Thailand Killer Seems Love to Hacking System to make His Add On Infinite

Hello DBD developer, please take a look to all thailand player it seems so many cheater and hacker. they make their add on so infinite so they can play easily to kill survivor. It is not common sense you play with devotion 6 but can make add on rieach to higher than 200.
- No naming and shaming
- That is actually pretty possible, he just needs to have been playing a lot and hoarding a lot of add-ons. Regardless, it does look suspicious.
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I mean, Devotion 6 at Level 98. That's 698 levels gained. Anyone could amass that amount of Add-Ons without using them in that much playtime. Doesn't mean they got hacked into the game.
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Here’s my add ons, devotion 7 it’s not hard to amass add ons. No hacking needed.
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I have like 50 Mother Daughter Rings on Spirit and I both use them on a somewhat regular basis and don't dump all my BP into Spirit.
Umbra has like 1200 Iri Heads on Huntress.
This doesn't seem unreasonable if he dumps all his BP into Hag.
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Based on Devotion level, and since we don't know where they've put the BP over their play time, this does not mean a hack. It is 100% doable if they dump regular BP into Hag.
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If you suspect someone of hacking, you can report them in-game and using support:
Player reports are not accepted on the forums.
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Well if they ONLY spent bps on hag and got those perks from shrine, then maybe.
But then again I highly doubt it.