Surge shadownerfed or bugged?

It doesnt show the explosion location anymore for me. Whats up with that?
Yeah, i noticed survivors no longer recoil from the explosion caused by surge. I'm guessing it's currently bugged.
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It seems fine to me when I use it so this definitely seems like a bug.
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I've experienced this multiple times as a survivor. Surge blows up gen and makes the progress go down, but my character still keeps working on the gen.
Surge does sometimes still shows the noise notification, but the fact that sometimes you don't and survivors can just keep stealth working on gens unless you also happen to be running surveillance to see the gen never went white makes an already weak perk hard to justify.
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as far as I know, you don't get the notification bubble if you are in a range where you can actually hear the generator exploding. You get the notification bubble only when you are far enough from them.
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As far as I am aware, it only shows the notification if it blows up on a survivor working on a gen.
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That wasnt the case before? And surge is already only 32m limited, like tf? Why making it even weaker? the notifcatino bubble and sound effect of an explosion should ALWAYS appear no matter how close you are.
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I dunno about generators but I can confirm noise bubbles have certain radiuses.
Someone fast vaulting or fast entering a locker only makes noise bubbles if the killer is reasonably close. No idea if it's greater than 32 meters. Blowing a generator via failed skill-check I am pretty sure is map-wide.
I know that the AFK crows, at 3 crows, makes a map-wide noise notification.
And it works in the inverse. If you're right next to a generator and it blows you won't get a noise notification.
Basically noise bubbles usually have both a "If you're too close, you won't get a notification" radius (Usually very close) and a "You're so far away, you won't get a notification." radius. I know vaults and rushed movements won't alarm the killer if he's very far away, but AFK crows are definitely map-wide, and I am pretty sure failed generator skill checks are also map-wide. No idea on sabo'd hooks but that seems to have a large radius. Thrill Of The Hunt notifications are map-wide.
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I had a gen on the otherside of a building on Haddonfield not give me a noise notification when it got surge'd.
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I always noticed the same behaviour, if that's what you're asking.
I'm not saying it's not a bug, I'm just saying I don't see any "shadow nerf", since it's like this from the start.
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You don’t get a bubble if you can see the action on your screen like while chasing a survivor and they vault.
All loud noise notifications are map wide.
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It has two issues. It doesn't always show the explosion if you're within a certain range and it doesn't always apply Surveillance on hit if a Survivor immediately clicks back on it.