Which is the most FUN killer to use? Voting updated daily

Ok, not with who do you get a 4k and obliterate the survivors, but the real question, WHO DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST PLAYING AS CAUSE OF HOW THE KILLER IS MADE? WHO DO YOU HAVE MORE FUN PLAYING AS?
For me it's 2 killers, GF and the Oni, I have tons of fun playing as those, a bit of a big learning curve for both, but once you know how to play as them they feel amazingly fun. I can 4k with them now with no problem, and I have a blast using them.
2 killers I can actually say outloud "THANK YOU DEVS"
EDIT: I'll capture comments and votes per killer on this thread (last stats update 04/09/2020, 09:19 am, 69 votes)
GF and pig. Ghostface to tea bag with survivors and pig to boop the snoot.
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I agree on GF, but Pig? Maybe I just haven't given her the chance and I don't know how to properly use her.
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T3h cl0wnz z0mfg!
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Pig. If you know what to do, and don't go up against a fully coordinated squad, the sheer chaos of gameplay is just delightful.
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Myers and Leatherface. Both have been captured well, and I have a lot of fun being them.
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Deathslinger and Doctor, because I just like them in general,their sound design for one I think the two of them have the best in this game, And the 2 of them have a very enjoyable gameplay style in my opinion. If you were to ask who I can consistently do well with it would be Doctor and Huntress however, the fact that when I first started playing i basically just played huntress for killer is why I dont find her as enjoyable despite performing better, just kinda burnout yaknow.
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Daddy Myers for me. I love making survivors believe in the boogeyman.
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My most ignored answer to these questions: I enjoy playing Robbie the Rabbit. It's just fun killing in that mascot outfit.
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Freddy and Doctor. They bring absolutely the most flavor to the game and really strike terror through the screen into the player behind the survivor. I enjoy Freddy and Doctor games the most on both sides.
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Wraith immediately comes to mind. Loads of ways to screw with people. From instantly exploding pallets to jumpscaring with silent bell.
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Legion?! Really?! You enjoy Legion just cause of a skin?!
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For the most part yea 🤷♂️
But then again I never play Legion the way most predict.
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Demo above all
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My top two are Legion and PH.
Running people down and getting nice multi stabs is probably one, if not THE most fun I’ve had as a killer. Unfortunately Legion is poopoo and is more of an annoyance than an actual killer against better survivors.
PH I just feel incredibly intimidating and he’s fun for me because it feels like I can just “flow” with him I don’t know if it makes sense. But Once you get RoJ down and just start caging and chasing and gen busting with him it flows. Whereas with other killers I find it to be an abrupt halt in between power usage and chasing/hooking on to the next one type of deal
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Oni is really fun how he drifts.
I also enjoy pyramid head because of free mini mori
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Demogorgon. He's just spooky to play against, and really fun to play as.
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Only to boop the snoot
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Ghost Face is for me. I love mind gaming at loops. I love stalking unsuspecting survivors and downing them without issue. I love getting cheeky gen grabs.
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The Doctor is fun
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The Blight
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I'm noticing a trend about who isn't here.............
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If you never boop the snoot are you really a pig main?
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Does it start with an "N" or the one with a "T"? LMAO
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That is a very subjective question.
Personally, I find Trapper the most fun and the most rewarding. Why? It is a very cerebral killer. Trying to outsmart players with crafty trap placement is what makes it fun. Sometimes a trap is not meant to trap you, it is meant to shorten the loop so I can down you - or keep you from running that loop. "Oh, he placed a trap in the open here, no way I'll fall for that." But, you run to the nearby unsafe pallet where I finish the chase. Thanks. :)
Other than that - Pig. And yes, I allow the booping of the snoot. Matter of fact, if the game has been relatively toxic-free and you boop the snoot, there is a good chance you get hatch. Or - I let you death race for it (I down both near an exit, open the exit and scoop the loser). Not sure why I find Pig fun. Her stealth is a joke (I can't see crap in stealth! and everyone can see me!). Her RBT are such a wildcard you can't depend on them at all. But.....I still enjoy her.
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Huntress is the most satisfying for me when I do well with her (frame rate doesn't usually like to play nice though).
But Wraith and Leatherface are my go-to's for more casual play. Simple powers with fun add-ons, and I really like their character models.
Ghost Face is actually my least favorite killer because of how infrequently his power ever seems to work as intended...
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Leaving this comment here for me to know where the last update of the post's voting was
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Bubba is fun due to simplicity. wraith can be fun for mind game and suprises.
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Pig and Legion.
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I would maybe say Oni because his far one of the most rewarding killer to play as. He punish survivors for any lethal mistake which let him snowball from there on.
Huntress is one of the most rewarding killer to learn next to Nurse, a good Huntress player that can consistently hit crossnipes and long shots hatches can make the trials very spicy for both sides.
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I quite enjoy getting a good shock-stun and hitting the survivor in the pallet they can't drop as doctor. Very satisfying.
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where my billy mains at?? oh wait they left
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i generally like all killers that have a unique chase ability.
so my vote is gonna be eigther Trapper, Deathslinger or Pyramidhead.
hard to say, but id say PH is the most fun to play? its really satisfying when you hit a great snipe on someone through a wall.
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Thread updated till this comment
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The devs killed the killer?
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Hag is my favourite by far. I like the gameplay of planning ahead and then seeing my plans pay off (or not...). I also just think teleportation traps are a cool idea that I had never seen before in a game.
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Demo is awesome to play.
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Freddy incites salt and hes fairly easy and fun to play. I love it.
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I'm a huge Trapper fan... yeah, I know he's basically Claudette in a mask as far as being an effective killer on some maps, but I enjoy his playstyle. And nothing quite beats the feeling of a survivor falling into one of your cleverly placed traps. It isn't always about getting a 3-4 kill.
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Exactly. Kills and pips simply don't matter to me. I like to play scratched mirror Myers just for the jump-scares it lets me do. Same with silent bell Wraith. Heck, as Leatherface if I could 4k I sometimes let the last one escape and force a tantrum or spin around as the chainsaw swings, just because that's typically how his films end.
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I find playing Pig lots of fun. I feel like a criminal mastermind making survivors play my game of luck with my RBT. Unfortunately, it's incredibly rare when someone dies with the traps, so this is a huge letdown. Other than that, I think that Doctor and Plague are the most fun.
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Billy and Bubba feel REALLY good after their latest change. Close to them is GF, but sometimes his stalking acts... weird...
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Pyramid Head. Getting well predicted hits through walls is always satisfying, plus I just love him as a character.
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Hag is really satisfying if you know what you're doing.Same with Oni
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Wraith. Hit&Run is extremely fun