impossible for them to get chased before me right? And when I get chased console players who are in the lobby most of the time don't do anything they're either self caring or waiting for the hatch and not on gens , you can take that attitude and talk to someone else I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you , I have cross play off just so I can have a real team that knows how to play end of story
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No attitude. Even if they are chased before you and then you're running the killer for literally 5 minutes, that is one long ass self care they are doing. Or perhaps your chases seem longer in your head than they truly are.
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Or perhaps they just hide like bots until someone goes down before they feel safe doing anything, I didn't say they did it the whole five minutes that's you making assumptions, I made a few different references to what happens not just self-care , unless you're in my game watching it happen you really can't make a statement on how the games are because you aren't even there, I really don't care if you believe me or not truthfully I was just stating my experiences with console compared to PC and it's a no brainer for a PC player to keep cross play off for an enjoyable survivor experience