Venting post RE: Phead

Seriously. Fix him camping cages. I get that they spawn across the map, but if he makes it there before the save and just doesn't leave, makes for an extraordinarily crappy game. I like pyramid head. I like his abilities. And he doesn't need to camp to secure kills if he's good, the cages need to change location instantly if he goes into a certain range and there's no other survivors there. Unhooks are -supposed- to happen until endgame. A round is completely crap for a survivor if they get 1 or 2 hooked in the early or midgame.
He cant see auras of cages anymore, how tf is this a huge issue?
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I don't think it's that big of an issue. At least not in my experience. But, you could down two people, send one to a cage, hook the other and BBQ will tell you where the caged person is. I guess it could be fair if the cage hides the caged from having their aura being read.
Although, whenever I hear about this kind of stuff, I can't imagine who goes to those lengths to be such a jerk. I personally have never seen a PH camp a cage.
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i also find this hilarious since this is what we had to deal with via face camping before pivot hooks were a thing, and people find it unfair NOW lmao
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Doesn't it leave if your too close to it? That kills face camping. Then the PH has to make an informed guess as to where it is and book it halfway across the map. I don't think thats worth counter DS and BT. Especially since it leaves gens wide open.
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His ranged attack reaches further than the detection area for the cage relocation, which is 5m. So, he can simply hold POTD just outside that and there's nothing that can be done except dead harding (and possibly ending up exhausted on the floor), because it can't be bodyblocked and BT/DS don't proc on cages.
Also, the cage is not always across the map. Geometrically, if the down happens in the middle, the cage can't spawn very far. The informed guess? Yes, you're indeed correct. It's an informed guess. Not unfailable, but not that hard to pull off either after a few hours of caging and getting a sense for the spawns.
We might not call it facecamping because he's not literally face-to-face. Call it 6m camping if you prefer.
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Thats fair, I didn't know the range was so short, thats pitiful. He still needs to be book it quite far in order to get it so I don't think its all that worse than standard camping.