Make totem spot's better and harder to find

I cannot count how many times my totems were destroyed after 20-30 seconds of the match.

It makes hex perks like ruin and devour hope useless

Totems should never spawn near a gen. And some totems spot shouldn't even exist like:



  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530


  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Unfortunately, they've tried it several times and each time it hasn't worked. I've given up on hoping.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Actually they did on the new and reworked maps. They need to rework the old ones or just make graphic update and change totem spots.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Yes, it takes an entire map rework. We know that, but their speed at reworking maps is sloooooow, thus my lack of hope.

  • Slamadam
    Slamadam Member Posts: 53

    tbh totem spawns on new maps are kinda ok. guess the old ones get updates once they are up for the general graphic updates that are comming

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Asylum needs a rework asap, it has broken loops and bad totem spawns

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    Hiding the totems would mean only good Survivors could find them and we know the game is not balanced around good Survivors.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Have you seen those totem spawns that i posted? Only blind person wouldn't see it.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522
    edited September 2020

    Yes, and that's how BHVR wants it, they want the game easy for bad Survivors, the Ruin nerf notes made that clear.

    I had this one last night, ridiculous:

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2020

    Well, to be fair, I did have a Ruin spawn in the open that a few nights ago on GF (Ruin/Surveillance combo). A rank 10 Claudette found it and I had to get her out of the match quickly before she cleansed it.

    Thankfully, they weren't SWF on comms, because the other three never found it, and there was even a generator in the general area. Post game, I saw that they were ranks 15, 13, 13.

    So, @shalo has a point. 🤣

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, they are absolutely terrible on some maps especially. A few simple guidelines for Behaviour that would really help to make totem perks more useful:

    1. Never put totem spawn locations anywhere close to generators, every totem should be at least 20 meters away from any generator.
    2. Always make them spawn somewhere where there is at least a decent amount of visual cover, instead of right in the open where they can easily be seen like the two pictures in the OP
    3. Get rid of totem spawns in locations like the killer shack which are commonly checked by players.

    These simple guidelines would go a long way towards making totem perks more useful.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    There are also good Totem Spots, but nobody talks about them. Probably because Survivors dont complain about stuff like that on a constant basis like Killers do.

    This is on Storehouse on one of the walls of the Storehouse. Without the Map, I would not have been able to find it:

    Totem Spots on new and reworked Maps are sometimes insane. In the end, Hex-Perks should be a risk/reward, you can have a Hex-Totem next to a Gen or so hidden that it does not get found for minutes.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I think they meant that if all totem spawns looked like lerys/hawkins/midwich/saloon, some of these would just never be found. Or only found by those invested enough to memorize all the others.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    I only don't want them to spawn near gens and in open place

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2020

    I have noticed that totem spawns are much better on some maps than others. Lery's/Hawkins/Midwich/Saloon/The Game/Haddonfield/Badham/Swamp tend to be the maps where totems last a decent amount of time, while the worst realms for totems by far are Crotus/Coldwind/Autohaven/MacMillan/Red Forest/Ormund. Yamaoka kind of falls right in the middle, some spots are good, while others are very obvious and easy to find.

  • moimv
    moimv Member Posts: 12

    Yeah those dead zones spawns are dumb, those need a rework rn. I main survivor and i feel bad for a killer when i spawn in the map in front of ruin. When i play killer i don't run hex perks because i feel like is a wasted perk slot because of this.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    They have been steadily improving hiding spots with newer maps and map reworks. Sometimes finding a hex on Dead Dawg Saloon is headache inducing.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    It doesn’t matter how well the totems are hidden, the survivors will adapt to the new locations and find them.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2020

    They are high-risk-high-reward depending on the Hex. Provided you can move out of range before the unhook so you get a stack, Devour Hope lets you insta-down after 3 unhooks, and fatality after 2 more unhooks.

    If even one dull totem is left on the map, NOED can allow a killer to snowball in the endgame, be it in a match where everyone was hooked twice already, or as a consolation prize after being looped for 5 gens and the killer was on the ropes.

    The Third Seal isn't exactly great but never underestimate how impactful not having auras can be if survivors are not coordinated.

    I definitely think totem spawns should be hidden a little better but it's hard to argue the hex perks themselves are weak. There's perks that shouldn't be a hex though like Huntress Lullaby and Retribution.

    EDIT: I also want to bring up Devour Hope and Huntress Lullaby in terms of Hex design. Both require 5 hooks pretty much. Devour only gives a stack when you're a certain distance away when the survivor is unhooked, (so death-hooks and in-your-face unhooks don't count) and Huntress Lullaby gives stacks for any ol' hook.

    So for about 5 hooks, one makes skill checks harder and adds extra regression on failed skill checks, the other lets you instadown on 3 unhooks and mori on 5 unhooks. Huntress Lullaby needs a buff or not be a hex perk anymore. We need more hex perks that are extremely strong if ignored like Devour Hope.

    Post edited by Toybasher on
  • Hollyleaf12
    Hollyleaf12 Member Posts: 37

    I don't think that they care if good survivors know the spots as much. Its just frustrating when your hex perk spawns on the totem in the middle of an open field with no cover.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited September 2020

    The Dead Dog Saloon (Grave of Glendale) has some of the best totem locations and it's actually occasionally hard for me to find all 5 of them even while being aware of most of their spawns (Especially with the hidden box spawns near Gallows and Edge of Map Dead Zone sometimes). They did make a lot of the totem locations harder to find on many of the old maps but I think it's a work in progress until it gets to this level

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I tried PTB on rework maps (Springwood, Yamaoka). Since grass, plant are more dense. I see it a decent buff for Trapper/Hag with Hex

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I imagine nobody talks about the "good" spots because most survivors assume their idiot teammates were just blind (which is the case like 50% of the time) or, even more likely, they die and leave the match before it's over so, depending on the hex in question, they might not even be aware it happened. Alternatively, they found it... therefore probably didn't think it was some incredibly hard-to-find spot. If you can destroy a killer's entire perk slot, it should at least not be sitting out in the open right next to a generator. Which it is way more often than it should be.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Another big improvement would be to remove the crackling fire sound that the totems make. The vast majority of the time I find them it isn't because I saw them, it's literally because they are so freaking loud that you hear them as you run by. Too much of a giveaway.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    What would hiding them "better" do? You realize survivors would quickly memorize the new totem locations and just check them every time, like they already do? I do at least.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,869

    They really have vastly improved the totem spawn locations over time. Remember when they would sit on top of hills like a lighthouse? Sure there are maps that need better spawn locations but let's give them credit where credit is due.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Totems spawns are the reason why I usually don't like running hex perks.

    Now that blight is coming out, hopefully, undying will fix some issues. At least they'll have to cleanse the 5 totems to get rid of hex perks.

    Once, I thought a solution that the devs could do to fix this, which is fairly..."easy" to implement.

    1: For each map, you create a long list of fixed totem spawn positions.

    2: When the match starts, 5 totems spawn in 5 random positions, given that list of positions per map.

    In order for this to work, the list of positions should be long enough so people can't easily remember all the positions.

    I think that this simple fix, would be an improvement.

  • Lascivar
    Lascivar Member Posts: 41

    There's been a lot of totem improvements, this was from 2018:

    I don't think I've seen that kind of thing in a while. lol

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    I mean, sure, the open spot on Disturbed Ward should not happen at all. But when I look at a map like Autohaven, it is inevitable that Totems (Dull or Hex) spawn next to Generators, because there are not many structures/junk where you can hide them in. So more "clean" maps will have easier Totem Spots than Maps which were fairly new and have more stuff distributed on the Map.

    They said that Totem Spots are an ongoing process and they have improved quite a lot. But it is a lot more work than simply placing them on a different spot, because on some Maps, there are simply no good hiding spots, even tho they can (and should) at least change the most obvious spots (like the one in the open on Disturbed Ward).

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    The fact you can take out a perk is always a risk to the killer.

    The way I see it, totems should always be well hidden in spots away from the gens. People will learn these so called insane spots you will only be able to find with maps anyways. The only difference it will make is that you will actually be forced to look rather than going to a generator, which is your only objective as a survivor so I'm not sure what else you're doing, and see a lit totem beside you or just casually being in the open when you're on your way to the gen.